300+ and Ready to Try Again... #190

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    We are a group of people working together to lose our excess weight.
    We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday..... Weigh ins / Wacky/ Way to go Wednnesday
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

    Please feel free to jump right in with us.
    And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

  • Andria come to my house when you get done! Mine needs a pulling apart and putting back together too! Badly! I tried to get 2Cute to come but she wasn't buying it!!

    Baylee...don't you hate those nights? I hate it when I am up all night and then just when I get back to sleep the darn alarm goes off!

    I had a pig out day yesterday...all good for me foods but way over my points range so I am doing some reverse banking this week.

    For lunch today I sliced 2 small zucchini lengthwise and marinated them in some ff italian dressing and grilled them. If you cut them on the thicker side they don't get dried out. I also grilled some fresh pineapple. Though I wasn't impressed with them...they tasted like alcohol...I did eat some of it. Its a taste you have to get use to I guess! I also had some tuna mixed with a tablespoon of low fat mayo and a tablespoon of plain ff yogurt with a tsp of relish. Not bad at all for 5 points for the whole can!

    Well I guess I gotta get out of here and get the little guy to take a nap so I can! LOL We are joining a mom's group tomorrow so he can have some kids to play with and so I can have some adult coversation!

    TTFN Michelle
  • OH I'm back...but not for long...on the way home from work this morning, a cop pulled me over...(gee, did I flash back to my misbegotten yourth when I saw those flashing lights! What'd I do? What'd I do?) He was kind enough to tell me that my tire was going flat...Nice young fellow. So I was able to get the car home and figured I'd deal with it when dh got home...I know I know...I am woman, hear me roar...whatever...I DON"T WANT TO CHANGE A TIRE! DH (at work, of course...couldnt be on nights this week) told me to get the air compressor and fill the tire with enough air to get it to the gas station...I feel like the kids when you tell them to do something they don't want to...you know, the knees kind of buckle, the head goes back, the grimace on the face...I HATE DOING CAR STUFF! Yeah that's right, I'm a big fat baby...I can accept that. Anyway, I DID it...we're taking it over now...I just have to call my sis to pick us up there...then we're going swimming...so that's not too bad...I guess...

    I'll check in later...
  • Kat...I was checking out www.Dennysrestaurants.com and I have my meal all planned out! Yeah...right..for now anyway...at least until I get there! They even have a boca burger on the menu but don't let them restaurants fool you...that boca burger comes out to be over 16 points! Geesh...when you think you are eating healthy and they throw that at ya! And that oreo cookie pie...uh...I ain't gonna tell you what kind of damage that will to do ya!! LOL

    Thin...I missed you on my last post...you are always so busy we don't see you anymore! Take some time for yourself and US! We miss you!

    Ok gotta get the boy some dinner going. He is a bear if he doesn't eat by 5 !

    TTFN Michelle
  • Only $546.14 later...4 new tires, an alignment and we're good to go! The guy took one look at the tire and said, "Oh yeah, these Firestones were recalled because of the treads breaking down like you have here..." Funny how, when I took the car back to Costco to have them checked when they had the recall, they told me these weren't the recalled models...GRRRRR....All I can say is THANK YOU GOD this didn't happen on the NJ Turnpike or the NY Thruway or one of the many interstate roads we travelled these past three days...a guardian is definitely watching over me...someone has to!

    For all the bad I thought I have inflicted on my body, calorie-wise, I am up only 1.5 lbs. I'll take that as a small victory and RECOMMIT to good eating and lots and lots of water...geez it's hot!

    Gotta run...need to get some paper work together...we are refinancing our mortgage, again (just did this a year ago, but we can get a 6% interest rate as opposed to the 7.25 we pay now.) Plus we have improved the house since then...new kitchen and bath, so the appraisal should be higher...fingers are crossed. If it wasn't such a significant savings I wouldn't bother...I hate going through all this crap.

    See ya'll later...stay cool
  • I just had to tell you about my roast in the crockpot...it came out sooo good. I just put 1 15 oz can of stewed tomatoes in the bottom and chopped up an onion and put that in then put the roast in and poured another 15 oz can of stewed tomatos on top then sliced a pkg of fresh mushrooms in it and sprinkled a little garlic salt and just a tad of the italian seasoning and cooked it on low all day long! It was soooo yummy! I served the veggies and broth it made over white rice. I wished I had more points to use so I could have eaten more but I will for sure have it for lunch tomorrow!

    I do have to tell you about the breakfast cookies! I got them in the mail today and they are oh so good! But....whoever said they could only eat half a cookie and were full have to be those skinny little whatever you want to call them....each cookie is a decent size and thick and soft and chewy and oh so good. The peanut butter one I had today was 6 pts for the whole thing. Some of them are only 4 or 5 points. It took all I had to keep from eating another one. I got the sampler pack. One of each flavor. They say to put them in the freezer which I will have to do to control myself. I think I will have one of those in the morning with a piece of fruit and maybe some tea. They would be great for those who work and need breakfast on the run with a coffee. I will have to order more when I do eventually go back to work!

