I am so discouraged

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  • Hi everyone,

    I have been "trying" to low carb for a while. But today I woke up realy discouraged. I had a carb attack last night and munched really hard on restaurant style tortilla chips.

    I am so ready to throw in the towel. Somedays I do good and the others I just screw up. I dont know why sometimes it is so hard.

    Is there anyone out there that has had a hard time at first.

  • Hang in there Sinnrah!!!

    What plan are you doing? If you are doing Atkins perhaps you may want to consider switching plans to CALP where you could have some of your favorites in moderation.

    We all go through rough spots, some rougher than others but with a little or a lot of help from these chicks we do manage to pull out of them!!!

    keep posting!!!!
    It helps you stay OP!!!!

  • Huggs !!

    I know what you mean, no matter what diet I'm on, at night I screw up royally, why ??? I dunno. Now I'm just taking it one day at a time and trying not to be so DARN perfect haaaaa~ For me its all or nothing, thats hard to overcome but I'm trying.

    Hang in there, we all goof now and then.

    Love, Leens

    PS...I didn't like atkins but CAD was much better for me.
  • Sinnarh,
    If it were easy we wouldn't all be here! hang in there and follow the advice of the chicks...they know their low carb stuff!
  • Hey Ladies,

    I will hang in there. I just get so mad at myself. I was in such a slump before...and then started the low carb dieting. And got over the slump w/ no problem.

    But it is just keeping it up that is kicking my rear. I am not doing atkins. I just eat things in low carb. So I really dont have a "low carb" diet plan I follow, you know like atkins or anything. I just did research on what i could eat. And I found that I could only eat meat and some veggies.

    But it is almost tom is here and I am craving the carbs like crazy. I also have been told that sometimes when you feel like you are craving carbs you are actually thirsty. But my goodness. How much water do I need to drink in order to get these cravings to go away?

    Okay...enough of my complaining.

    Thanks for all the support....

  • No advise, just wanted to say hang in there, when you start seeing the pounds come off you will be glad you did.

    peach has a good idea, give the CALP plan a chance, it is a little less restrictive, I had great luck with that plan. I lost 78 pounds while following it, now don't ask me if it stayed off, the plan worked, but I stopped working at it and gained alot of it back. But I still think CALP is very doable.

  • I agree with everyone else, CALP lets you have one reward meal a day. Not a carb binge but a certain amount of carbs so you have that to look forward to. I mostly follow Protein Power, but every Sunday I allow myself a reward meal, that way I plan my cheat meal. That may not be a good thing to do, but it works for me. That way I know I can have pizza, or spaghetti, or something outrageous on Sunday for one meal, one serving. That way I am not stuffing myself with the food. It keeps me sane. Also 1/2 cup of berries are good, they have 9 carbos but have plenty of nutrients, a slice of melon is good too. You have to make sure you are getting enough of the right kind of carbs, but not too much. I try and stay at 35, when I get my body down to lean body weight I don't know what I'll end up consuming. I don't know if this helps or not, but it works for me. Judy
  • The only thing that seems to help me curb a carb craving is to eat more meat and fat. It helps if it's crunchy, like pork rinds and cream cheese. Peanut Butter and celery. Melt cheddar cheese on a platter in the microwave until it is really crispy.
  • Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to say thank you again for all the support. I think you all are really awesome. I have yet to find a board with so many great people.

    I am going to try the suggestions you all gave me...thank you gain.

    God Bless
  • Hi Sinnrah!
    Sorry I've been sluggish in replying! I guess I've been hopping off and on so much that some posts have definately slipped past me!

    I know you said you're not on a certain type of LC plan but eating LC ~ sure hope you're eating more than meat and veggies! Have you checked out the recipe section? The "what's in your LC fridge and pantry" thread? There's so much more to the LC woe than meat and veggies! These chicks have certainly been creative in the provided recipes! And some very yummy, satisfying LC deserts to help that sweet tooth !!

    We all do a nose dive into something when those carb monsters take over! Don't beat yourself up over it! Just dust off the carb dust andpump up the protein and ater the following day!

    As L~ said, we've all been there!

  • Hi MamaJ,

    I do eat mostly meat and veggies. But for me it is alright. I love them. I never get tired of meat and veggies. I change it up sometimes.

    Last night I went to the Texas Road House to eat and had oven roasted chicken and steam veggies. YUMMY!

    But then came home and stayed up late w/ my hubby and those stupid tortilla chips again. I am fixing to tell my hubby NO MORE CHIPS IN MY HOUSE!!! LOL

    I seriously can not keep my hands out of the bag. But I wake up and weigh myself and no weight gain....But i just do not want to gain the weight back. I have checked out the Fridge section. I just need to print some of the stuff out....printer is on the blitz right now.

    Okay...I will keep you all posted.

  • Sinnrah,
    Are you low carbing to stay in ketosis or are you just trying to keep your carb intake down? The reason I ask is that if you are not doing the ketosis thing, this might help. It's borrowed from the BFL. Try taking one day off a week for a free day, or better yet, how about a free meal and one free snack per week. The rest of the week you stay clean but by allowing yourself this free day helps you get past the cravings. And since it is part of the BFL plan, it's not cheating. At first i thought it would be difficult to have a free day and then get back on track, but it was so easy because it was PART of the plan. It must be psycological or something. It worked for me.
  • sinnrah...

    just a comment or two. it sounds as if you're doing great overall, but when you slip, the issue is more like PORTION CONTROL..

    have you considered buying ONLY the individual packages of chips? yeah, they're more expensive, but which is more important? a few pennies or your weight?

    this way, you'd get the chip satisfaction, and control the amount of carbs. and you could even plan it into your eating for the day.

    one of the problems we face is the mindless eating, the zoning out, and one sign of it is the 'what happened to the chips??? i only ate a couple!!???" problem. and then, we don't even really taste anything after the first few bites.

    i watched a couple of co-workers share a bowl of popcorn.. it was so mechanical, constant dipping, and i couldn't get the attention of one of them to talk with her!!! now THAT'S zoned out!!!
  • Jiffypop, that's an excellent suggestion!!!
  • You also have to realize none of us are in perfect control all the time. You take yesterday, I was exhausted and wasn't able to fit a nap in my day, so what did I do I ate both pieces of chocolate cake left from my granddaughters birthday. It was because it was available, and I really needed a nap instead. So incorporating a cheat meal every now and then is a good thing. I won't have cake in the house again for awhile but I got back on track last night and had chicken and asparagus. So if you slip up don't even stress about it just go back on program very next meal and try not to slip up often. Judy----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Try and reach for the impossible and you may surprise yourself.