Weekend Warblings!

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  • Hooray! The second weekend of March and it's going to be sunny with temperatures in the low 50s. It's supposed to be like this for the next two weeks - below freezing at night and well above in the daytime. The syrup makers will be delighted.

    Yesterday I sold my diningroom table and chairs but the folks who bought it need to arrange for a truck to pick it up. I am kind of hoping that happens today because Claire's son is home for the weekend and he and Doug could move the cherry one inside for me. That should improve the look of my front porch! On the other hand, if I leave it, I may get kicked off the village Beautification Committee! Hmmm.

    There's still a bit of snow on the deck but I may get out the power washer and clean that up today. I feel like doing something outside now that most of the coughing has stopped. I go to my sister's farm for dinner tonight - not to worry, she's a healthy cook.

    I hope your weekend is shaping up to be a good one.
  • Good morning Ruth and sleeping in Chicks yet to arrive This is sleeping in for us so I'm pretty happy We are off to the coast again and a full weekend of walking and birding 50s, sun and not too much wind in the forecast, now all we need are some interesting birds.

    Ruth - I am so happy to hear that you're feeling better. Enjoy the lovely weather.

    Cottage - hope you got through the cleaning without too much stress. Good luck today.

    Off to throw some clothes in a bag, pick out some good leftovers for dinner (I love hotels with microwaves) and get a little yoga in before hitting the road. Hope you have a fun and relaxing day where you are too!
  • Good morning, Ruth! I'm glad the table sold and I hope they can pick it up soon. Have fun at your sister's tonight!

    Cyndi, enjoy your trip! I hope you see some neat birds!

    So, remember how today was my much-anticipated morning of sleeping in? Well, guess who called at 7:00 a.m. Of course I was glad to talk to him, but come on, Tom! He said he thought I'd be up. Why??? Why would I be up at 7:00 on a Saturday morning? Even the kids were still sleeping!

    But then once I was up I figured I might as well get moving. The scale dropped another pound! I got my kickboxing in and got showered. Then I looked outside, and apparently it snowed two inches last night. WHAT?! I told poor Connor that we were going to have to cancel the bowling day because I didn't want to drive on the roads, but now they look pretty clear, so we're going to head out in a little bit.

    Happy Saturday to all!
  • Good morning,

    Ruth- glad to hear that your dining room table sold- fingers crossed that they pick it up today.

    Cyndi- have fun birding this weekend.

    Kara- Atleast you were woke up for a good reason . Saturdays are my only day for sleeping in and I am up at 5:30 good figure.

    I am hoping it is going to be a Sunny weekend here the week has been beautiful very cold in the morning and nights but quite nice during the day. DS has to get up in a few to catch the bus, they have an all day track event. Have to get DD1 up for Soccer practice at 8 a.m. I think that is one of the reasons I woke up so I could make sure they were up. Not sure what DH, DD2 and I are going to do today, nothing on the agenda. DS said not to bother coming to track meet he is only doing one event and its 2 1/2 hours away.

    Found out this week that I am going to Orlando March 16-19 for work for a Conference. Come home for exactly one week and then we are going back for family vacation. I would stay in Orlando to see friends and family but since DD1 is only 6 she and I would miss each other to much. Three nights is bad enough.

    So I dropped one lb this week, I will take it not the big whoosh I was hoping for though.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Morning all!!

    Sounds like everyone has their day lined up. No plans here other than working out in the yard if it warms up a bit. Yesterday when I got home from work, my husband had pruned all the crepe myrtles..a big job, so now I'm motivated to start working on all the stuff the winter "melted" in the yard...ewww, soggy bannana trees! Other than that, I think the weekend will hold the usual cleaning, groceries, posting grades and for fun some Zumba this evening.
  • Good morning!

    Ruth, I was pleased to read your post full of good news this morning - the dining set sold, the coughing almost gone and beautiful spring weather for you! And maybe the possibility of getting off one of your committees.... lol
    Enjoy your Saturday. I hope you're able to spend some time outdoors in the sun!

    Cyndi, enjoy your trip. You know almost all the motels we stay in regularly have microwaves in the rooms but I've never once thought to bring along a healthy supper. I will have to file that little trick away for the future.

    Kara, I'm sorry you didn't get to sleep in. And glad that you won't have to cancel the bowling trip. My stuck scale came unstuck this morning, too. I'm also down another pound. Congratulations on yours - and also on all those s you're racking up under your signature!

    Pearlrose, what odd timing to have your trip to Orlando come up so close to your vacation. I don't blame you for not staying through though. I hope the weather will be great in Orlando for both trips. Congratulations on being down a pound this morning!

    Cat, you've got me feeling kind of envious! We've got sunshine today but all I could do in the yard is move a little snow or mud around. lol They've just started a Zumba class in my area, I saw it advertised in the weekly paper. We live so far out of town that I normally wouldn't even be tempted to commit to one more "in town after supper" activity but your posts are making me want to check it out. If only I could get Ferg to go along with me.... (not likely )

    My father will be released from the hospital today so I'm very thankful today. I'm not going to go down this weekend after all, but I'll be in touch by phone. Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts for my family.

    Enjoy your Saturday!
  • Good Morning

    Quick flyby, we're ready to load the dogs up, headed west. If we don't beat the ski traffic the 2 hr drive could take 5.
    Skiing was super fun yesterday. I was very pleased at how well I did. It's sure a great exercise, and when we went in for lunch(always expensive), I had my own orange, a cup of tea and a hard boiled egg! I might do well on the "ski diet"!

    Cyndi, have fun! I might have already missed you!

