Am I making decent progress?

  • I've started working out about a month ago. I've been doing pilates 4-6 days a week, 30-45 min a day. On a normal day, I'll eat something like, a bowl of kashi for breakfast, or fiber pop tarts, or flax seed waffles with sf syrup. For lunch it's something like pb&j on whole grain bread or a smart one, and something similar for dinner. I do still struggle some with snacking in the evening, even if it's healthy, I'd like to cut back. I'm not super strict with diet when I go out with husband (rare) bc I'm trying to make my diet something I can stick to.

    Anyway, in the month, my weights gone from 158/159- 155/154, I expected to see more change but I'm trying not to focus too much on pounds.

    My arms have gone from 11 1/2 inch, to ten and now back to 11 1/2 (muscle building? I can do pushups now.)

    My waist has been fluctuating irregularly, 32 to 34 to 33 to 32 to 33. I assume that could be water fluctuation, salt, bloating etc.

    My hips have gone from 41 inch to 39 and my thighs from 24 inch to 21.

    My question is, am I making good progress? I'd like to ideally be down two sizes total my June, but I feel like I'm going to slow. Thoughts?
  • If it were me....(and you and I are close in size) I would up your veggie intake. The diet sounds a bit carb high which could account for some of the back and forth in the tummy area. Two sizes by June is doable with your workouts, but to really step it up i think the diet may be a little more important. I workout a ton as well but if i don't track every calorie (or point) i don't have success. Also the closer you get to a healthy BMI the harder it is for that weight (size) to change.

    Good luck and keep going!!!
  • Any progression is decent. I think you are doing fine! Keep up the good work.


  • I think you're doing excellent ! Losing 3-5 lbs in a month is a really good and slow loss... You should definitely add some more fruits, veggies and proteins like chicken and lean beef to your food plan though.
  • Simple answer - yes! You're so close to a healthy weight that you are going to struggle to lose weight fast.

    Some things to consider changing this month:

    - Your body is probably pretty good at pilates now. You probably want to do something else on every second day. Resistance training and high intensity cardio (eg. HIIT) would be good options.
    - You should increase the nutritional value of your food. Start experimenting with fitting more fruit and veg in your diet.
    - Calculate your calories and make sure that you aren't too far under your BMR. The longer you eat below your BMR, the more likely you are to plateau. The occasional high day that you're having eating out is probably good for keeping your metabolism higher.
  • Cardio kicks up weight loss, and I am with the others up your veggie and protien uptake eat more often and small meals,