4 Leaf Clover Challenge

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  • Yes, another challenge!! I need to make goal on a challenge this year, so here is another chance! Join me if you'd like! This one is a little shorter only 4 weeks long, but maybe we can stay more focused in a shorter time period! ha ha! Good Luck to ya!
  • Ok I'm in for a lucky 7lbs!! I'm so sad I didn't make my vday goal...
  • I am going with 5 lbs.. better play it safe!
  • I'm in!
    My goal is to be back in the 50's even 159.9!!!

    02/18/09 - 164.8
    02/27/09 - 164.2
  • I am in I am in for 5 lbs...
  • I'm in for 5, which would put me around 213 or so I have been losing really slow this month, so I am keeping my goal realistic.
  • I'm so proud of you Nicole!!!
  • I'll join you all if I may. I'm in for 5 pounds which would put me at 171. I've been losing so slowly that I'm not sure if I can make it but I am determined. Even if it takes me 6 months!!
  • Hey everyone! 18 days to go! How are you all doing? I forgot to post my starting weight. I dont remember where I was when I started this! lol
  • Oh I just looked on WW. I was 272. Oops, I am behind! lol
  • I'm maintaining. Not that that's a bad thing but when I still have some to lose it gets to be a little frustrating!! Oh well - at least I'm not going in the other direction (for now!).
  • It's okay Kimberly I am behind too
    There is still time to make something happen.
  • Count me In
    This is my first challenge of the year and I sure do need this push. I wish I saw this post earlier. It seems that March 17 is about 2 weeks and some change away so I will commit myself to a 6 pound weightloss. I will weigh myself first thing tommorow morning (Saturday) and post my starting weight. Thanks for the challenge and good luck to us all.
  • Posting My Weight
    Okay here it goes I jumped on the scale this morning and found that I was 5 pounds lighter - Yipee! . So I went ahead and changed my ticker. As I mentioned before I am giving myself a 6 pound weightloss challenge. I would like to go from 225 to 219. Good Luck to us all.
  • My goal will be to be in the 150's as well! I was down to 154.8 but have gained back up to 165 or so. I need to atleast get back down into the 150's!

    So I will set a goal of 6 pounds.