Angry at myself

  • I can't tell if I'm subconsciously trying to sabotage myself or just having a bad week.
    I can't seem to stay on plan when it comes to food this week. The first couple days I was within my calorie range, but not the right food groups (chocolate is NOT a food group!)
    Today I ate 500 calories. I was super busy all day, I worked 9 hours this morning and had a sandwich with some lunchmeat and cucumber before starting work.
    After work, I went to my moms and ate a hotdog weiner and a flakey pastry, and other than that, (just barely over 500 cals) I didn't eat at all.
    I didn't realize it until I got home from my SECOND round of work (12 hours today, aren't I lucky!) and realized that I'm hungry and wtf have I eaten today?

    Some might say that under calories is better than over, but now I'm left with a churning stomach and I don't know if I should eat something or just go to bed (I'm exhausted, been awake for 20 hours now)
    If I even DID eat something, would I count it for the 500 calorie day or tomorrow/today the new day?


    Tomorrow is a new day. I will stay in my calorie range tomorrow and eat what I'm supposed to...all of it.

    The good news is, I've gone to the gym every day that I was supposed to, and my weight IS slowly and steadily dropping, but just....ugh.

    Thanks for listening to my rant.
    Any suggestions to kick my butt back in gear? I want to do this, and I KNOW that I can, I just don't understand why I'm not.

    I think it's just time for bed.
  • Quote:
    Tomorrow is a new day. I will stay in my calorie range tomorrow and eat what I'm supposed to...all of it.

    The good news is, I've gone to the gym every day that I was supposed to, and my weight IS slowly and steadily dropping, but just....ugh.
    This part is good news! I don't know how long you have been working on this but it can take a little time to make steady changes, you know, get in a groove. I suggest that you make habits. Eat a certain times that fit into your schedule. Make the most of every calorie you eat.

    Post again to let us know how it is going. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • 1) Just eat. Don't set yourself up for more crazy tomorrow.

    2) Log it for today. To me the end of the day is when I go to bed, not midnight.

    3) Keep some easy emergency food around. Even 3 can chili and a can opener -- 1 can black beans, rinsed, and drained. Add to one can drained corn. Add 1 can mexican or italian stewed tomato.

    Any suggestions to kick my butt back in gear? I want to do this, and I KNOW that I can, I just don't understand why I'm not.
    Because you are taking on too much at once?

    You have a demanding work schedule and you are working out. I don't know what calorie range you are trying to be in, but you have some choices to try to smooth some of the bumps.

    1) Up calorie range a bit, so it is more doable or sustainable even though the loss isn't as fast.

    2) Cook on your day off so you are better prepared

    3) Meal delivery or prepared foods.

    4) Restaurant list. Make a list of what you can have that is on plan from restaurants if you end up having to grab a bite somewhere. If you have YOUR personal list, then it makes it easier to stay on track.

  • For the crazy work days ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS keep around some fruit, yogurt, nuts or nut butters and some sort of whole grain bread. It takes literally 2 minutes to make a folded over Peanut butter sandwich, an apple and a yogurt (and plastic spoon) and put it in a bag or your purse. (all for around 400 calories) I have a friend that says she just can't make a lunch in the morning because of time, but she spends 45 minutes on facebook in the morning... Nibble on it as you can at work.

    It takes less time to do this than any trip thru the drive thru, or standing in line somewhere. Oh and 500 calories/day every once in a big while won't hurt you, but it really can set you up for a binge the next day when you are starving and dizzy.