Cookie Dieters Chat January 2010

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  • Hello Cookie Dieters

    I know you're out there! There are threads here and there, but we need a central place to discuss all things pertaining to the cookie diet of our choice. That could be Dr. Siegal, Hollywood, Smart for Life etc. I will be ordering Dr. S. product tomorrow, along with his book. I have done my research, checked the reviews on Amazon and elsewhere, and feel like I'm making a good choice for ME. I will also be discussing it with my Dr. this week as I have an appt. anyway. For me, at this point, I need something that I don't have to obsess over all day. No counting over and over, or fretting when I've gone over for the day and thinking I can just start over tomorrow. Funny how "tomorrow" gets farther and farther away...

    I hope we can make a go of this thread, I look forward to seeing successes, however they may be measured
  • Cookie diet
    I just posted something over on "does it work" thread but will post here too. I've been using the Smart for Life cookies on/off since Sept. I lost 25 lbs but regained 5 during the holidays (was eating other cookies ). January 1st I went back on, determined to get through a whole year of dieting/exercise to get to my goal weight.

    Today, I went up to to order my next round of cookies - I just buy cookies not the other stuff - and decided to see if I could make my own. I came up with a pretty good recipe that uses almost all of the SFL ingredients - I had to substitue one and left out one other. My cookies are pretty near the same nutritional value (few less calories, way less sodium, same fat, 2 grams more of carbs, 1 gram more of protein) and I think they taste a little better (I made oatmeal)...I'm very excited since they will only cost $1.50 per day instead of over $7 at Costco. I have enough made for 8 days so I'll report back any success in a week. They were super simple to make and I'm already thinking of ways to add flavor variety.

    What I did learn through this process, though, is that these cookies, both SFL and mine, are lacking nutrients so anyone one this type of diet should really consider vitamin supplements.
  • Kim you are so brave to start this thread! I have been on here since November 2009 and one of my fears is that someone on 3FC will judge my program of choice. Actually it has already been done. BUT that was yesterday and today is today.

    What do I know today? There are so many choices out in the world of food that I get overwhelmed and obsessed with food. For today I can work on one meal and making healthy choices. One meal. I can do that. In the beginning all I could do was EAT one meal and eat what I wanted.

    What am I learning? It is okay to be hungry. I can wait. I can make healthy choices for ME. The idea I can eat what I want when I want is not true for me.
  • Hi, I did about one week on the diet in Dec...but I am starting now for real. I also researched, checked reviews, etc and for me, this seems like the right way to start. I know two people who lost a significant (100lbs) amount of weight on the cookie diet and while it is not a long term way of eating, it is a great method of re-setting my eating plan.

    Kit Cat, I am very interested in the recipie you came up with. I really enjoy home made anything much more than store bought! Please share!
  • general question
    What is the deal with that you eat 1-2 cookies for breakfast and lunch then a sensable dinner? What about the shakes in place of the cookies anyone ever tried that? Just curious to see how it worked.
  • Quote: What do I know today? There are so many choices out in the world of food that I get overwhelmed and obsessed with food. For today I can work on one meal and making healthy choices. One meal. I can do that. In the beginning all I could do was EAT one meal and eat what I wanted.

    What am I learning? It is okay to be hungry. I can wait. I can make healthy choices for ME. The idea I can eat what I want when I want is not true for me.
    Excellent statement Cathy. That will also be my mantra. It's ok to be hungry, it's ok to be hungry... Think of the tummy growls as little fat gobblers.

    Welcome all, if we stick together, we will suceed with our plan. It does not matter what other people think. As long as you feel good, and there are no objections from you health care provider, follow your plan.

    I work in an office, and it will not be too hard for me. I take my lunch late anyway, and it's easy to avoid the breakroom. The smells may get to me, but I will have my and my Crystal Light. The office is big enough too so that it's not a small clique bringing goodies every day and knowing whether you try them or not.

    KERBEAR: I have tried the shakes, but I would still want to CHEW something. If it sounds like something you'd like, go for it. Perhaps mix it up, and shake. Dr. S has shakes available along with the Let us know how you do.

    Best Wishes everyone, now I'm off to peruse the rest of the site.
  • Hi there! I've obsessed so much about food all my life that my degree is in restaurant management.

