To self conscious to exercise?

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  • I love to run, I know that sounds silly, what kind of 320 pounds woman loves to run? I have no idea why it makes me feel so great, it just does. Well I'm to self conscious to run the block in my neighborhood, to heavy to use a treadmill, to self conscious to use the public track. What do I do? I was thinking of running back and forth across my backyard, but I have such I small yard I'd have to make 500 trips. Anyone have any ideas?

  • As Nike says, Just Do It.

    Trite I know but when I first started going to the gym in 2004, I was probably more self conscious than you. I thought everyone would be laughing at the fat woman on the treadmill. But you know what - nobody paid any attention to me. They were too busy woking on them. And when I would see someone my size come in, I would cheer for them in my mind and keep doing what I was doing.

    Know that you may run into some people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to say or do somthing obnoxious but do they really matter? I think not. A few weeks ago, I was thinking about getting one of these as my personalized license plate.

    Do You
    B U

    Give it a shot. After all, you did say it makes you feel great right.
  • Nothing silly about loving to run!

    The vast majority of people who see you won't even consciously take note of you; most people are wrapped up in their own thoughts. Each person is the stars in his/her own mental movies, and strangers are just extras as far as most folks are concerned.

    Those who do notice you are probably thinking something like "cute shoes" or "that reminds me, I really should take a walk after lunch" or "more power to her." I see fellow walkers (I'm not in good enough shape to run, unlike you) as compatriots--people with a common interest to whom I say hello when I walk by, not people to judge or be judged by. I'm pretty sure most of the people I see feel the same.

    When I do feel self-conscious about walking, I think of the chubby strutting "haters gonna hate" kid from the animated gif. It sounds totally stupid, but...yeah. I am that kid. Haters gonna hate, but it won't stop me from strutting. (If you don't know the gif I mean, just Google "haters gonna hate" gif and he'll pop right up. )
  • You know, I felt kind of strange walking into Zumba class at 300lbs - especially when everyone else seemed so fit and in shape. But I just ignored the voices talking in my head and did it, and once I did it a couple of times I got over it.
  • I believe you would be an inspiration to many people. Sad, isn't it? The same people that would have something negative to say about you running would be the first to look at someone overweight and ask 'why won't you diet and exercise?' We are all trying to promote longevity and quality of life. With that in mind, people with negative opinions don't matter. I hope one day to be able to run, but I worry about my aging Look forward to reading and update. Best of luck!
  • I know exactly what you mean. I live in an apartment complex that has a small gym room... I hate going in when there are people in there and I regularly try to go when I know there probably won't be anyone there. I can't stand the thought of someone looking at me while I'm trying to work out. I can't stay focused when I think someone is watching me.
  • I am going to chime and say just do it. You're great for running I'm more into swimming (which I love) and getting into a pool in a swim suit stopped me from doing it for a while, but I just did it. I got the occasion curious look and then people stopped caring. I think it is was more about oh someone new walked in than anything else.

    I say put on your headphones and go do what makes you happy. Remember you are whats important. I also think most people will be impressed and inspired that you're out there doing your thing.

    Weird story...There is a show about kids at fat camp there is one girl who was 500 lbs and was down to 300 something when the show ended. At one point she did crunches as part of her exercise program. I have been kind of avoiding doing them because I thought I was too fat, whats the point, Im too heavy....and so on.

    After I saw her I got my behind down on the floor and did my ab work.

    My point here is you never know what people will think and it probably is way more positive than you think. I was reading something that said family and friends are harder on us than stranger, but someone else mentioned no we are probably the hardest on ourselves more than anyone else.

    Anyway all this to say, GO HAVE FUN DOING WHAT MAKE YOU HAPPY
  • Is this a treadmill you own or at a gym? I've only used ones at a gym and the limit was over 400.
  • AmandaMamma, the treadmill is my own, its pretty much a dinosaur, according to the manual the weight limit is 250.
  • I wish I had some good advice for you but I'm sorta in the same boat as you!

    Deep down, I know *most* people could care less about a 5'7 312 lb girl running down the street but the fact that even one person might be nasty is what holds me back.

    One thing that I have started doing here lately is going out for a jog with my dog & my trusty pepper spray after I get home from work. It's nice and dark with just enough overhead street light so I can see the sidewalk so I don't feel nearly as self-conscious as I do during the day. I never go out later than 6:30 or 7:00 though - the traffic dies down after that time and I don't like being out there ALL alone even if I do have the dog.

    Good luck!
  • Maybe you could try working out at the YMCA. I started going toward the end of September, and I've never had a problem with anyone staring. I think it's a little less intimidating than other gyms because there is such a variety of people who go there. I was 378 pounds when I started working out at the gym. I put it off so long because I was afraid of going by myself and of people looking at me. Everyone is really just focused on working out. I also thought I'd be intimidated by all the tiny girls, but I really don't see many. Mostly real-sized women. I find the girls who are there wearing full make-up with the pants that say "knockout" etc. on the butt kind of funny. I was terrified too when I saw how many buff guys were there working out, but they spend all their time checking themselves out in the mirrors! Bonus... it's hilarious to watch them strut around like peacocks looking at themselves. The fat chick at the gym is NOT the most embarrassing thing you'll see. Just focus on how good it makes you feel. Since I was too embarrassed, I wasted six months trying to workout at home. Don't get me wrong; any exercise is good, but I was amazed at how great it feels after I get done busting my butt with good exercise equipment and weights. Don't let this hold you back! Being overweight has the benefit of making us strong women. You can handle this!
  • Quote: AmandaMamma, the treadmill is my own, its pretty much a dinosaur, according to the manual the weight limit is 250.
    Hmm. That stinks.

    I thought of you today when I went to the rec center to work out. I've always been too scared to try jogging on the treadmill. That I couldn't do it or I'd lose my balance and fall. But today I did it. I tried it and I did some jogging intervals. You trying to face your fear inspired me to face mine and give it a whirl. maybe you can try soon too.
  • I am right there with the YMCA. I really like mine. If you dont have one I would try a soccer field at least I did. When there are no games most people gravitate towards trails, sidewalks, toys,or picnic tables. I live about a block away from my ex and I am deathly afraid of him seeing me. I know we should all face our fears but trying to lose weight and get healthy are enough. I dont want to think people are judging me either.
  • I feel the same way! We've been going to the gym for nearly 2 months now and I was thinking I'd like to start running on a treadmill when we go. (It's kind of weird. . . walking works and gets my heart rate up, but I almost feel like running would be easier? I don't know how to explain it.) I haven't tried it yet because I'm seriously worried about how loud I'll be when I'm running - I feel like when you're my size, your feet tend to klomp (for lack of a better explanation) down and opposed to being graceful. I'd also like to try an elliptical but I don't think I could do it for that long and I feel like people would look and thing, "typical" when I get off right away because I'm dying. Anyway, I know how you feel!!!
  • Natural: you might really like the elliptical. To me it feels sort of like a supported run. No clomping!