The End of Overeating (Book)

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  • At the suggestion of Meg, I've started reading this book and it is really good. Knowledge definitely is power and I think I need all the power I can get these days.

    I'm feeling better but I've been losing/maintaining my loss for a little over 5 years. For the last 18 months, I've stayed in the same weight range. For the past couple months though I've been severely struggling and a few weeks ago I thought I had a momentary scary thought that I had hit a failure point and was going to start sliding and my weight would return. In 5 years, I've never had such a thought, I've always KNOWN that I was on path for losing and maintaining that loss. Even a moment of thinking otherwise scared me.

    Anyway, the book so far covers the biological reasons for food addictions. I'm anxious to read more. Anyone else read it? Anyone else interested in reading it and discussing it?
  • I really enjoyed this book.I have been trying to rewire my brain!LOL!
  • I read this book a couple months ago and thought it was wonderful. Never got around to doing a review for the site as life has been nutso.

  • I have it on hold at the library - still waiting for it. It looks really interesting!
  • Oh my gosh! I am totally beyond myself - my library actually has it!!!
    This is the first item that I actually found in their catalogue. So often I want to read / watch something and I find that my library is really lacking in this department (i.e. nutrition, exercise, weight maintenance etc).
  • Hey Tomato

    Does your library offer an inter-library loan program? My branch doesn't always have the book that I want, but it is part of the larger city library system. I can use an online tool to request books from other branches so it's easy for me to pick up.

    <-- library addict
  • Thanks for the plug, Glory. from your not-so-local library director.

    Also, Alena, I welcome requests from library users as to what books, or kinds of books, they'd like to have. And I usually order them too.
  • Quote: Hey Tomato

    Does your library offer an inter-library loan program? My branch doesn't always have the book that I want, but it is part of the larger city library system. I can use an online tool to request books from other branches so it's easy for me to pick up.

    <-- library addict
    Thanks for the suggestion, Glory, but no, it doesn't. Actually I live in a city that consists of two twin cities (administratively, they are still two individual cities but geographically they have morphed into one a looong time ago) and each has a library. I go to both and since each has the catalogue online, it's easy to run searches.
    The last item I was (unsuccessfully) searching for was Tom Venuto's book or DVD, forgot which, and neither library had it. I just d
    on't want to buy everything I hear about. Oh well.

    P.S. For Pat - yes, I was actually planning to do that. I just have to be more dilligent and start assembling a list of the stuff I wanted but did not find.

  • I've been carrying the book around in my suitcase, my purse, and setting on my bed at night. I've deone everything except read it. The friend who loaned it to me (I suggested that she buy it ) said that it was full of both horrifying eye-openers, and confirmation of truths that we knew intuitively from our own sturggles. I Will read it....after theother 15 or so books stacked next to it!

  • Quote: Thanks for the plug, Glory. from your not-so-local library director.

    Also, Alena, I welcome requests from library users as to what books, or kinds of books, they'd like to have. And I usually order them too.
    I'm so spoiled. In my Seattle suburb I was part of the FABULOUS King County Library System, which was amazing. Now in San Diego, I bebop between the San Diego City and San Diego County library systems.

    I have also requested books (for example, Refuse to Regain) and they were purchased by the library system and were automatically added to my online queue when they became available.

    I can't tell you how much I love the library (and libraries in general). I'm a pretty big reader (2-3 books a week) and there is NO WAY I could possibly afford my book habit. It has to be a special special book for me to buy it!
  • arggh, my cookies lost my library login so I have to go find my card. You have to input your 20 million digit card #.

    We dont have great selection in our library system as we have no major city, but the county library system does fairly well with sharing among the libraries. I think there are about 8 libraries in our system. I wish they would share with Multnomah county which includes portland or that you could borrow from Multnomah county if you live where I live.
  • Quote: arggh, my cookies lost my library login so I have to go find my card. You have to input your 20 million digit card #.
    Mine is stickied by my work computer and my home computer. I also have it saved as a note in my iPhone. Must be able to put books on hold at any moment!

  • Quote: I'm so spoiled. In my Seattle suburb I was part of the FABULOUS King County Library System, which was amazing.
    I didn't know you had left Seattle, Glory...haven't been on here much for a few months... but there are 306 holds on this book in the kcls as of right now! I wonder how long that will take?
  • I ALMOST bought this audio book for my last long drive (8 hours) from itunes. Now I'll have to make sure I grab it for next time!
  • I've read it (my mentor was consulted and quoted in the book, so our lab was of course encouraged to read it ) It's so refreshing to see a physician who really gets the science of behavior and choice, and recognizes that obesity and weight loss are not merely matters of willpower or dieting.