feeling really hungry

  • what do you do when your feeling really hungry? .. or lazy?

    i am feeling hungry and want some soda so bad my head hurts. i am just going to push through. just wondering if you have tips to make it easier.

    bad morning i guess had to argue with my 18 yr old daughter... maybe it will get easier as the days progresses
  • Are you hungry or just want some soda?
  • honestly idk maybe both but i ate a decent breakfast..I had a low fat yogurt with a 1/2 cup of fresh fruit in it, and scrambled eggs with peppers.. about 20 minutes later i had a cup of cheerios in soy milk. I still feel like i want more to eat.

    I guess worse than that I really really want soda. the more to eat i can handle but I feel idk like i am being deprived of soda. half of me thinks i should give in and just go buy a diet soda. it is hard because i am not the only soda drinker here and there is some here.

    the last few days i have been able to see the kids off to school have
    breakfast and get up and dresses and motivated.. today not so much. though i am getting up now and doing some yoga at least. to occupy my thoughts for a bit.
  • I stopped drinking soda almost 3 weeks ago..I have noticed I only crave it when I eat certain foods like pizza. If you can get away with having a sip now and then to help with the headaches til they go away i would try that
  • My mom's trick to filling her soda craving without overindulging is to fill a glass with ice (lots of ice!) and then pour the soda in... you end up drinking about half the amount, and usually a bit slower because it's so cold, but you still fill your craving for the sweetness and fizziness of the drink. It worked for her.

    I would think it'd be better to let yourself have a little than to say no entirely until you break down and overindulge. Hang in there, though!
  • Ev2, drink some water and hang in there. Sounds like withdrawl symptoms. I gave up soda almost 10 years ago and now can't stand the taste of it, unless it's a Barq's rootbeer. I never bring it into the house and there's only one restaurant near me that I will order the Barq's if I go there. What your feeling is normal and each day will get easier. If you have to use lots of ice and sip slowly, you may have to wean yourself to avoid the headaches. Good luck!
  • A lady I work withs son was killed yesterday and it is so sad around here I just want to eat too. I am trying not too but I am having a hard time. Hang in there. I am right there with you. Hopefully we can bot get through this.
  • To amber and ev:
    Ev-did you want soda before or after you had the argument with your 18 year old? that wasn't clear.

    Amber-instead of comforting your feelings with food, take that energy and do something for your co-worker and/or her family. that will last alot longer than the high you get from a piece of cake
  • It may be mental hunger, if you are specifically hungry for soda---which doesn't offer much except caffeine and high fructose corn syrup.

    If you need a boost, you could make regular coffee or tea.

    Or, if you are emotionally upset, you could eat a healthier option if the urge to eat is too strong.
  • Have you tried those fruit-flavored carbonated waters? They're calorie free and usually really good. Most places have them. I think even the dollar store has their own brand. I always liked the black cherry and tropical flavors. Of course, I don't know why you're giving up soda - the carbonated water may be the same and therefore not an option for you!
  • Take it slow, one day at a time and consider maybe adjusting one thing in your diet at a time. Maybe you want to allow yourself some diet soda now while you are working on lowering your calories. Then later, when you are comfortable with the calorie intake, you could work on cutting out the diet soda. I know for me in the past, when I got all gung-ho on cleaning up my diet & eating I tried to do too much too fast - like all at once. It never worked and I always somehow felt deprived.
  • I really think it was mental. It did not get bad till after the argument with my daughter. at the time I first posted I really felt deprived, like i wanted to just quit.. I did some yoga to get my mind off it and that just did not work. I bought me some diet soda, that helped the head ache subsided, but tasted sorta awful. i bought some flavored waters too. they were actually pretty good.

    eventually the deprived feeling went away. so i know it is just a matter of will power and for today I made it through.

    thanks for the support and suggestions, I have had a life long addiction to soda so I know this will be one of my hardest things to do. a week ago I was drinking exclusively soda about 1 1/2 to 2 2 liter bottles a day.

    @ jewelrymaker81 I am quitting soda because of the high calorie count and all the sugar in it.