july thyroid thread

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  • hi guys!
  • Where is everybody?

    There were more people posting here for awhile. Did we scare them off?

    I have been feeling puny for the past few days. Bad cold which I think has turned into bronchitis.
    I go to my doctor tomorrow. I did not want to go back to him until my July appt so that I would have lost more weight. Oh well, maybe they won't weigh me tomorrow. Ha!

    I am going scale hunting tomorrow. I want a standing scale with weights on them. I think this would be more accurate. I might change my mind when I see the price though. Don't know how much they will be.
    Andrea - You must be ready for July 4th to get here. Why the early start on the thread? Not complaining - just wondering. How is life treating you? What is the latest health update with you? I only lost a half pound last week so I did not even post or mention it on WW message boards. I was disappointed in that. Maybe better this week. I have been so sick that I could not eat well.

    Talk to you later.

    Can you tell that I am trying out the Emoticons? I just love them!
  • lol. i dunno where people are either. oh well.

    heres my deal: my seasonal allergies are really bad. it also appears(i think) that i have ammenorrhea again, though i dunno why my back is finally feeling soo much better&i have begun to swim again, tyhough im nervous how my back will withstand 9 days of no treatment. if all is well after the 9 days, then i will cut it back to 2x week, then 1x, then 2x month&ultimately 1x month for good health.

    my weight: today ends my week this week b/c i am having family stay with us. i did manage to lose a pound, but am unhappy both due to frustration overall as well as b/c i know by 7-4, it will be back plus some b/c of my family. btw-thats why the july thread.
  • Hi, guys...I'm lurking a lot of the time and will try to take the time to post a little. I will be gone with 5 of my girlfriends to Pennsylvania - Lancaster County - to the quilt shops to lay in our yearly supply of fabrics for the next year. They are at least half what we pay here and sometimes even less. We have 10 shops we go to, and have a great time away from it all, so to speak. We range in age from 36 to 60 so we are quite a group. I'm telling you right now, I might gain a pound or 2 because I am going to have some carbs - homemade hot pretzel and homemade lemonade for certain. We've been planning this trip since January so we're all eager to go. I just hope the weather is good.

    I should be getting a call from the doctor's office anyday now with my latest test results. Still not good I don't think from the way I feel, but better than the last time. I suppose he'll up the meds again.

    Andrea, I'm also allergic to most everything. I got 3 shots every week for a year and have only had to have 3 a month for the last 2 years. When my allergies are bad, my asthma goes haywire, which means my thyroid goes wacky - what a circle! I hope you are feeling better.
  • howdy all!

    i've been having infrequent access to the internet since i graduated. no more ethernet.
    oh well. i got my degrees and a job, so i'm happy.

    i think i'm going to start on my annual weight loss thing again. i seem to embark on it every june.... my mom might join me this year, so that could be cool.

    take care of yourselves. allergies suck.
  • Introduction
    Hello! My name is Lisa. I have hypothyroidism and take Synthroid 88 mg. I started dieting in Jan. 2002 at 263 lbs. and I'm now at 191 lbs. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
  • Lisa - Welcome to the board. Great loss! How are you doing it? Give us some pointers.

    I am on WW and have been for about 1 1/2 months now. Losing some but not as fast as I want to. I take Levothroid - .175. I was on .20 but now back to .175. I was on Synthroid to begin with but doc said it was not being absorbed by my body right so she put me on Levothroid. Been on that for several years now.

    Look to hear from you soon.
  • hi guys!

    welcome lisa! congrats.

    we missed ya trix

    i am enjoying my company, but having a very rough time with food im sure im gaining.
  • Hello! Bom Bom and Andrea Thanks for the welcome. I'm on a diet of 1200 calories a day and I don't eat bread at all. I eat pasta, rice, crackers and baked chips. I have a treadmill and use it daily for 1 hour. I also, have a 4 yr. old daughter and 2 yr. old son. I was at 289 lbs. when I delivered my son. I'm 5'4" and 37 yrs. old. I am going to make it down to a healthy weight this time, because I want it to bad. My goal is 135-155. I want to be happy and enjoy my food and have treats in small portions. Portion control is working for me, I eat on a small plate not a large one. I drink 8 glasses of water a day and take a multi. vitamin daily. I lost 6 pounds this month, so my weight loss has slowed down. I started out eating 4 servings of protein, 2 fruits, 2 veg., and 2 dairy. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last summer and put on armour thyroid 66mg., then just this month my doctor put me on snythroid 88mg. I've had problems with my period only lasting 2 days instead of my regular 4 days. Have any of you had symptoms like that related to your thyroid? Lisa999
  • lisa

    im havin big time period prob. my last one was mothers day. still waiting....
  • I had problems with my period before I quit having them in June of last year. This month, I officially was declared in menopause. (You have to be in the elite group of not having a period for a solid year before you are classified as "in menopause"). I told my new doctor that he was my good luck charm because after my first visit with him, I had no more periods. I do not have any of the night sweats or hot flashes yet. Of course, my mother nor my grandmother had many of those symptoms either. We three were late bloomers and late menopausers. I am 57 and just starting menopause. Anyway, I have been sick this week and did not lose any weight. I was so disappointed. I definitely have not eaten like I should.No exercise either. Oh well, next week is another week, and I hope I am on the road to recovery now.
    Lisa - your loss is fantastic - stick with your diet because it works. With children that age, how are you able to stay on treadmill so long?
    Andrea - Hope TOM happens for you shortly which is a mixed blessing!

    Talk to you guys later. It feels good to feel good again.
  • i just got mine today
  • New to board
    Hi all! I have hypothyroidism and am on synthroid 200mg. I just had my blood re-tested and am waiting for the results. Last time, (one month ago) one of the chemicals was off so this is a retest. I started a diet 3/1/02 and have lost 60 pounds. I just wonder if the weight loss could have affected the thyroid hormones. I dont know any thing yet. However, I am now OFF of my high blood pressure meds, and my cholestrol was 140 (down from 220). Maybe the thyroid meds will go away too.

  • Katarina - Excellent weight loss! How did you do it? What program are you following for weight loss?

    I am on Levothroid .175. It has been hard for me to lose the weight this time. I am on WW and love the program. This is beginning my third month, and I have lost 15 lbs. Nothing in the past week. Right now I am disappointed, but maybe this week will tell a different tale. Glad to have you join this thread.
  • Hi, everyone, and welcome to our new friends. I was on a few days vacation and now feel refreshed and ready to go again. Doc upped my meds yet again and I have to go back in 6 weeks. I've really been through it with trying to get my dosage adjusted the last year. I jumped on the scale as soon as I got home...I didn't gain for once in my life. I ate sensibly and did a lot of walking, even though my foot is still hurting...tore a tendon. Now that I'm home, I can take better care of it.