Weekly chat, 11th-16th

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  • New pages. Hope I've done it OK. Awwww nuts!!!! Got the dates wrong it should be 17th The simplest job, the simplest job and Jo can mess it up

    My thoughts are with you and Jim. Vickie. I know how worrying and tiring a time like this can be.

    Thanks Sandra. I need a good talking too about whinging! Today is a new week, slate is clean, nothing I can do about last week so just concentrate on an improvement this week

    I know this sounds silly, but I am helping out a pal on Wednesday. She is a creative writing tutor and runs an evening class for beginners aside to her daily job at the college. She is on holiday for a few days (Health farm) and has asked me to take the class on Wednesday. Like a nitwit I said yes and now I’m shaking in my shoes. The theme is timing which is particularly important in writing comedy. I’ve got a headache already! I only hope I do it justice and she doesn’t have to undo all the bad things I have told them.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Have to make this short as my friend Alice and I are going over to the Vineyard for the last time this season,and will spend most of the day there. Tomorrow morning & up to Wed I will be pretty mush busy that I won't be on the boards much. tomorrow I have t mass for Leo and than go to the cemetery and than have my car fixed from the recall they sent me weeks ago. The steering column is off and they are going to put in a new one in its place. Then on Wed I have my walking tour and followed by my canasta card party.

    JOJO-Thanks for starting us up this morning.JOJO relax you'll do fine at the class on Wed. maybe you can get some pointers from your friend before you take over here class, just a thought.

    Have to go and I see you guys next Thursday
  • Thanks for starting us this week JoJo. I don't understand why the board doesn't allow changes in the title of the new threads, but it doesn't. Don't fret: we know what you meant.

    Maryann, have fun.

    Vickie, I'm so sorry to hear about Jim's health concern. I'd be very nervous too.

    Nancy, I've had my oatmeal and I plan to eat it everyday for breakfast this week.

    The doggie got me up at 5:20AM and I'm going to go back to bed for a while. After having been up at essentially the same time of the morning two of the last three mornings, I didn't appreciate her doing that today!

  • So I was down at JC but still .4 heavier than my ticker. I'm not changing it because I intend to be back there next week.

    Now Jim's bun/creatinine are elevated. Sigh. Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. They mean a lot to me.
  • JoJo, please PM me the name of one of your writings. I want to buy a copy. Let us know how the class goes. I know you'll do great--and the students will enjoy hearing what you have to say.

    As to messing up something? My nickname all my life has been "Little LuLu" because of all my antics. However, I think I have grown into "Lucy" aka "I Love Lucy" Lucy. I can mess up even the easiest things--without much effort. You and I should get together. Well, maybe not. We might be dangerous together.

    Maryann, what all do you do at the vineyard? Are there shops?

    Rhonda, I'll bet you and Doyle are glad to be home even though you had a fun trip. Curtis has a brother who lives in Albuquerque. We haven't been in a few years.

    Vickie, congratulations on having your weight down at Jenny's. What does "Now Jim's bun/creatinine are elevated." mean? When will he find out what's going on? I know you are worried. I wish there was something I could say or do to make everything better.

    I kept the grands today as schools were closed. We met PaPa (Curtis) for lunch then spent time at a local park. After that we watched a movie. Well, I watched some of it with my eyes closed.

    Now I'm home getting ready for my OA meeting tonight. Ya'll have a good evening. I'll be back tomorrow.
  • Rhonda ...
    I really like your idea about the meal breakdown.
    The shake would be an easy thing to carry with me

    Maybe I can alternate oatmeal & eggs for breakfast.
    Or oatmeal & an egg white.
    Then the shake for lunch and
    a heathy recipe , salad or lean cuisine for dinner.
    Sounds like something I am going to try.

    Does oatmeal stick with you ?? I will try it but I seem to need
    protein in the am.
  • Hey chickies, I just got home from my Bible study. I'm not doing well with my eating. I don't know if I can do the Nancy/Rhonda plan, but I need to do something. I've got a weekend with friends planned, so I'll be eating whatever our hostess makes. I'm sure there will be "adult beverages", too.

    Sandra, I used to show my dd "Little Lulu" videos. We loved them! Your day with your grands sounds fun.

    Rhonda, sounds like you had a good time in NM.

    Vickie, I'm praying for you and Jim. Keep us posted.

    Maryann, I'm interested in hearing about the vineyard, too.

    Nancy, let us know how the Nancy/Rhonda plan works. Are you still job hunting?

    Jojo, I'm interested in reading some of your work, too. If you don't mind sharing, can you send me a private message? If I am prying, you can send me a private message and tell me to mind my own business

    GTG get ready for bed. TTFN
  • Well, we seem to be getting all four seasons in one day here. Last night was winter, this morning it is spring and no doubt, lunchtime will be fall.

    We are still clearing out clutter prior to decorating.. prior to moving etc, etc. We have lived here for so many years and have been very happy but boy, have we collected some rubbish and it has to be said, found stuff we thought we'd lost years ago!

    We are not rushing decorating, just taking it slowly and hope to have the house on the market in spring. I think it's important to sweat it out here before moving, because we'd only take all our emotional baggage with us. As it is we will still be sad, but ready for our lives to go down a new track.

    I've finished making all the Christmas cakes and puddings we give as Christmas presents so that's a weight off my mind.

