Questions Those Who Eat Raw!

  • I'm starting eating raw (and vegan), it just seems like the natural place to go next. I do however have a few questions:

    1) What resources (books/blogs/ect) do you find are amazing or must reads?

    2) Any tips for me?

    3) What appliances do I need to get started?

    4) Whats your favorite "side effect" that eating raw has had on your body?

    I think thats it, if you have anything I'm missing that I should be asking feel free to note the question and perhaps the answer!!
  • I have been attempting raw vegan for about a month now, with some ups and downs and outright failures too

    I would say for online resources I like,, and I also read for inspiration. It is all subjective though, everyone seems to know what is right for them, and some know what is right for everyone 80/10/10 is a very informative book but I can't say that I'm ready to go that strict yet. Most of the 'cookbooks' I've bought are mostly gourmet foods, I don't use them much as I try to just eat more simply. There are so many recipes online too that I don't think you need to get any cookbooks unless you want the special stuff.

    I think the only appliance you really need is a great blender, our old one broke so we just got a Blendtec and it works great. I got a dehydrator too but haven't used it a ton, and a lot of people don't even use one apparently. I also love sprouts so I have sprouting trays that I use alot.

    I just feel great when I do it, most of the time. It has also come with a lot of tiredness for me, nothing a short nap during the day won't fix though! I feel lighter and don't get headaches or congestion anymore, like I did when I was eating dairy. I also feel like I perform better in my physical activities. Running is a little easier and I don't tire out as quickly as I used to.

    My biggest tip is just to eat a lot! It helps me to eat a ton of fruit, along with one or two big green smoothies, and a pretty huge salad each day. I try not to do a lot of fats as well but I don't think it is probably that important when just starting out, and I have days where I can't get enough fat too.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks so much Lauren! I'm starting my raw journey hopefully on the first on next month (to allow myself a week or so to recieve the resources I ordered and the kitchen tools I'm missing!). The links you posted are awesome.
  • You are welcome and again, good luck!