Tweet tweet! Hi Chicks!

  • Hi everyone. My name is Nicole--I live in the midwest with my husband, 3 dogs, and 3 cats. 2 years ago, I topped out above 212 pounds...I didn't bother weighing myself before I started working out, because I was terrified of the number. I spent a year losing 40 pounds through yoga, walking, and eating healthily, and became a Registered Yoga Teacher along the way.

    In the past 6 months, my husband and I have gone through a lot of changes. We've gotten married, travelled all over the country, adopted another dog, and both of us have managed to pack on the pounds--for me, 9 pounds, for him 15. With our tax return, we both signed up for memberships at our local rec center, and have adopted different styles when it comes to working out. I do 3 days of cardio and weightlifting a week, and another 3 days of pure cardio a week. He does 5 days a week of swimming--it's nice to have someone along for the car ride, but for the most part, I enjoy working out by myself.

    I'm always looking for new friends, whether it is online or in person. Feel free to drop me a PM if you're looking for a virtual workout buddy

    Interests? Accessorizing everything, couponing, decorating, hiking, biking, skiing, playing with my dogs.

    *waves to everyone*
  • hi i am new here to wish you all the best