Happy Christmas 40's !

  • Just wanted to wish you all a lovely Christmas and best wishes for the coming year! I know I've not been posting much lately, but now that I'm finally recovering from my foot op and subsequent back outage I'm definitely going to be switching to full speed ahead. I look forward to all of us reaching our goals together, no matter what they are!

    All the Best and thank you all for being such a great support system!
  • Merry Christmas, Renee! I am just now waking up and having my first cup of tea. We will open gifts at 10 AM and then over to Mom's to have dinner at 1.

    I got a shock this morning; I am up almost 6 pounds from 2 days ago! That's what 2 days of eating potato chips (my trigger food) and other salty foods with NO water will do to you! So it's back on the water today, and I am planning to take a nice long walk after Christmas dinner. The air quality is bad today (I live in a valley and everyone is burning their fireplace), so I'm having asthma trouble. But I am planning to walk and get right back on it--this is how sldes happen!

    I hope everyone enjoys their holiday. You all have been a great support to me as well and I am SO grateful to be ending this year over 50 pounds lighter than when I started it. So thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone!
  • Dear Ladies

    Merry Christmas and thanks for great support that I find here every day.

    yours truly lurker
  • Hi all! My last Christmas in the 40's By next Christmas I will be 50!
  • I haven't dared get on the scale! and I don't feel bad about anything at all. I am probably up, yes, but Christmas comes but once a year and to be totally honest I'm still way better off this year than last! And guess what? I just hit my 1 year anniversary of stopping smoking on Christmas Eve. That means, whether I'm a few pounds up from last week or not, I AM healthier than last year!

    I've enjoyed 3FC so much this year, I've gotten so much great support, feedback and kicks in the pants when necessary - I just know we are all going to see some great successes this next year!

    Now... I'm going to put on my new workout gear that my lovely hubby got for me for Christmas and I'm going to put it to good use. Looks like I'll be jumping into C25K again since it's been almost two months that I've been running!
  • Hey, I don't know why but I just saw this thread! Merry Christmas (belatedly!) to you... And I'm so glad to read that you are doing so well!! Here's to a great 2010!