Three Whole Pies!!!

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  • Everyone in my office is trying to sabotage me. I thought you 3FC folks would appreciate it. I walked into the breakroom on day 4 of my re commitment to the South Beach Diet to discover not one, not two, but THREE PIES sitting on the table.

    One pie, I can understand. Two pies, sure, maybe you had some leftovers. But THREE PIES? WHO BRINGS IN THREE PIES WHEN IT'S NOT A BIRTHDAY?

    However, I am resisting, and telling myself they are probably stale old pies anyway. Sigh!

    (Okay, so I know that this person has no way of knowing that I can't eat pie right now but.........omg temptation!)
  • urg! I have something similar going on right now.. someone brought in 4 dozen bagels.. wth? I'm staying out of the lunchroom... all I can smell in the office is freshly toasted bread products...

    (FYI: on phase 1 of South beach.. no carbs!)
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!! Just close your eyes, take a deep breath and envision yourself at your goal weight. That seems to help me when the temptation is there. STAY STRONG!!
  • Ugh! My office has been like this for weeks! I sort of expected it during the holidays, but the holidays are over and the food keeps coming. I have never seen so much food so consistently in my office; I wish I could figure out what is going on.

    Keep up your efforts to resist; it will pay off!


  • I love the guys I work with, they are my buds and I eat lunch with them every day, but I literally just had this conversation with them:

    Mike: Let's go get pie.
    Me: Nope.
    Mike: Come on.
    Me: Nope.
    Mike: It'll be good.
    Me: Nope.
    Mike: You'll like it.
    Me: Nope.
    Mike: It's just one piece!
    Me: Nope.
    Mike: Are you sure?
    Me: Yep.
    Mike: Are you sure you're sure?
    Me: Yep.
    Mike: Okay then.

    He was joking, of course, but I was still proud of myself because a week ago I don't know if I could have resisted all the questions, even in jest!
  • That sounds like something I might do.... I bake when I'm stressed, but I hardly ever eat any of it, and I've got to do something with it.....
  • Earlier in the week someone brought a bunch of candy back from China and put it in the lunch area. OMG. I tried one of each kind because it's probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... but then I ended up "trying" a couple more. Ugh. I felt really guilty. Don't end up feeling like me. Resist the pies!
  • Haha,

    About a week ago I had this huge craving for one of my old favorites the Dairy Queen Large Chocolate Extreme blizzard. So to assist with the craving I decided to look up the nutritional stats on it.

    1430 cals and 68g fat...wowza

    That helped curb the craving...
  • People who know I am dieting often ask if it's hard to have access to my kitchen all day (I work from home), and I tell them "not compared to you folks who work in offices" after the things I've read on 3FC! Stay strong ladies.
  • There is always someone in our office bringing cakes or baked goods or something I can't have. This week I've done very well. Someone brought in the pastries on Tuesday and Wednesday there was a cake. The good thing is before the search for my "Hidden Self" began I didn't eat cake but pastries are tempting if I have to see them all day. They keep them across the hall from my office and if I go to the Bathroom I see them.

    I know your pain but we can do this. Keep the vision of where you are going and stay on the path. We see someone they don't see...ourselves much slimmer and healthier.
  • I feel for ya. Today is "Bagel Thursday." 4 dozen bagels and cream cheese.
  • I feel your pain, I love pie so much, more than any other horrible treat I think. Our office is very bad too, they always have goodies, and most of the people in my office are overweight (wonder why!!)

    I had some baked fries today and a couple of baked nuggets for lunch today and I plan on having some healthy cuisine for supper. Let's show them!!
  • Alright, I'm an hour and a half from going home and I haven't touched the pies. I went in the breakroom and made my lunch and just turned my nose up at it. My pie willpower is strong!!
  • Quote: Haha,

    About a week ago I had this huge craving for one of my old favorites the Dairy Queen Large Chocolate Extreme blizzard. So to assist with the craving I decided to look up the nutritional stats on it.

    1430 cals and 68g fat...wowza

    That helped curb the craving...
    That is a great idea! Part of the reason I have been so successful lately is because I have been working from home most of the time. Home is a clean and safe place...because I don't buy it! I am NOT a one item person...I have tried and I just lie to I don't buy it! Breakrooms and work are killers! Keep fighting those pie urges!
  • My boss orders fresh fruit or salads now when she orders out for breakfast or lunch for the office because of me. She feels bad when I don't eat and everybody else does. Maybe talk to your co-workers and boss about it or maybe if you know they are planning on food to ask if they will be ordering up a salad and fresh fruit to go with it??? Or maybe they will just realize that you're not eating it and will try to bring in healthier foods....never know.