When does the TOM weight gain start for you?

  • Does your weight spike before TOM arrives? During? I'm having yet another weight spike (after dropping a couple of pounds) but the old bat isn't due for a couple more days. Can I blame it on her pending arrival, or do I need to go over my food log with a fine-tooth comb? (which I'll probably do anyway. I'm hoping it's just the pickles. )
  • I usually gain a few days before and then for the first couple days during. I hate it. Depending on how I'm eating, it can be really bad. Last month I was eating crappy and gained 5 lbs. I started eating right about halfway through and lost 6, but still...
  • If I don't give into the cravings, I never gain during PMS/TOM. BUT if I do give in, I usually gain during PMS when cravings are the worst. And if I give in, it usually isn't pretty for the next few days. During the losing stage, I fought it tooth and nail and rarely fell off the wagon.
  • About a week before. I don't gain, but I won't lose during that week no matter what, I'll maintain only. When I look at my weekly records I lose, lose, lose, plateau, lose, lose, lose, plateau. It's become a very obvious pattern.
  • i don't give in to cravings for junk, I sometimes crave saltier foods, but limit them...and I gain steadily up to 5 lbs starting from ovulation on. The good thing, is I can always look forward to a whoosh after Af.
  • Quote: i don't give in to cravings for junk, I sometimes crave saltier foods, but limit them...and I gain steadily up to 5 lbs starting from ovulation on. The good thing, is I can always look forward to a whoosh after Af.
    This is what I'm hoping for! I haven't had any "junk" food this week except for two choc. chip cookies (and I stayed well within my calorie limit that day, and everything else was whole foods and lots of veggies).

    I'm just two pounds away from being classified as "normal weight" on my Wii Fit (whereas when we first got it I was "Obese"!!!) and I'm impatient to get there!
  • My TOM weight gain starts about 1 week before the actual blood-letting. Then it stays on at least three days during, and usually about 2-3 days AFTER. (A total of about 10-12 days.) And my gain is usually right around 5-6 pounds, but I have seen as much as SIXTEEN POUNDS of water weight gain during TOM.

    Then it almost miraculously goes away overnight. Weird!
  • My weight gain actually hits a little after ovulation and drops dramatically a day or two before TOM starts.