BFL question

  • Hi, I have been losing weight on WW and love the program. HOwever... I would like to tone up and tighten up where there is extra skin, and seeing the results from BFL I think I am ready to give it a try.

    I just bought the BFL book. I see his sample meals and plan on following them. I do plan on buying some Myoplex shakes, though they are pretty expensise... so I wondered what alternatives were to the shakes.

    What kind of meals should I substitute the shakes for? ABout how many calories, protein, etc? I am still trying to lose another 20 pounds... so I was considering the Myoplex Lite shakes... and seeking alternatives to the shake.

    I welcome and appreciate any suggestions.

  • tilley: I did WW as well, and switched to BFL for the very same reason. I'm starting to see my body tighten up more and more as time goes by. Even my tummy, which was flabby beyond belief after 6 months on WW, is now getting smaller and notceably firmer (but, it will take take time to get where I want to be, I know...) I lost over 50 pounds with WW. Since then, I've only lost another 15 pounds or so, but I've lost 4 dress sizes since then - not too shabby! (only goes to show you that the scale LIES!) ;-)

    You do not have to use the shakes. In fact, real food for all six meals is ideal. I have a shake once, maybe twice each week, in situations where I (a) don't feel like cooking anything or (b) am pushed for time and need something fast.

    As far as calroeis go, I couldn't tell ya. I use the mthod outlined in the book - one palm sized serving of protein and fist sized serving of carbs for each meal, with oodles of veggies on the side for two or three of my meals.

    Have you read the book? If not, I strongly encourage you to do so. Also, several of us post at - feel free to join us there - there's oodles of people over there following the BFL program or something fairly similar.

    :-) Colleen
  • I went from WW to BFL. I can tell you that I am a lot less hungry on BFL. I will warn you that it's tough to break the scale habit coming over from weight watchers but it is a MUST because muscle weighs more than fat and the scale will no longer be a good barometer for how you are doing.

    Myoplex IS expensive!!! I use both natural protein powder with frozen fruit and MetRX (while MetRx might not be much cheaper, I shop for bargains and I like it better.)

    Your bottom line bargain is using pure protein powder and then balancing it with fruit. That's the cheapest way to go. Try Designer Protein (Natural or Strawberry) and add fruit and a packet or two of splenda. Try a vanilla flavored protein powder and add sugar free jello pudding to it! Yum. I also make shakes using a half cup of real coffee, natural protein powder or MetRx classic vanilla, sf jello pudding (sprinkle) and cinnamon for a cappucino flavor. Right now I'm hooked on fruit shakes but I like the morning cappuccinos when the weather gets cooler. Another choice is to buy the fully loaded myoplex (like orange jubilee...42 grams of protein) and only use half (half is enough for the average woman). That saves a lot.

    For alternative meals, you can do oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast and chicken and fruit for another one. There is yogurt and cottage cheese mixture as well. I'm not sure what you like.

    it's tough to do six meals without the shakes so you might want to look into experimentation.

    Welcome to BFL!!!
  • I agree with Susan and Colleen. Also wanted to add something here - from what I've heard (as I haven't been on WW in about 5 years) you should NOT attempt to do BFL training on WW eating. Weight Watchers is WAY too low in calories and protein to sustain the BFL training; in addition, I maintain that you should NOT weigh yourself every week on BFL unless you can be like our JEC here and not let those numbers freak you out - My personal recommendation would be not to weigh at all - but if you MUST, then weigh in on day 1 of your challenge; then every 4-6 weeks. Take measurements and photos - these (along with the pants-o-meter) will tell a FAR truer tale than the scale will!

    You don't need to use meal replacement shakes. If there is any secret to BFL success, it would be three words: Planning; persistence; and motivation. Let's focus on PLANNING as far as meals go - you CAN do six 'real food meals' on BFL - just takes PLANNING. Here's an example:

    Meal 1 - oatmeal and eggwhite pancake with sugar-free syrup

    Blend together your portions of dry oatmeal and eggwhites along with 2 packets Splenda, a few drops vanilla extract, and some cinnamon with a Braun handblender or regular blender. Pour mixture onto a smoking hot griddle or nonstick skillet sprayed with Pam. As it cooks, fight off the husband and kids being drawn into the kitchen by the tempting aroma. When done, eat with sugar-free syrup. YUMMMMMIIIEE!!! You can also make these ahead of time and freeze them - just take one out and nuke it whenever you want one!

    Meal 2 - Cottage Cheesecake and fresh fruit

    Get out your trusty Braun Hand Blender (or regular blender) and blend Cottage Cheese until smooooooth, add some vanilla extract and a few packets of Equal or Splenda (I usually save Splenda for hot stuff since it's so pricey). I swear it tastes like cheesecake! Try adding a tablespoon or so of sugarfree instant Jello Vanilla pudding mix - it gives the cottage cheese a firm consistency once it's been refrigerated. Have a fresh fruit on the side or mix in (good with berries).

    Meal 3 - Chicken breast with veggies and brown rice

    Meal 4 - Baked yam topped with cinnamon and cottage cheese (I like adding some Splenda as well - warm, sweet & filling).

    Meal 5 - BFL Jambalaya (ground turkey breast, shrimp, veggies, brown rice - see the "BFL Recipes" thread) TOTALLY yummers!

    Meal 6 - Cottage cheese and hot diced apples with Splenda and cinnamon added - tastes like a HOT APPLE PIE!

    Hope that helps!
  • Mrs. Jim - THANKS SO MUCH for the meal ideas. It's so funny how before I lost weight... meals like that wouldn't have sounded appetizing, but now that I enjoy healthy meals, when I hear healthy menus, they sound so good.

    Colleen, thanks for the advice... I bought the book on Friday and started reading it last night. I just wasn't that far into the book, but I skipped ahead to sample menus. Good to hear i don't have to use shakes.

    Susan, it will be tough to break the scale habit. My problem is that for two years I've been on WW. I started out at 220 and a size 22. I'm now 138 and a size 8.... and the number has come to mean something. I have this 110 in my head and I want to reach it. But I know muscle weighs more than fat. I know that. And I need to firm up my skin... and strangth training is the way to go. I've been ST for over a year... but haven't been gung-ho about it until now.

    Thanks ladies... I'm excited. I think I'm going to get a poloroid camera and start the program this week.

  • I am a huge believer in six whole food meals, I like eating, and don't enjoy liquid food at all. Karen is dead on and has great suggestions for meals, there are so many resources for recipes online these days.
    Here is a site dedicated to BFL recipes only, if something sounds wrong, put it up here and ask questions, this is "Authorized BFL recipes" only. They don't do discussion, but there are a ton of wonderful ideas there.
    Hope this helps!