Labor Day?

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  • Have the 20 somethings started a Labor day challenge yet?

    If not we should! I need some serious motivation right now!!!
  • I'm down - but I don't even know what that means. What sort of challenge?
  • I'm a little stupid. When's Labour Day?
  • Labor Day is a holiday in the beginning of September. Maybe it's just an American thing? haha
  • Oooh I'm soo in. I need to challenge myself to get this weight off and out of the 150s.
  • I just recently came back to 3FC but I'm in! I'm hoping to hit 162 (about 13 pounds based on what the scale said today, but I'm not updating my ticker until my official "weigh day" on Wed).
  • Alright so a challenge is on! Post your goal that you'd like to hit by labor day - may it be a weight, a fitness goal, a pant size - whatever. We'll have weigh ins/progress checks on... Mondays? Post your weigh in here, and track your progress.

    Labor day is September 7th.

    Current weight: 131
    Goal weight: 125

    Weight in #1: (I know it's not Monday, but I weighed in on Monday) 131
  • i want to be in a size 20 for labor day. currently at a 24, but can fit into a 22 (very tight tho)
  • I would like to be at 185 by Labor Day. Currently at 195.
  • Currently I'm 151

    I would hopefully like to be at 145 by labor day.
  • I definitely in

    Current Weight: 297
    Goal Weight: 285

    July 20: 297
  • ooh i'm in, i could definitely use a kick in the butt, motivation is flagging. Or rather the motivation is there but the follow-through is not. I would like to be 130 by labour day (which we definitely have in Canada)- i think i'm around 142 at the moment....and finish c25k!!!The one goal is probably linked to the other one
  • My goal is to fit into some or all of my thin clothes! Any of them... they range from wearable-but-tight to can't-pull-them-up-past-my-knees. I have put them all in my closet since I'm pretty damn close to being able to wear almost everything... so I guess my goal is to fit in about half of them by Labor Day.

    I also just want to lose as much weight as possible... I lose sooo slowly so maybe that's 1 lb but maybe it'll be 20 lbs... I have no clue. I start working half-days this week so I've got about 5 weeks with a lot of extra time. I plan to keep my calories around 1300 and work out A LOT... 1-2+ hours a day. Last time I did that the weight melted off... then my bday happened and the calories went way up and the exercising stopped. Time to get back on track!
  • Weigh in:

    July 20: 131

    I didn't loose anything this week I knew I wouldn't. I had red lobster, and I went out and had drinks 2 nights. Drinking is a big problem when it comes to weight loss, and I need to cut it out!!! Anyone have any challenges that are going to arise this week? My roommates will be out of town, so I'll be less encouraged to drink - so I'm looking forward to that.
  • I'm traveling Tuesday and Wednesday, and having dinner out with relatives on Tuesday night. Fortunately I'm only going to Baltimore so I would be able to have breakfast and dinner at my place, but I'm wondering how hard it would be to bring baggies of cut up vegetables with me on my site visit...