Question about 2 dvds I picked up

  • Has anyone tried "Better Belly Yoga" and "Slim, Strong and Firm" from Prevention Fitness Systems?

    I just picked these up last night and I'm wondering at the effectiveness of the routines. Any advice on these or something else I should look for would be great!

  • whenever I want to read reviews of DVDs or other stuff, I look at Amazon.

    Both of those DVDs have 4 out of 5 stars and there are some comments that might interest you.
  • This site gives clips, a time breakdown and reviews also. {love Collage!}

    Slim Strong and Firm looks pretty good actually. Hope that helps
  • Thanks!

    I just did the Better Belly Yoga one. Considering it's my first time, I don't want to push myself and do both in one day. I'll try the other one tomorrow. I do feel good though!