Labor Day Challenge

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  • Hi , My name is Zoe and I've been on 3FC for a few years. I love it here but just haven't gotten to where I need to be. I've decided to take a good look at myself, form a plan and as the Nike commericals say JUST DO IT!!

    So I've decided to challenge myself and anyone else who wants to join, to lose a certain amount of weight by Labor Day. Wow, that is the entire summer!! So much time to do it. I'm not going to give myself a HUGE goal that I know I won't make but small, keeping it simple and easy.

    Here's my plan:

    I want to lose 50 lbs. I know that saying I'd lose that amount by Labor Day is crazy. I'm just setting myself up for failure. Hey, who knows, I just may do it but to say that I *AM* going to do it, well, that's not too sensible. So I want to lose 50 lbs but I will do it by Thanksgiving. What I WILL lose by Labor Day is 30 lbs. That calculates like this:

    14 weeks to lose 30 pounds = 2.14 lbs a week

    I can do that!! I can lose a 'average' of 2 pounds a week. I know I can. And even if I lost 25 lbs, will I not be so EXCITED??

    So who is out there who wants to make a plan? Who wants to make some goals, one long term and a few mini? Who wants to do it together with friendship and support that we've always received here? I do, I do!!!

    So who wants to get started?? (Tomorrow of course )

    Zoe ~ Soaking up the "SON" in Texas and ready to go!
  • Count me in
  • Hi Zoe! Count me in! I'm hoping to drop off weight before July 13th, but I'd also like to keep going. So the Labor Day Challenge sound perfect for me. I'd like to drop about 3 maybe 4 pounds a week right now. I could live with 2 a week, so if you have any ideas let me know.
  • Ok y'all, we got a start and with some luck, we'll have a few more here to jump in.

    I am hoping to post once a day or at least most days, with my progress, my stuggles and my successful days. This is going to be great and going to WORK.

    Zoe <><
  • Count me in on this one. I need the motivation.

    My goal is 30 pounds by Labor Day, and 60 pounds by the end of the year.

    Mini goals- to exercise 4 times per week, drink plenty of water, and eat between 1200 & 1500 calorie per day.

    I'll try to post daily or every other day.
  • It's Essie Zoe I don't want to confuse you again.

    I was wondering if you lose 2 lbs. a week on your lower range, middle or high?
  • Hi y'all

    Well, I'm getting my plan written out and I'll be 'on my way'. I am so determined to do this. How hard can it be, to lose a mere 1.5 pounds a week? 5 pounds a month?

    Es ~ Sorry sweetie but I don't understand what you're asking. I feel dumb but can you ask me again?

    JenJen ~ glad you are joining us. My goals are similar to yours. I am writing them out and will post them later. When you think about the long-term goal and the time frame involved, it really shouldn't be too difficult to do. It's STICKING to it that is the problem.

    Mota ~ 2 pounds a week is VERY do-able. 3-4 is possible but harder. Good luck......we'll just keep supporting each other and we'll get it done.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Zoe <><
  • Zoe, my post didn't make sense to me either
    Don't mind me. I think staying OP is making me delirious
  • Hi Zoe, Jenjen & Mota

    I've been doing pretty good so far. I want to buy a digital scale so I could weigh myself once a week. I have a scale but I don't know how accurate it is.

    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

  • Hi everyone! Hope you are having a good week.

    Mota, Two pounds a week is doable. In the first few weeks 3-4 is possible, sometimes even a little more. Just be sure it's a healthy way.

    ES, I love my digital scales....okay, "love" isn't the right word, because I really hate what they are telling me. But, they tend to be very acurate. I have one regular digital & one that also does the Body fat measurements. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment.

    Zoe, How are you doing? I know it's the long term that's the hard part. I was about 25 pounds from my goal when I just went crazy. I was about 50 pounds lighter this time last summer. Really makes me aggrivated with myself.

    I've done really good the past couple of days. Staying within the calories and drinking lots of water. The working out & exercising hasn't gotten there yet, but I know it will. Just staying out of the candy dish at work and not going out for lunch is a huge accomplishment.

    Hope y'all have a great rest of the week. Talk to you later.
  • Hello Zoe, Es and JenJen! I hope all of you are doing good. I've been doing pretty good. Sticking to the exercise and staying away from the junk food. But its been tough since they have vending machines around every corner at the school and a little difficult to keep myself from grabbing fast food on the way home instead of cooking.

    I need to buy myself a new scale too, since mine is not working to well so I doubt mine is very accurate.

    I'm hoping to find time to post atleast once a day to keep you all updated and of course hear all of your girls accomplishments.

  • Hi Girls,

    I'm feeling very puffy today. I guess it's the humidity! I HOPE!!!

    I've been doing okay. It's hard for me at night. I do well during the day but the evenings mess me up. I have to have more willpower cause if not I'll never lose 20 lbs. from now till Labor Day.

    Let's keep this thread going!!! We Can Do This

    I'm going to start drinking lots of water to get read of this puffiness.

    Good Afternoon my Friends ~ Another weekend is here and I am going to be busy. I have so much planned, so much I want to do, so much to get done. I sure hope I stick to the 'plan'. Let's see......I want to sit down and plan my meals for this coming week, more healthy rather than "weight losing" if that makes any sense. I want to finish buying and planting more flowers and I want to get a few things straightened out in the house.....laundry, clean a few closets, etc. So yep, I have BIG plans that I hope I stick to.

    More than that, I want to stick to my challenge. I have gotten off to a slow (ok, bad) start but feel confident now. Once I sit down this weekend and do my 'planning', I'll be ok.....but I won't take my unpreparedness as a chance to binge over the weekend. I'll be good.

    Hi Es, JenJen and's it going?

    Me <><
  • Howdy all! Today has been extremely exhausting. I spent most of my day in my own world. Thinking. Just thinking about everything that crossed my mind. Where is the line between love and hate? More so, where is the line between wishing and realization? I'm feeling a bit lost today and I wish I could get myself straight. It’s sad when you've seem to have no one to trust, and you don't even understand yourself? I dont know exactly where I’m going with this but I just feel the need to rant.

    Anyway the weekend has come and I’m feeling very apathetic about it all. Most weekends of my life have been spent with two of the greatest friends I could possibly have, but sadly all that has gone downhill. It seems I’ve ruined it all. I’ve made many
    mistakes in my life, but this one seems to be one of the worst. I’ve never really been one to have to lean on someone, but I’ve always had someone to lean on just in case. And now that I need someone to lean on I’ve got no one.

    I use to have control over my life and now it feels I have very little control over anything. I think thats why I've decided to "diet." To prove to myself little by little that I do have control over my life. So this weekend I've decided that I'm going to stop making excuses to go out and exercise, I'm going to stop picking something up on the way home from school and start cooking. Little by little I'm going to get my life back on the right track.

    Enough of my ranting....How's everyone? I hope all of you are doing good. And I hope you all have a good weekend. Talk to you all later. Take care.

    that cow is so cute!!!
  • Hi gang! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    I've done pretty well. Scale says I've lost 6-7 pounds. I know it's not fat, but just water weight, but it sure does feel good. Tuesday will be my official weigh-in, so I'll let you know.

    I splurged some this weekend, but not uncontollably, so I'm feeling pretty good. I plan to add in the exercise this week.

    Work is the hardest place to stay on track. We've been going out to lunch quite a bit & we keep having birthday parties & it's killing me. I try to bring my lunch so I'm not so tempted. It helps some.

    I've gotten my apartment all in order this weekend. Put up curtains, hung pictures. It really feels like home now.

    Guess that's about all of now. Sounds like we are all hanging in there. Talk to y'all later.