I'm sick of HEADACHES!

  • So, I've had headaches my whole life, as far back as I can recall. The type and quality of the headaches varies;
    I have what I call my "hormone" headaches, associated with my menstrual cycle, I have the standard tension/stress headaches, I have dehydration/low blood sugar headaches, migraines (with all the associated symptoms) and a new headache which has emerged. It is this last head ache that worries me, it is almost a fusion of several of the other types of headaches.

    I was evaluated by a great Doctor (a DO at my university) who finally took action and ordered a MRI/MRA. I just had it yesterday. I don't know the results yet but I wanted to hear feedback from others about their headaches and what they tried, what helped and what didn't. I'm just to tired of feeling terrible every day.

    Sympathy and hugs are also welcome!

    Thanks in advance.
  • Hope you feel better! I rarely get headaches and when I do a Tylenol usually takes care of it.
  • I'm not a member of this particular forum, but I am a fellow headache sufferer so I wanted to offer my sympathy and support. It's really hard to focus on anything when all you can think of is how much your head hurts. I have migraines that I believe are mostly triggered by stress, and they come in different strengths. Sometimes I can tough it out by just taking an Imitrex and some advil; othertimes, all I can do is lay on the couch and barf and wish I were dead. Fortunately, those second kind don't come along too often.

    It does seem that I have fewer migraines now that I am a few pounds lighter and I am not eating as much junk as before. At one point, I even cut off the 2 diet Cokes I had each morning and that also helped quite a bit.

    It sounds like you're a little worse off, though, so maybe those kinds of simple measures are things you have tried long ago. I really hope that it's nothing serious and that they can find a treatment that will help you to feel better because I really, really can relate to how all-consuming it can be. It's really difficult to function when your head hurts all the time.

  • Passionista,

    I'm so sorry you have chronic headaches ... I can sympathize, I know how much they interfere with each and every aspect of life.

    My very first memory is of a headache... I even remember thinking "I'm too little for a headache, that's for grownups". I've tried every over-the-counter drug out there, and numerous prescriptions. The majority of my migraines are from dilated blood vessels, so the vasoconstrictors (Imitrex, Relpax, Zomig) work great when I have one. If I have a sinus headache, advil usually works. For low sugar, juice and advil. For clusters or uncontrollable migraines, a combo of a prescription narcotic, Promethazine (anti-nausea), ice pack to the head, and a silent dark room. I then pray for sleep. If it's too bad, a doctor will also prescribe Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer), or I visit the ER to get an IV or injection so that I can sleep it off.

    Things that didn't work for me: Tylenol, aspirin, Aleve, any OTC "migraine" formula, Prednisone, Reglan, Toradol, Compazine, Tigan, Zofran, Effexor, Midrin, Depakote, Topamax, Propranolol (couldn't continue with that one, it lowered my already-low blood pressure)... pretty much any anti-depressant. I know there have been others but that's all I can remember right now.

    I had limited success with Amitriptyline, Neurontin, and Ambien. I have a real issue with insomnia, so my headaches seem to decrease with better sleep.

    I've had a lot of tests... blood tests, CT scan, MRI, and a neurological exam where they glued little leads all over my head. So far no one has been able to tell me exactly why it is that I have my headaches. At one point I was tested for meningitis, and it was found that I had high CSF pressure, but no one was able to tell me why or what to do about it....just that it could contribute to the headaches and it wasn't a concern. So since I don't really have any answers, I just cope the best I can and every once in a while, get another opinion. Oddly enough, I seem to have more headaches the smaller I am, so that's one thing that concerns me about losing weight. I know, it seems like the opposite should be the case, but I guess I'm just an oddball.

    Anyway, I certainly hope that there's nothing serious but you're able to get answers and treatment so that you'll feel better. I'll be thinking about you!

    Keep us posted!!

  • My daughter had a continuous headache for eight months. She missed the end of 8th grade, all of summer and the beginning of ninth grade. We went all over the place looking for help, including a pediatric neurologist.

    Finally my niece, a nurse, suggested acupuncture. She worked with a Chinese American physician and he suggested it to her.

    Daughter went into the office, on a Friday, with the ice pack she used 24/7. Had the treatment. Came home, did not go to the freezer for a new ice pack. She went back to school on Monday.

    It was a miracle. She had treatments, once a week, for months. Then once a month. Now nothing.

    We figure she externalizes a lot of stress. She tackles things head on and she will master them. With self awareness she is better able to handle stress.
  • Thanks so much for all of your feedback!

    I have tried eliminating anything from my diet that may trigger headaches, track how sleep, exercise, stress, where I'm at in my cycle, if I am dehydrated and so on impacts my headaches. It's exhausting!

    I love acupuncture but cannot afford it regularly.

    I hope to have some answers soon!
  • A couple of other thoughts....how are the ergonomics when you are at your desk at work (if you work at a desk)? Also, have you ever tried chiropractic treatment? I've had some limited success with that. But really, it's been the drugs that help the most--Imitrex has been like a miracle to me and all the migraine sufferers in the family.

    (Side story--my son was travelling to Europe and got a migraine in an airport in Germany. His migraines are the type where he can't see, so that was truly horrible--trying to make a phone call from a pay phone in a foreign country where he couldn't really see, and then having to get on a plane and be sick into a bag as they were taking off. It was miserable. So I really do understand how bad this feels.....)