    Well not much else to report here tonight. Andrew won't go to bed yet so he is outside in his PJ's with his dad watering the lawn and flower gardens.

    Soooo I'm off to work on some of that algebra I have been putting off since vacation at the end of June. I am oh so far behind! Gotta catch up quickly. The week of August 5th will be here before you know it!

    TTFN Michelle
  • Hey everyone

    Ok, the entire house wasn't turned inside out, but it looks a tad better than when we started this morning. I think I scared DH and the girls. They didn't think mommy was serious about real cleaning today.

    I saw a great recipe I'm going to type out for you all, but had to respond to Katrina's post first. Would PM it, but thought there might be others of you who could benefit.

    Katrina, please do yourself a favor and call that garage back early tomorrow and ask for the DOT's off your supposedly recalled tires? I sell tires all day long, and yes, we have done our share of recalled Firestone tires. Thing is, not as many of those tires were recalled as some shops would like you to think. So many places have taken advantage of consumers. Anyway, if you want to call them and PM or email me the numbers, I'll make a call to Firestone and make sure they really were recalled tires. Get them to tell you size and type as well. Telling you your tires were on a recall when you had them checked somewhere else just doesn't sound right to me.

    Yes, I'm more than a bit protective of my friends.

    And... ummm... is this where I admit to not having EVER changed a tire?

    Michelle, I just ate dinner, but now I'm drooling and ready to go get a roast cooking! Thanks for the grilled zucchini idea as well. We have plenty of those around here. Probably the best reason to leave your car locked here. Someone is likely to fill it with zucchini!

    I'm not feeling clever enough to go back through the last thread and reply to everyone. My apologies! I'd probably end up losing everything I've written already. ACK!

  • Thanks for the information, Andria, it pays to have good friends.

    Michelle, you crack me up, checking Denny's menu online. But it is best to be prepared. Just remember your first choice is usually the one to stick with. Whenever I change my mind at the last minute I regret it.

    Baylee, Sorry you couldn't sleep. I don't think that has ever happened to me. I can sleep anytime, anywhere. Feel sorry for me...it is suppose to be 100 over here on the West side of our state. I have the afternoon off because I work Saturday morning so I may have to be here to stay out of the kitchen. I don't have anything "fun" and cool to eat so that should help.

    Well, better get to work...check you all out later.

    I don't think I will be exercising until this weather "shapes up"....
  • Hi all How are my friends today.
    I am good just tired . I have to stay till 8 tonight. We are having a book club meeting in our meeting room. I volunteered to stay so Jan can pick up her kids.
    I'm so sweet

    Did I tell all of you that I can't wear Jeans to work when I start the new job? Oh well that gives me an excuse to go buy new clothes

    Hope all of you have a great day It's really hot a muggy here.
  • Me Again

    Hi all, hows everyone doing, just peachy I hope. Another beautiful day, but still no rain, they say were dryer than the dirty 30's were. Going camping this weekend so I'm sure it will rain then, or maybe I should wash my car, it always rains when you don't want it to.

    Well I weighed myself this morning, Friday is going to be my actual weigh in day, but I just wanted to see if I was on the right track, and so far this week ( since Sat ) I've lost 2lbs, so I guess I'm doing something right. I've got watermelon coming out of my ying yang, I've eaten 1/2 a watermelon since Saturday, it tastes so good in this hot weather. I'm not sure but I think it gives you the runs, well something is.

    Remember me telling you lady's, that my DB started a new job, doing his first years apprenticeship for welding, well he seems to be doing great and loving the work, he's been there for about 2 months a has already gotten a 4 dollar raise, his boss is really impressed with him, he's only making 2 dollars less than the journeyman. Finally, something he likes and is good at, and it's year round work, no more worrying about getting laidoff.

    We went to the rodeo on the weekend, and I think I have a future cowboy on my hands My son who is 4yrs old, went mutton busting :sheep: ( sheep riding) they hold the sheeps still and put the kids on and they take off like a bucking horse, My poor boy hung on with all his might, but the sheep tripped and fell and head butted my son giving him a fat lip, He cried for a minute, a little scared I think. Then he was asking that we buy him a sheep, and I told him Dad would have to make lots of money so we can buy a farm for the sheep, and then he say's well then we can buy a farm and buy ten sheep. He's so cute

    Well I guess I should go and get some work done,
  • Starting over...
    Since I've been on a one woman wrecking crew, as far as any dietary constraints go...I've decided to stop, take a deep breath, and start over. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning at work...
    {ulp}..post the number under my name and weigh in each Wednesday hereafter...(WI Wednesday, NOT Wisconsin). I have got to get this under control... I have monster PMS this week, which is not helping matters.

