WW and WII

  • Hello everyone,

    I have been on WW for 7 days now. I have lost 2 lbs. and have no intentions of quitting anytime soon.

    My question is.......What is your opinion on exercising with the WII ? I have WII Fit and AEactive workout. Would like some feedback, thanks ahead of time for sharing !
  • Depending how active you normally are either have their place. I'd say WII Fit is more for beginners except for the advanced yoga and strength training poses and exercises. The stepping and running (which I use for walking) is good, and it's nice to see yourself improve as you cover more distance in the same time, and it's great as a weight tracking tool at home. EA Active is more intensive for sure, but the cardio boxing is awesome. It still kicks my butt, but soon enough I will go nuts with it.
  • I have the wii but don't have any exercise games yet. I've heard alot about Just Dance and also the Biggest Loser workout one. I'm waiting to get up to my moms to get her wii fit board and game
  • I have a Wii myself, bought it from Amazon when they were on sale. I am quite old and am not savvy when it comes to lates advances in video games and would appreciate it very much i got some recommendations for some fittness games.
