Back again!

  • When I was a teenager I lost about 50lbs through diet and exercise. It was pretty easy, I had struggles but I accomplished my goals and went from almost 200lbs, a size 16... to 145 lbs and a size 6. So I get the basics of losing weight. However, I just had a baby in September and now am at 190lbs and a size 16 again. I consider myself to be quite active. In the last four weeks I have been exercising, watching what I eat, and taking ALLI...However, I have not lost a single lb so I am a bit discouraged. I'm hoping to be able to connect with some people on here and be reinvigorated. It is very demotivating to work hard for a month and see no results. If anyone has any suggestions I am open to them. Thanks!
  • to 3FC's ~ this is a very supportive place as you probably have already noticed; and there are lots of great people here with lots of ideas and tips too. We have age and weight forums, food plan forums, and exercise threads, and so many others. Look around, read lots, then just jump right in wherever you feel
    comfortable ...