30 day OP points challenge!!!

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  • Ok ladies!! Here it is!! It's time I got off my butt and did something!! I work best when I am held accountable. SO I challenge you to do your very best for 30 days and we'll see who wins!!

    Here is how it's going to go. Starting Monday, July 29, 2002. We will try to do the 3 things that work. Food, water & exercise. You decide what your food plan is, how much water you want to drink and how much exercise you want to get every day. Every day you have the opportunity to earn 3 points.

    1 point for sticking with your food plan
    1 point for drinking the amount of water you decided on
    1 point for getting some exercise.

    Post out here every day with how many points you've earned for a given day, and I will keep track. We'll see who's doing the best after 30 days.

    This is a very cool way to keep on track, because even if you don't do so great on food, you might still get in your water and exercise to earn the points!

    Who's with me???? We start on Monday!!!!
  • Ok - here is my plan for the points:

    Food - I will stay within my WW points range of 28-33
    Water - 128 oz.
    Exercise - 20 minutes

  • Oooh. OOoh. Oooh. COUNT me in!

    1 Point: Keeping my carb intake to a minimum
    1 Point: 1 Gallon of Water
    1 Point: At least 20 minutes of shakin this rump

    Thanks sandi!!

  • Oh heck, I'll give it a go...

    food- I will eat vegetarian, with a minimum of sweets and fat, in the calorie range of 1700-2000 cals

    water- 1 gallon

    exercise- 20 mins...yeah, I can squeeze out 20 mins a day, even when my back is acting up

    great idea Sandi!
    if we are on ww and use our banked points we still get our food point?

    I really like this.. my step sons are coming in August and this will keep me on track!!

    Food - ww point range 24-29
    exercise - earned min 1 ww exercise point
    water - 93 oz

    Can we start today??? Am I ever glad we didn't start yesterday I would have owed points

  • I am totally in. We have guests coming Sept 1, they last saw me about 10 pounds ago. I'd love to add another 10 pounds to that (external validation , I know) So this 30 days would be ideal!

    OK- My plan is the fat Flush plan 6 days a week-
    No wheat, no dairy, umlimited veggies, lean protein, tracking it all on Fit Day!
    1- day a week "off" I get some bread and milk damnit.

    Exercise- loving pilates right now, have T-Tapp stuff on order. I am an every day exerciser.

    water 120 ozs a day
    And lastly, I only get to weigh in once a week. anymore than that and I deduct a point, maybe this will slow down my scale jumping.

    OK Let's Go!

    Jacob's Mommy. love your points system now falling off the wagon won't be so likley to cause us to quit all together.
  • Dana - The reason I wanted to wait until Monday, is just to give everyone who's interested a chance to get on board. And yes, banked points count. That's part of your plan, so you can use banked points, exercise points whatever. As long as it's part of the guidelines that you set for yourself!!

    This should be fun!! I'm excited!!
  • I am in!!!!

    1) WW points range 28-33
    2) Water (UGH) - 100oz
    3) Exercise - 30 min a day

  • yeah I can do this starting on monday

    1 point for staying OP with points (28-33)
    1 point for drinking 96 oz water
    1 point for getting at least 1 point of exercise.
  • I'm all for it! This is a great idea!

    My goals will be -

    Food: Stay within WW points range of 28-33 (with banked points for special occasions).

    Water: Drink 100 oz. per day

    Exercise: A minimum of 15 minutes (I'm starting out slow because I have such a hard time with exercise & I want to set an achievable goal to boost my confidence). The only day I'm going to give myself off from exercising is Thursdays, & that is because I work all day & go to college at night, so my day is non-stop from 6:00am to 11:00pm. In order to earn my point for the day for exercise, though, I will take a short walk at lunch time or walk up the stairs... something I can do at work, but will still keep me moving.

    I think this will be a great kick in the butt for me! Excellent idea!!

    I'm in. After the very bad day today I need to do this. It will help with my challange.

    Food: Low carb, Low Fat (Sunday is my day off)
    Exercise: Weights Mon, Wed, Fri. Aerobics Tue, Thurs, Sat
    Water: At least 94oz. I hope to do more, but don't want to set myself up for failure!!

    Thanks for starting this on Monday.

  • Of course cont me IN!!! I will be going away on vacation camping again so I will be off the eating for a week but I can do good with the exercise and water!!
  • Count me in as well. With the beginning of the school year looming ever closer (teachers back on the 1st, kids on the 5th) it's very important I stay on track and accountable lest I let the stress eating take over.

    My goals:
    Food: stay within WW points range (26-31)
    Water: 96 oz. per day
    Exercise: 20 min. per day
  • What a great idea, oh I'm definately in!

    My goals:

    Food - stay in WW points range 24-29
    Water - I'm gonna start low here because this is the thing I have the hardest thing with - 80 oz daily
    Exercise - 2 mile walk at least 5 times/week
  • oh yeah, I'm all over this - great idea sandi!! Like Jennelle, I gotta go back to school, and those first 2 or three weeks are non-stop insanity. Accountability is key, or I'll be right back where I was when school let out in the spring.

    My goals are:
    1. Food under 2000 calories, with 5 fruits/veggies a day and low sodium.
    2. Water at least 100 oz. per day.
    3. Exercise 30 minutes, 4 times a week.