What did you add back to your diet first for Phase 1.5

  • I have been reading a lot about adding things back slowly, watching for what triggers cravings, and suggestions for adding them later in the day. But what did you add back first? I love carbs of all kinds and I love fruit, but I don't think I want to start with fruit for fear of craving everything sweet.
    If you add grains do you include bread and cereal or just one? Thanks for your help.
  • I added steel cut oats for breakfast and that was the only thing I added for about a week. I knew I wasn't going to be tempted to eat more than one serving and I was really missing hot cereal in the mornings.

    I added 1 fruit the following week, as a snack. I had blueberries or half an apple with yogurt and I think it was nearly a month before I ate fruit by itself because I was worried I wouldn't be satisfied with just one serving.

    Even though it's allowed at this point, I rarely have more than the oatmeal and 1 or 2 servings of fruit each day. I had a hard time getting enough veggies in when I was eating more grains and it's those 4 and 1/2 cups of veggies every day that seem to keep my scale moving in the right direction!
  • Thanks so much for your input. I will keep what you said in mind when adding back foods.
  • I added apples and cherries first/a serving at a time. My next addition was Ezekial bread(sprouted grain). I was definitely in a comfort zone by the end of P1, but especially missed my fruit.
  • I also added steel cut oats first, because I was soooo sick of eggs for breakfast. I am a cereal junkie and the oats are delicious. Then I added a fruit w/my afternoon snack.
  • This time (third is the charm) I added blueberries late in the day. Last two times I added steel cut oats because I got so sick of eggs. This time I decided not to add what I most wanted to see if it would keep me from craving and overeating. I do best to really limit grains still. They are what I most overeat and my scale does not like when I eat a lot of them!