    Have a great Saturday everyone, and I'll check back from the other side of the hill.
  • Heidi, I'm not going to classes..yet...I ordered the dvd's and am trying to get the hang of this before I make a fool of myself in public! I'm thinking about ordering the zumba for kids dvd for my kids at school. That way we can all zumba together for P.E. There is a "twist" segment in one of the dvd's and I can assure you that after my bone out of the socket incident last year, I won't be doing that one! It is still sore.
  • Happy weekend! It is supposed to be mild here too May rain though which we really need to see if the basement leak is fixed.

    Ruth - Glad to hear the coughing is almost gone. I love picturing your home. In my mind it is old and quaint with a fabulous front porch (furniture and all). Enjoy dinner with sis.

    Cyndi - Have a great time!

    Kara - I will admit I thought about you when I was riding and how I am going to have to put in a lot more long rides to challenge your exercise totals! Next month. (It was really a memory error.) Isn't it ironic how we always seem to be woken up when we could sleep late? Woo hoo on your drop.

    Rose - Track starts early there! My DS won't have a meet until another month I think. One pound is progress; good for you

    Cat - Your yard sounds so exotic.

    Heidi - Glad to hear your father is improving.

    Debbie - Okay, I need a ski traffic report. Our plan was to leave Denver around noon next Saturday. Do you think we need to plan extra time then? I had not thought about traffic to the resorts. Have a safe drive.

    DS has his post-season basketball tournament this weekend. Up to 4 games depending how they do. And indoor soccer again tonight. Between that I am timing my dehydrator experiments. So far I have done cukes, tomatoes, and zucchini (thanks Cyndi) and today will try some oranges that have been gathering dust in my fridge. Tomorrow DH will make beef jerky. Gearing up for road-trip snacks. If it doesn't rain we will try to sneak in another bike ride.
  • Geez, you chicks are up and chirping early this Saturday morning. I wanted to sleep but the cats decided they needed breakfast around 6AM. DD is volunteering this morning at the Lion's Club Breakfast - all money this month is going to Haiti relief. Then the kid's spring riding lessons start up, and I hope I've got enough time to grocery shop and run some errands while they're at it. It's going to be beautiful weather so I plan to walk instead of doing a DVD for exercise and I'm really looking forward to it! DD and I want to see Alice in Wonderland, and the rest of the weekend will be cleaning something, I guess. I was embarrassed when the architect came the other day because I had cleaned all the rooms I thought he'd need to see, but he ended up measuring every room in the house! Prodigal DH has turned up - I got an email from him yesterday. All's well, he said that his emails to me have been bouncing. Last month mine to him were bouncing. Stupid .mil email. But it's good to know he's alright.

    Ruth, I hope you get your furniture moved in.
    Cyndi, your weekend sounds lovely, wish I could tag along.
    Kara, isn't that always how it happens! Glad you are getting the snow and not me.
    Pearl, I may be in Orlando too on business around the 18 - 19.
    Cat, I'm glad to hear you like the Zumba. They had Zumba classes at the Y, but I never had a chance to try one. I love dancey exercise. I may order one myself.
    Heidi, so glad to hear your Dad is going home.
    Debbie, skiing sounds fun. I am hopeless at it though. so I just watch and wish I was coordinated enough!
    Karen, sounds like a busy day of sports! You guys make me want to buy a dehydrator.

    Have a fun Saturday everyone!
  • Rose, congrats on the pound! They do add up after awhile. That's what I keep telling myself at least.

    Cat, I hope you enjoy your gardening today! We had a crepe myrtle when we lived in Maryland.

    Heidi, I hope everything goes well with your father's release.

    Debbie, I hope your ride is quick and easy. Glad you had fun skiing!

    Karen, good luck to your son at his basketball game!

    Schmoo, I'm SO glad you heard from your husband! It seems like he's been gone forever already. How much longer until he gets home? Tom told me this morning on the phone that he's going to send me "TDY" when he gets back, so I called a friend and we've already booked tickets to Sardinia! I am VERY excited. I don't know if that's what he meant, but they're already paid for.

    OK, we're really off to bowling now. I had to eat so I wouldn't be tempted by the pizza I'm letting the kids get.
  • Happy Weekend! Hooray!!!

    Auston has t-ball tryouts today. He is very excited! I don't know why they call them tryouts. If you pay, you play. He is getting a haircut today. He's beginning to look like one of the Jonas Brothers.

    It's going to be a beautiful weekend. Jeff's aunt and uncle are visiting us for the weekend. Birmingham has a school of dentistry. Uncle Nelson needed 4 teeth pulled. His local dentist was going to charge him $280 per tooth. The school charged him $300 for all 4. He's glad he saved money, but is pretty pitiful and jacked up on Loritab. I'm making broccoli cheese soup today, and will puree his portion.

    Cyndi, Auston ran in to get me this morning. "Come SEE, Come SEE!" He pointed out a red-headed woodpecker in the back yard. My little birder.

    Schmoodle, I'm so glad you heard from your hubby.
    Everyone else, I hope you have a great weekend!
  • Kara, he'll be home end of May/June sometime.
    Hi Chelby! Poor uncle must be miserable. T-ball is so fun! Have a great day.
  • Michelle, have fun at T-ball and errand-running!

    Schmoodle, is that longer than normal? It seems like he's already been gone a couple months.
  • Sheesh! Schmoodle and Pearl and I all in Orlando at the same time! Will FL ever recover?

    The truck to pick up the furniture is on its way. Once that's over, I'll round up some muscle men to lug in the new set. I know it's going to need a good cleaning and probably refinishing but it'll be nice to have it in the house. I might even get a chance to sit on the wicker on the front porch tomorrow.