    [size=huge]HELP![/size] I feel like an addict, who just cannot get enough. I'm trying to analyze the underlying reasons for this ongoing binge...to determine what is scaring me, bugging me, hurting me...I can't come up with anything other than I am just so disgusted with myself that it's almost like I am punishing myself with food by eating everything in sight...I know it doesn't make sense. I have everything in the world to be thankful for. wonderful family, steady jobs for both of us, good health, enough money (not a ton, but enough for our needs...) It's like I feel that I don't deserve to be happy and contented. I am always waiting for the bottom to drop out...it doesn't help that I'm reading "The Pilot's Wife." anyone read this one?

    Enough...I have tons to do...will put the pity party on hold for a bit. I know there's Midol upstairs somewhere...I'm going to take this one step at a time. Got to get some stuff done around here for appraisal tomorrow...like clean! And I have to go to the DMV to register the new car...fun...

    Thanks for listening...like you have a choice...I should be back to my chipper self tomorrow...I hope...I love you all...you guys are my strength...so many times I will do the right thing (just not lately) so I can come back here and tell you all...gotta get back to that mindset.

    OK...sniff sniff...I'm done for now...I'll be back later...
  • Yes, Kat, I have read the Pilot's Wife....it just reinforced my belief that you shouldn't be doing deceitful things!!!!! But it is hard on the survivors. (not that Harrison Ford has that tough of a life )- (in the movies version)

    I also do what you do....stuff, stuff, stuff. For me I believe I am looking for something to fill myself up NOT FOOD. I have come to the conclusion that it is love. I know people love me, but I don't FEEL it. Does anyone understand? There are things that have happened in my life, not unusual or the worst but my reaction was to shut down emotionally. It has protected me but also keeps me from truely feeling. It's funny you posted what you did and it brought all this up for me. I just moved back to this area 1 1/2 years ago. There is a person from my past that I could and would FEEL life with. We were platonic friends only because he is my brothers best friend. We have always had this "connection". We can just look at each other and know what is going on. (okay to shorten this story)

    His Dad died a few months ago and he took over his business - 3 miles away from me. I meet him on the road every single day now. Bad news is he is married now, but the good news is everyday when I see him I try to understand WHY this is happening. I guess I think it is to remind me that it is possible to have such a relationship????? I would NEVER do anything about him now and neither would he because of his wife and kids but ..... life is interesting.

    Anyway, that is why I believe I stuff myself....
  • [size=huge]HELLO?? ANYONE OUT THERE? [/SIZE]I'll be good, no more whining...

    I'll be checking later, hope more come out to play!
  • Hey everyone

    Mind if I whine for just a bit? There have been electrical storms all around us the last few days. They started all sorts of fires, and the sky is back to being a funky gray color all day. So, not only do I not get a nice dose of daily sunshine, but I can't breathe either. It was so bad this morning that I had to stop moving during water aerobics. I got things slowed down and was able to continue at a much lower level after a few minutes, but it was upsetting that it got that bad. I haven't used an inhaler for almost 7 years now, and I don't want to begin again. Have no fear, if I need one, I will use it. I just don't want to, you know?

    Enough whining!

    Day has been good, food has not. I'm going to call this a blow off day for the week and make sure no other one gets this bad. Seems I've been treating myself all day long. A little bit here and a little bit there have all added up to more than enough. So, I'm going to make a nice dinner with lots of roasted veggies and make myself stop before this gets out of hand.

    Here is that recipe I promised yesterday. It is from The Pampered Chef.

    Southwest Turkey Salad

    2/3 c. mild salsa
    1/2 c. sour cream (I suggest FF or plain yogurt)
    1 Tbsp. cumin
    3/4 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. ground black pepper

    1 can (15 ounces) kidney beans
    1 can (17 ounces) corn kernels
    2 cups (8 ounces) cooked turkey, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
    3 celery stalks, diced
    8 lettuce leaves, shredded
    2 c. unsalted tortilla chips

    In 1 3/4-Qt. Bowl combine all dressing ingredients; refrigerate. Rinse and drain kidney beans in 1-Qt. Colander. Add corn to Colander; drain well. Cut turkey into 1/2-inch cubes. Combine turkey, celery, beans, and corn in Bowl. To serve, divide lettuce between 4 plates. Top with turkey mixture; garnish with tortilla chips. Serve dressing on the side.

    Yield: 4 servings

    Nutrients per serving: Calories 434, Fat 11 g, Sodium 1,680 mg, Dietary fiber 13 g

    11 grams of fat is high for one meal for me. Changing out the sour cream will reduce that number drastically. Leaving out the tortilla chips would lower it as well.

    Time to get out of here. Have a great evening!

  • Hey Guys Thanks for all the prayers. My friend is out of CCU and in a room. they took out her feeding tube and IV. I love you all.