What is your favorite healthy snack?

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  • Looking to add some to my list so I don't get board.
    Of course fruits and veggies are great.
    I just bought some mini-delights by Quaker.
    They are ultra thin rice cookies with a smidge of extra flavor (we bought White Chocolate, Chocolate Drizzle and Cinnamon) All these flavors are wonderful. Individual packages are 90 calories. I bought them at Walmart.

    What have you found?

  • Cheese! string cheese or white cow cheese. Peanut butter and celery
  • I've found a new love for prunes!
  • yogurt...or sugar free pudding
  • Sensible foods dried fruit and fruit smooshers in the organic section
  • It's not the most convenient BUT I really enjoy a simple little salad as a snack. Spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, a smidge of dressing and some lean protein. You can have a nice little snack that way around 100 calories. Sometimes I'll get fancy and wrap it up in a tortilla, YUMMO.

    I don't typically eat traditional big sit down meals. I just eat all day, lol. I'll also do tortilla wraps with roasted chicken (110 cals), pouches of tuna (90 cals), a little serving of cottage cheese with veggies (80 cals), nuts (180 cals), a TBS of almond butter (90 cals) and so on.

    I don't eat much convenience food, I get a better bang for my calorie buck by making my own snackys.
  • I am loving cherry flavored prunes right now.
    (abomination, i know) hehe

    yogurt, I LOVE cottage cheese and the new cracked pepper and olive oil triscuit crackers. that is a definate fave. Sometimes, if I have extra cals left over I will have two servings of those and make it a meal.

  • Laughing cow cheese (french onion ) with some simply naked pita chips.

    string cheese, olives, hb eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese w/fruit, tuna,

    I can take a single serve sugar free jello pudding pack, make it and add fresh fruit for 100 cals. The pudding only has 70, even w/ skim milk to mix it.

    I also eat veggies. Last night I had a 3.5 serviings of canned mixed veggies w/ a can of mushrooms as my mini meal.

    Oh yeah..forgot NUTS! I love almonds and sunflower seeds. Just gotta watch portions.
  • I love sugar free pudding and also a new love to rice cakes! Yummy!
  • Edamane nuts! (if that is spelled right) or soy nuts rinsed though. low cal deli meat(1 serving though) for me would be 6 pieces. ^_^
  • Many of my snacks are more like mini- meals. Those 100 calorie packs are not for me. They're over with in a second and leave me clamoring for me 100 calorie packs. Same thing with the rice cakes. It's pure air food to me. I need to get some nutrition and FILLING power from my snacks. Keeps me going and on plan.

    Some of my favs:

    -egg white omlette with sauteed veggies
    -FF/SF yogurt with Fiber One Cereal
    -HUGE salad with 3 oz of tuna
    -Turnip fries
    -veggie platter with salsa
    -roasted zucchini and tomatoes
    -cucumber, tomato, onion salad
    -cucumber salad
    -raw string beans
    -sliced apple dipped in 1 tsp peanut butter or sprinkled with cinnamon
    -baked apple
  • Plain fat free yogurt with blueberries and strawberries and a little sweetener is my favorite snack.
    On an extra hungry day I like to saute some vegetables, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, tomatoes with garlic and italian seasonings.
  • I love....

    vanilla yogurt and fruit
    dry cereal
    slim a bear crunchy klondike bar thingy's- i have such a weakness for these
  • Thanks, lots of great ideas here:

    -- pineapple, oranges, bananas, strawberries, apples, pears
    -- blueberries and raspberries in sf-lf yogurt
    -- cherry yogurt and sf-lf Source yogurt
    -- baked apples with cinnamon
    -- apple chunks in yogurt (very filling)
    -- rice cakes plain or with a bit of peanut butter
    -- sunflower seeds or almonds occasionally
    -- baby dills (3 for 5 calories)
    -- cucumber slices sprinkled with vinegar
    -- salad with tuna or salmon
    -- bran or fiber cereal (small bowl with skim milk)
    -- turkey pepperettes (50 calories each)
    -- cheddar cheese or Kraft slices
    -- w/w crackers with cheese or pb
    -- omelette with ketchup
    -- hard-boiled egg
    -- one small homemade lowfat bran muffin with tea
    -- popsicles (90 cals and less)
    -- polar ice cream bar (100 calories)
  • - cashews
    - balance or Zone bar
    - greek yogurt with some canned pumpkin stirred in, topped with cranberry sauce
    - latte and clementines
    - pear and cheese