Back Fat..

  • Do you have any good moves or workout tapes that target this area, i have ugly back fat and i just want it gone!
  • It will naturally come off as you lose weight. But doing some toning exercises with weights will help. Specifically, a bent over row is good for the back.
  • I have the same problem!!!! I went to buy new bras yesterday and they had a mirror on each side so I got to see my ugly back fat in all of its glory. WOO.
  • when I was in high school I was pretty overweight and on the swim team. Swimming really helped keep my back toned. Between butterfly stroke and the correct free style stroke, I also had pretty decent, non-flappy arms. We did have 3 hour long practices and swam about 5-6 miles in laps on average, but it did tone my upper body...maybe incorporating some swimming in your exercise routine?
  • Quote: I have the same problem!!!! I went to buy new bras yesterday and they had a mirror on each side so I got to see my ugly back fat in all of its glory. WOO.
    Yup buying some new pants yesterday brought my ever so huge rolls to attention

    Tiffany~ Thanks for the link!
  • I agree with the back toning exercises. You can't spot reduce fat but these will tighten it all up some.

    I also really like the rower machine at the gym if you have access to one, I currently also do dragonboat paddling which has been awesome for my back, but the season is winding down. I'm back to doing my weights circuit at the gym instead.
  • I also have back fat.... I can't wait to get rid of it when I lose some more weight.
  • Mine has just been slowly going away as I've lost weight. When I run/walk I try to move my arms and I hope that helps. Sometimes I even use tiny hand weights.
  • Cardio. That's the only way! I have love handles, they are really bad, and i hate them! I try to run and what not. I am doing the 30 Day Shred right now, hope that helps!
  • Ugh, dreaded back fat. Luckily that seems to be the first place that I trim down. Now if only I could do something about the big ole' rump and thunder thighs! LOL