OT: Do you wax or bleach your mustache?

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  • I know this is a gross subject but we are mostly all ladies here.....

    Im dealing with facial hair and its frigging gross. Im only 33 and I dont want to wax my mustache for fear of it coming back in worse, or it looking like stubble when it is beginning to grow back.

    What do you guys do? I cant stand it anymore!
  • I went to cosmetology school and learned about waxing, its a myth that hair comes back darker or thicker. You can wax it and it doesnt make it worse. I've waxed mine and know a lot of women who do. Its not the most pleasant thing but I bought my own wax and warmer and do it myself.
    So I'm saying do it if it's bothering you..
  • I wax too and its fine..doesnt grow back any thicker, but it does hurt.

    They also have Nair for facial hair if you really dont want to wax!

  • Been waxing for years and it doesn't come back in any different.
  • For those of you who wax or nair it, does it look like man stubble when it first starts to come back in?
  • Mine doesn't, because mine are very thin and fine, and only get really noticeable once they get longer. So I just wax them again before they get to that point.
  • It doesn't look any different when it grows back.
  • I wax too. It doesn't come back like stubble because you are pulling out the root.
  • I've had laser hair removal done but it was quite a few years ago and some chin hairs are growing back. I tweeze stray hairs. I did used to wax though before I got laser hair removal.
  • I go to a hair salon and get mine waxes for about 12 bucks.
  • Wax, and it grows back very fine, not stubbly. I've also tried that infommecial product called Smooth Away. It worked well too. It kinda buffs the hair off.
  • wax
    I wax my lip and eyebrows everytime I get my hair cut. It hurts for a second and boy do you feel better without that extra hair on your lip. It takes a couple weeks to come back, but it doesn't come in thicker or darker.
  • I wax. It does not come back like stubble. Since I don't like paying too much for it, I got my own wax that I can microwave. You can't always get it at places like Target or Walmart, but if you have a beauty supply store, they have it there. It is "Surgi-wax" and you don't need the strips of cloth to use it. I like that.

    Stings a little when you do it, but it beats the alternative!!
  • I actually thread my upper lip with a cotton thread. It works great. Whatever I can't remove, I just pluck it out with a tweezer.
  • Quote: I actually thread my upper lip with a cotton thread. It works great. Whatever I can't remove, I just pluck it out with a tweezer.
    How exactly does this work?