I rejoined TOPS this week

  • I can't remember why I stopped going to TOPS those many years ago. I am sure I had plenty of reasons at the time. I am also sure they were probably foolish ones. TOPS had been a great support to me when I lost that weight - 70 lbs. I never made KOPS, but I was within 20 lbs of my goal when the backslide started. And now here I am. I've gained all the weight back plus another 30 or so. I am diabetic and had to start insulin a year ago. In that year, I've gained another 50 lbs. I just have not been able to do it on my own, with no support other than my own faultering will. Several weeks ago, my best friend called and announced that our "group" were all going to turn 50 next spring (I already knew that) and that we should go away for a long weekend and have an adventure sometime during the time we all turn 50 (April - May) She also proposed that the three of us with weight issues lose 50 lbs by our 50th birthdays. It's a goal. A big one. I agreed that it might be just the thing to get me motivated. But that had been three weeks ago, and I hadn't started walking and I hadn't changed the way I was eating. A week ago I decided to see what I could find for diet support groups on the internet. That's when I found the 3 Fat Chicks website! And through this website, I located the TOPS website... and information regarding meeting times and dates in my town. My husband came over and asked what I was doing, and when I told him he said that if I would join TOPS again, he would join with me. So, we did it! The chapter is a tiny one. There is also a large group in town, but I think for now, this small chapter is just what I need, and the smallness makes things more comfortable for my husband. I am hoping that with the support of my husband, friends, TOPS and folks here, I will successfully take charge of my weight!
    Welcome Angelwine
    Glad you rejoined TOPS. And it is wonderful that your husband joined with you. My husband goes with me. And it has made it easier to lose weight. I am also a backslider. I have been in TOPS 3 years. But have never made it to goal. I had lost 68 lbs. But have gained 30 of that back. But I am trying to get back on track. The ladies here are great. At times I get more support from the ladies here than I do my TOPS group. Hope that you post often and let us know how you are doing. Again Welcome.
  • Welcome Angelwine,
    50 lbs. does seem like a big goal, but when you break it down, that's less than 10 lbs a month, since April is 6 months away. You can do it! Try setting smaller goals and it will soon add up to what you want to lose. I went to our TOPS Rally today, and it was really inspiring. The king and queen of the state both spoke and told of their weight loss journey. She lost over 159 lbs. I feel like if they can do it, I can do it too. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • WELCOME TO THE BOARD ANGELWINE! This is a great message board to post on!
  • Thanks for all the encouragement!
    Thank you for your encouragement! It certainly makes it easier to stay on track. I know it's my first week back, but weekends are particularly difficult for me - it seems like I always seem to give myself permission to "cheat" just because it's the weekend. So far this weekend, I have managed to behave myself. I really do think it helps that my husband is doing this with me and he seems to really be taking his part seriously, too. Together we will make it!
  • You're welcome! Post often!