I'm a newb too :)

  • Hey all, I'm fairly new to 3FC, unfortunately not new to the losing weight thing. I'll just give a brief story. I was pudgy all through high school, around 130 which is a little much on my frame, until I got a job that kept me super active after high school and I got really trim, like down to 100 pounds. 8 years later I found myself pregnant and 'eating for two' with loads of comfort foods like mac and cheese, ribs, and ice cream every night in bed. I gained about 80 pounds I waited until she was 1 to get my act together and try to lose the weight, and I did lose a lot of it, around 60 pounds. I didn't stay that way and got cocky I guess and here I am 30 pounds heavier this year as I have been for the last 2. I haven't been all slacker lately though, I started on the weight less efforts again this past December and have since lost 20 pounds. It should be more but I have been more slacker than worker I guess. I've been changing what I'm doing almost every 2 weeks because I've been failing at what I've been doing, but I am so ready to be done with that. The past 3 years have been a blur of low-carb, Dr. Oz, vegetarian, overdoing the exercise, and even giving up completely, with the scale going up and down over and over.

    Now I'm finally feeling motivated to stop putting toxic crap into my body and to really get fit. I'm going to start training for a half marathon in a week and a half! I also try to get walking in on the days I don't run, strength train 4 days a week, a little yoga here and there, and I practice karate at home and go to classes 3 times a week. I guess that is one positive thing, that I have still been fairly active even when drinking beer and eating pizza I want to do this first for me, but also for my 5 year old daughter who deserves to be healthy and to have a healthy mom. I want to be a better example for her so she hopefully avoids most of what I'm putting myself through. Anyway! I'm so glad to have found this board! I really seem to do better with a group of support so I'm looking forward to getting to know you all


  • hey Lauren! (Bigkntter)....welcome!!

    Wow...you're an exercise fiend!! Look at all that stuff you do, that's fantastic!!

    I can definitely relate to your history....mine is much like yours (and I'm sure others can relate as well!).

    Congrats on the 20 pounds you lost..... I think with your marathon goals and decision to change your eating habits, you'll see more and more weight come off!

    Welcome again!
  • Welcome!

    And congrats on training for the half. I ran the Chicago full marathon in '01 and it was super! The feeling you get when you cross that finish line is second to none! I've had some knee surgeries since then so I don't think another full is in my future, but I'd love to do a half someday.

    The support here is awesome! You'll be happy here! Good luck!
  • Thanks you two for the welcome! I don't always do all of that exercise in a week but most of the time I get there

    Rebound that is great, congrats for running that marathon! I sometimes think it would be cool to run a full one but seeing as how I've only done 5Ks and I'm not sure I'll even make it through the half, well I'm just going to keep dreaming for now
  • Hi there Lauren!

    Congrats on the weight loss, and as for marathon running: I was tortured in high school by being laughed at for trying to run- run a mile, run to first base, run to the goal. To this day, I hate to run. But with an attitude like what you've got, you're going to do great at the 1/2 marathon.

    Another karate person! Yay! I do a lot of training as well (2 hours a day, 4 days a week, plus at home stuff). At least someone will understand my enthusiasm when I talk kata or sparring.

    We've all been in the same boat as you when it comes to dieting and exercise: on again, off again; hate to exercise, love to exercise. Stick around. The best is yet to come!
  • Thank you Mollie!!

    I feel like I have to add a disclaimer with the karate I'm still a newb, only started this past December. And I really don't know that much about it but it is fun and I love doing it! My older brother got me into it, he will be testing for his black belt in July. So I will share your enthusiasm even though I'm not great at sparring yet