    I have sold my bee hives to the farmer on whose ground I keep them. It is a symbiotic relationship: my bees pollinate his crops efficiently, and I get lovely honey. I’m decluttering my life as well as the house and don’t really want the responsibility of the hives any longer
  • Nancy and Rhonda, I wish you the best of success with your eating plans. I don't think I could do it. I'm still "sugar-free", though, and that's something for me to have done. I'm on Day 126.

    Sloan, Curtis and I are having an adult beverage tonight. (It's also known as a Fuzzy Navel)

    JoJo, we downsized when we moved back to Texas from Montana. I was thinking of your honey. Has it helped you with allergy problems? We try to get local honey to aide with our allergy problems.

    Today I was subbing in high school architectural design (computer classes). One class was a little too loud while their computers were booting. I told them to use "Inside Voices, please." They got quiet. I told them I had babysat with young granddaughters the day before and was embarassed about saying "Use inside voices." I was surprised no one laughed when I said it. I think it sort of tickled them, though. I will have them again the 22nd. Guess I'll be careful to use my "talking to young adults" voice.

    Curtis and I had dinner out as soon as I got home from school. That's the best help for my staying OP. Life is good.
  • Hi chickadees! It finally rained here after several weeks with no rain. It was really nice and kinda made me sleepy all day. I'm home now and sitting on the couch. I'm counting the days until my "girls' weekend". Woohoo!

    Sandra, don't feel bad about telling the students to use "inside voices". I sometimes tell mine to sit on their "bunny tails" when they are out of their seats without permission I'm so glad you are enjoying subbing. Also, the fuzzy navel sounds delish!

    Jojo, it's really hard to leave a house that is so full of memories. I'm glad you are taking it slow.

    Vickie, are you and Jim hangin' in there? I'm still prayin'.

    Hey to the rest of ya!
  • Sloan, "Bunnie Tail"!! I love it!
  • Hi All:

    Well, I had breakfast tacos because I went to a breakfast meeting where they were served. I had two (white corn tortilla, stuffed with scrambled eggs) and fruit salad. I had yogurt for a quick lunch and less that 1/2 of a bar-b-qued chicken with cole slaw for dinner. I later had some wine and some rice crackers. Should have avoided the crackers, but they were so good. I'm drinking water now because I want to munch some more. I guess I haven't had enough food today.

    But, I'm hoping I'm off the plateau. My weight went all the way up to 186 at some point in August and it was 181 this morning.

    Nancy, the oatmeal--1/2 cup large flake cooked in 1 cup of skim milk-- with berries, and sometimes walnuts, will last me almost 4 hours, but sometimes only 3.

  • Rhonda, I love those rice cakes, too. I'm now using them to munch on during tournaments instead of Peanut M&M's.

    I'm making beef stir fry/brown rice for lunch. I'm hungry now, so I need to get off here and get started in the kitchen.
  • Hello all. I finally made it to FL on Sunday. Had a lot of things going on.

    I had to go to ER for angina. While they were taking my blood pressure I got this horrific headache, which they ignored. My bp was 223/101. I don't normally have high bp, so not sure what was going on. My husband was not home and my daughter insisted I go to ER. Anyway, I called my cardio dr, concerned about my pressure being that high. Left a message with his office. They never called me back, so I called the next morning. I told them I had an appt for next May, and wanted to cancel because I would not be returning to their office again. The nurse got on the phone and asked me to come in so they could check my bp. Needless to say, it was still pretty high, so the dr saw me and added yet another prescription. I love my dr, but hate that he never will get on the phone. I have only called his office once in 3 yrs. Had just had an angiogram and no blockages, so was really concerned about the bp. Anyway, ER said I was having artery spasms again.

    My husband is still in KY, with his parents. His mom is home from the hospital, and doing pretty good. He is coming here soon. I know he is torn, worrying about me and his mom. His sisters are not helping matters. I told him to just stay there. We can't afford him driving back and forth. It will be a 12 hr drive, now that we are going to be in Florida for the winter. Plus, he is not a young man and the drive is pretty hard. I know it was hard for me to make the drive here.

    Didn't mean to write a book, lol.

    I love steel cut oats for breakfast. I add chopped walnuts, sugarfree caramel syrup and cinnamon to mine. I make a batch and eat it through the week. A nice salad for lunch. Dinner is usually chicken, quinoa and black beans. I have grapes or apple for my evening snake. I have a glass of skim milk with lunch and dinner. I don't eat this every day, but it's typical.

    I'm not sure what is going on with everyone, but hope all of you are doing okay. I'll try to check in more often. My sis is here in florida and we've started walking this week. I walk the mile to her house and we walk back to my house and I drive her home. Hopefully she will build up the stamina to walk further, but I don't want to push her.

    Have a great day and I'll check back later.
  • Pam, I am so glad your doctor finally got you some help. Also glad you went to ER. That sounds like you were in a dangerous situation. So glad all worked out well for you. I know it's hard for you and your husband to be apart. Curtis and I are joined at the hip and have a difficult time when separated for very long. He actually has more separation issues than I do. I think it all stems from his being alone after he lost his other wife to ALS.

    Your oatmeal sounds good. I had Cheerios this morning. They aren't CORE but are low in calories. We had beef stir-fry for lunch. I'm thinking a good salad for dinner.

    Enjoy your walks with your sister. Curtis and I have begun taking walks around our new pastureland.