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  • Hello All,

    I am new to the forums and to the South Beach Diet. I have never tried it, but will start tomorrow, my very first day. I am excited and nervous as I have tried and failed so many times trying to lose weight. I am at my all time heaviest weight of 320 lbs. Yesterday I thought I would die as I look at myself in the mirror and cried and cried. Today I woke up with the thought of why cry, do something about it.

    So I am here, going to give South Beach a try and I am pretty excited to start.

    Please by all means, wish me luck...give me tips or pointers. I have the book and have read most of it all day. I will finish it and reread it as I follow the plan.

    All the best,
  • You're in the right place Believe! You can do it! I've been there...the looking in the mirror at the fat me...looking at pictures of the fat me...feeling so embarrassed at the fat me! I was sick of it!!

    I've done SBD in the past with great success, then fell off the wagon and here I am again. Round 2 and ready to fight! I found my new mantra in another member's signature line, maybe it'll help you too. It goes like this:

    If you want to lose weight, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll make excuses.

    I need to print that and put it all over my house! I'm the queen of excuses!

    This is the place for us! So many tips, so much support, and so many others like us that have been there, done that! The best to you on your lets get to work and post some weight loss!!
  • BelieveinT..good luck! reading the book is most important. i need to get another copy and re read it myself.

    did SB once before for only a month, but i lost weight. i have tried everything else...everything! and SB has been the only plan that actually worked, so i am doing it again. and sticking with it as my way of eating forever...

    good luck, hang in there and keep posting...
  • everyone!

    As someone already said - read the book so you understand the program. Look around here at the stickies and great recipe ideas. Join us in the Daily, ask questions, post your menus and get feedback - take advantage of the support.

    I've been where you are. I started gaining at 7. I've lost and regained over and over again. I've lost a few pounds too slowly and given up. I even got used to being fat and completely unhealthy. This WOL is really easy to live with once you get the hang of it. Every day isn't a breeze and there will be set backs and slow downs but stick with it and you will see results

    One thing that still works great for me - make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight. List as many as you can think of, big, little, serious and silly. Put that list absolutely everywhere - on your computer, in your purse, on the fridge, at your desk, in your planner. Read it every morning, before meals and when you're just having a tough time. Sometimes we need to remember what it's all about. When the scale doesn't move as fast as you want it to, read your list

    Oh, and if you haven't joined the exercise challenge yet come on over! Moving just 15 minutes a day is going to make you feel so much better
  • Good morning Believe and

    It's great to have you here. There's so much encouragement and friendship here, I love my SBD ladies. There's just enough accountability here to keep me on track too. I look forward to getting to know.

    We started a spring challenge yesterday - it's not too late for you to join us. Check it out.
  • to The Beach, BelieveInT! Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and I'm so excited for you!
    I'm glad you are reading the book so you'll understand what this plan is all about. That's an important start to making this a success, so you are already on your way.
    The best advice I can give you is to plan out each and every meal for the week in advance, then make sure you have everything you need on hand. Knowing exactly what you'll be eating will keep your mind in the right place and keep you from straying off the plan. Check out our recipe section for some great Phase 1 menu ideas to help keep you from getting bored and give you meals to look forward to.
    The first few days may be hard, but be sure to include plenty of dairy and beans to help you through them, and don't forget to eat those 4 1/2 cups of veggies each day. Hang in there, and take it one day at time, and you'll be doing just fine!
    Lastly, join us in our daily chats every day and don't hesitate to ask questions. We're all here to help you, and checking in every day really helps keep you on plan.

    Good luck!
  • Nice to meet you! This is my third time on SB - I do well on PH1 and PH2 but not on PH3. But this time will be different, and part of that is the great support and community on this forum. When I get to my goal, I intend to stay there and know that the chicks will help me do that!
  • Quote: Please by all means, wish me luck...give me tips or pointers. I have the book and have read most of it all day. I will finish it and reread it as I follow the plan.

    If I could give you any tips or pointers it would be this;

    1. Stay close to this group and post everyday. For me, having the support network has made a world of difference.
    2. Get a "clean" Phase 1 done to rid yourself of the cravings, and stay away from off plan foods. It seems very easy for a "bite" of mashed potatoes or white bread to turn the craving mechanism back on.
    3. Give yourself time eating on plan and let the results happen. At 6 weeks in I felt fatter than when I started and got discouraged. It took awhile to start feeling better emotionally.

    I feel your pain. I was very sad last Spring when I started SBD. I had lost alot of weight and was out of control and regaining very fast. I feel so much healthier on SBD and appreciate an opportunity feel good for once, while losing weight.

    Best wishes!
  • Great advice from other beachers. I have to add that SB is a very satisfying way to eat for life!. Not just to lose the weight, but to stick with for health and well-being. Wishing you success and hope to see you here often.
  • Welcome! You will do great. Remember this is a way of life, not a diet. Yes, you can have carbs again, don't worry. Here are some of my pointers:

    1. Really do a clean Phase 1. It will help tremendously.
    2. Don't let yourself get hungry. Remember, you should eat until you are satisfied, and if you are hungry, eat something. You should be careful about fats, but you don't have to "watch" them like on other plans. Mayo, olive oil, etc. are allowed.
    3. What was simplest for me during Phase 1 was to set a goal of eating the following each day:
    1 serving beans
    2 servings low or non fat dairy
    2 servings cheese, preferably low fat
    4.5 cups of veggies (sometimes I just made sure I ate 3 different kinds of veggies throughout the day)

    Once you incorporate all those foods in, everything else will just fall into place.

    Look at the "on plan" threads to see what others are eating. You will see the amazing variety and how we don't count points or weigh.

    Good luck! Post everyday, and join the spring challenge.
  • Hi Believe! I am new too! Good luck on your first day! I know you will do great! SB is the only diet that has ever worked so well and made me feel so good at the same time.
  • BelieveinT

    I can hear myself in your words--I was 328+ when I started South Beach in '04. I figured that I'd lose some, then quit and gain it back, just as I had with every other diet. It didn't happen, and a major reason this time was different was the support, advice, and good information I gained from 3FC and this forum. The exercise forum is exceptional, and the maintainers' advice and inspiration is essential to me.

    If you have a major love of carbs and sugar, like I did, you'll be amazed at how clear (and EASY) things are after Phase 1. This plan changed my life. I hope it changes yours, too!

    In the meantime, keep reading the book, and also check out the Prepare Yourself to Start South Beach thread, which is stickied at the top of this forum.

    One of the things that made a big difference for me this time was combining diet and exercise. If you haven't been exercising, you shouldn't start in Phase 1, but you should start thinking about how to incorporate it into your life starting with Phase 2. If you have questions, feel free to post 'em here, but do check out the Exercise forum. It has tons of great information!
  • Just popping in to say !!!

  • Wow, I am already feeling the love....all I can say is wow.

    Thank you all for the great advice, it goes along way. I have family members who don't provide this kind of support. I am speechless, thank you all so so so much. I totally appreciate you all....hugs!!!

    Now I have a question, as I am still trying to get familar with the boards, how do I find the boards that members here communicate on daily? I would love to take part. Any suggestions on which boards would be a great start?

    Thanks again!!!
  • BeachGal,

    Why shouldn't I start exercising in Phase 1?