Activity Points

  • Hi There everyone!

    Can anyone help me to calculate activity points. I am only in my 2nd week at Weight Watchers, and that is not covered until week 7, but I work out 5 days a week doing either the eliptical machine for 40 minutes or the stair climer for 30 minutes and the exercise bike for 15. I thought someone said that for every 20 minutes of exercise that is 1 activity point, but I need to know for sure. So does that mean if I am allowed 31 points in a day based on my weight then I can have 33 points instead!

    Any help you can give would be appreciated

  • tontoy - That is the old way of calculating activity points. There is a new way -- where you get a different slider type thing at your meeting. I can't really explain it but it goes by your weight, level of intensity, etc. Ask your leader for it -- if you are working out alot they should give you one.

    Good luck!

  • Hi Tara,

    How's it going girl? Well today I will get to finally meet my grandson, he is coming up from Virginia, he was born Sept 12th. Also I lost my hard drive in our latest ice-storm and I would appreciate it so much if you would re-send me the desktop hamburger points calculator. I promise you this time I will save it to floppy disk so you never have to send it again. My home e-mail is [email protected] Anyway, hope it's not too much trouble. Stop into the nest when you get a chance.

  • Tontoy

    Like Tara mentioned, there's a cardboard sliding rule for activity. But until you pick it up, the old way still works - 20 min per earned activity point.

    With the new activity card, depending on the level of exercise intensity and weight -- it seems you can earn even 2-3 points per 20 min based on the level of effort.

    BUT --- keep in mind if you have a body that's used to a high level of intensity... it may not feel like high level to you. You need to be realistic. I've found that even if the card indicated I have "earned" 7 points for an hour of high intensity workout... if I constantly used up all these points I'd gain weight, not lose it.

    If I work out for an hour high level, I count it for no more than 5 ponts. With this compromise, I find I can lose weight while using the extra points.

    hope this helps