cravings are starting to get to me

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  • A few days ago I gave into having a bowl of cereal, I worked it off. I've only gained 3 lbs since finding out I was pregnant.
    This craving is with me all day, everyday. I just keep putting it off until the day is over only to deal with it the next day.
    Yesterday, I did try the theory that people say that when you crave something sweet, your body's craving protein. Well last night I had a serving of nuts. I can tell you with every nut my brain said "Nope, its not cereal." in the end I still craved the cereal. LOL
    I have tried healthy alternatives live fruit and yogurt with berries but I still want the cereal.
    Haven't given into it but I know that if I do I will have to work it off. I think that's what keeps me from doing it. LOL
  • i craved cereal BIG TIME when i was pregnant!! Captain Crunch with Berries, to be exact. I gave in. ALL THE TIME. I also gained 70 pounds.

    Good Luck. Cereal is not the WORST thing you could be craving either. Wuld having a small bowl in the morning, or afternoon or whenever help, so you DONT crave it?
  • Would a small tiny bowl like say 1/2 a cup or 1 cup satisfy you? I would do that- if I ignore my cravings I'll eat other stuff and then STILL crave the original item- so I'll just give in- not go crazy- but if I'm craving chocolate I'll savor ONE square and then my craving is satisfied and I move on.
  • I agree that maybe a small bowl of cereal isn't the end of the world. When I was pg I would eat 1,000 calories trying to avoid a 300 calorie chocolate (or whatever) splurge. Sometimes it's better to eat what you're craving (in reasonable amounts) than to avoid it.
  • Quote: i craved cereal BIG TIME when i was pregnant!! Captain Crunch with Berries, to be exact. I gave in. ALL THE TIME. I also gained 70 pounds.

    Good Luck. Cereal is not the WORST thing you could be craving either. Wuld having a small bowl in the morning, or afternoon or whenever help, so you DONT crave it?
    That's the exact cereal I'm craving. LOL
    when it comes to chocolate, I do have one Lyndt chocolate late at night if I still want it. Doesn't happen often but its not the end of my diet.
    I could try having a small bowl of cereal every now and then. Thank you
  • I eat everything i crave , A bit of it of course.
  • Lately its been Menudo and Pozole. Two things I avoided during my diet. I make sure to have a salad with it though. I'm enjoying these cravings.
  • I've never met anyone who even likes menudo much less craves it, that's pretty awesome! (I'm not sure why it's awesome, it just struck me as so.)
  • So late chiming in here, but a little cereal is better than smores poptarts everyday with my first baby. Thank God I threw up the whole 9 months or I would have gained 100 pounds.
  • LOL I'm sorry it was so hard for you though. I'm out of cereal now and don't plan on restocking but I did find a bag of fruity gummy bears. trying to keep that down to a minimum.
  • You girls are all better than me - I eat what I crave when I crave it. Lately I have been eating Chipolte at least 3x a week and just can't help myself. I figure pregnancy is the one time I can indulge a bit and not feel too guilty. Luckily I have only gained 18lbs so far this pregnancy.
  • I was craving Jack in the Box with my last pregnancy. I gained a lot but my baby was my larges out of all my others. LOL
    I'm trying to have more self control with this pregnancy especially since I lost all that weight, the last thing I want is to start all over again. Its not easy.
  • I crave cereal all the time anyways but its a common pregnancy craving. I really don't think it is about nutrients. I really think there is something unique about cold milk with crunchy cereal. I get why you want it. Its my biggest struggle in dieting.
  • lovinlife, it's a darn good thing there's not a Chipotle within 300 miles of DH and me. I'd definitely be there a few times per week, too!!
  • mom4life: I love jack in the box, but only when I'm pregnant! haha. It is awful. Right now we have one of those Christmas cans full of popcorn (butter, cheese, and caramel) and the caramel is killing me! I ate way too much of it today. I'm just missing the nuts. It is good if we don't buy the stuff, but when someone gives you it it's pretty hard to stay away!
    I am just really craving sweet stuff like caramel and chocolate!