    I'm having partial knee replacement this month, so the cookie diet greatly appeals to me while waiting for recovery, as any activities below the waist hurt. I've been looking for online support, as I've been doing the cookie diet (not as well as I should) for almost a week.

    Yes, you can substitute anything for a cookie, but as a person who loves sweets & convenience, this diet really appeals to me. As someone earlier stated, we all know how to eat correctly, but get sidetracked by all the choices out there.

    Costco has a great deal now on the 42 day cookie plan right now. I'm not a shake person at all, and am gonna try to work half of a Dr Melina bar in place of a cookie, as it's cheaper w/about the same nutrition. Will report on that.

    Glad I found this forum, and hope to be & get some good support as I lose!
  • My from Dr. S are on their way
    WELCOME RHONDA! We have a lizard at our house, he is a Mali Uromastyx and his name is Scrabbles. He is a sweetie (for a reptile).

    Eek! time to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone.
  • I just started the Dr. S. cookie diet today. In the long run I would like to lose about 100lbs. I seem to do alot better with dieting when I am on a structured plan so I hope that this will work. I had previously lost 70lbs but then life got in the way (had some deaths in the family) and now I am right back to where I started. I am hoping that with this turn that I will be able to get my weight back under control and start exercising and make this a life change. Glad I found this forum. Hopefully we can all be a ray of support for each other
  • A big surprise to me was that no one really paid attention to what I was eating. I bring my cookies with me wherever I go and when it is time I have a cookie (I try to stick to 8-10-12-2-4). My dh and I used to eat out for lunch and dinner. He always brought my lunch to work and we would eat together. I do miss the time with him and we are working on ways to be able to spend more lunch times together. I have been working from home a lot lately so he comes home - which is great!

    Many times over the past weeks I have traded a cookie for something 100-150 calories. Sometimes if we have leftovers I will substitute to get rid of the food. I still have this idea I don't want to waste food...of course I think it is a joke or a lie I tell myself...cuz I sure will let fruit or veggies rot in the fridge and not worry about eating them :P Honestly though, trading a for something else has taught me lessons. I'll talk about that another time!
  • Cathydoe-I'm doing the 8-10-12-2-4 time too. I find the even hours make it easier to remember to eat. Yeah, like *that's* ever been a problem...

    I've been trying to sub in a few mini-meals when I'm home as well, a little greek yogurt with berries, or a small plate of something. I figure I won't be eating these cookies forever, so I can try subbing mini-meals in, because I hate to waste food as well. I don't know if I'm destined to have just mini-meals during the day, but right now I'm working really hard on forgiving myself if I do fall off. I find on the cookie diet that 'getting back on the horse' is MUCH easier than on other diets.
  • so i just started today and i didn't realize how difficult this would be....the cookies aren't great but maybe i need to just getting used to only eating these cookies...any tips from anyone currently doing the diet?
  • Thanks for responding to my questions. I found two different websites for the cookie diet one is Dr S and one is SFL not sure if they are both the same or not.
    Also do you eat the cookies every two hours and then a sensable dinner? What if you substitute the shakes that is the same as two cookies right? What kind of dinner should you eat?
    Sorry for all the questions just want to be knowledgeable before i get going!!!'
    Thanks so much.
  • nmycoma I like the cookies. I have the SFL cookies. I am not a raisin person and I thought I wouldn't like the oatmeal raisin...but there are these little crunchy things in the cookie that I love! And lets face it...raisins are few and far Yeah! And if you put the chocolate ones in the micro for 10 seconds... Holy buckets! <big grin>

    kerbear1969 my cookies from SFL came with instructions...I don't do the shakes cuz it counts for 2 cookies (I'd rather eat 2 cookies!) The directions even suggest options for dinner. I think there may even be some do's and don'ts

    nmycoma when I 1st started this was very very very hard! I was hungry. I wanted to eat! I just kept saying to myself that I get to eat in 2 hours... now it is funny cuz I find myself enjoying or savoring what I I have slowed down and I want to relax as I eat and I don't want to be on the computer while I eat...I just want to eat what I am eating and enjoy it. A very weird thing for me!
  • cathy--thanks for the reply...i will try warming them up and see if it makes them any am just going to keep pushing and hopefully i will get there