Are your significant others at a healthy weight?

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  • Just curious if you and your SO's are two chubby peas in a pod or if you have disparate body types.

    My BF has an amazing body (sigh). He works out everyday... buff and toned and sexy.

    He is a great resource to have around though because he knows so much about fitness and exercise. I don't have to pay a separate personal trainer! Plus we have really bonded over the working out thing. It is something we like to do together.
  • No, mine weighs pretty much the same as I do, which makes him a little less overweight than me I guess, but still not a healthy weight.
  • My boyfriend is overweight. Right now, I weight less than him. ^___^ Since he is significantly older than me and smokes, I really wish he'd try to lose weight. When I met him, he had to walk cause of a neck surgery. He realized he felt better a few pounds off. I keep telling him it'd be so easy for him to lose weight because of genetics. I'm just hoping since there are so many more vegetables in our meals, he will trickle down on his own and then, he'll want it. I mainly worry for his health and I know I gained 30+ of these pounds cause of his cooking.
  • My bf used to weigh 240 when I weighed 260. THen he went on a diet and I Binged.

    I then weighed 299 when he weighed 190 which is how far he got down before gaining back 35 lbs in the last few months (It may have been the prozac, we're not sure) but he's lost about 10 lbs since starting to diet with me. It's also really easy for him. I HATE IT. lol.

    He's doing the daily plate with me though, it makes cooking meals for the two of us and eating out a lot easier without having to see the other one eating yummay fatty foods!
  • No he's about average maybe. He's 5'11" and about 182 lbs, he fluctuates as well. I've seen him as high 194lb. He's gets a nice buff bod in the winter because of his job too!
  • My hubby is overweight as well, just not as overweight as me. It's hard to diet with him because he is such a picky eater...he doesn't really like fruits or veggies (unless ketchup is a veg), and loves soda. I used to cater to him and make him a separate meal from me, but I told him that I wasn't going to do it anymore. He has to eat better, and I told him no more soda (but I can't control what he has when I'm not around).

    Now that I'm losing, I think it's starting to push him to do more. He's starting small by making his meals smaller. Every little bit helps!
  • Mines a BIT overweight... but not much. He's about 225 but HUGE like giant shoulders, big "wings" (chest muscles that stick out the side).

    He does Krav Maga (Israeli combat fighting), yoga and trains with a RCMP officer. He eats what I cook (just more) and watches his snacks. He's trying to drop about 20 lbs and he'll do it.
  • My husband weighs 150 lbs. He got on the scale to weigh the dog and he said he (not the dog) gained 2 lbs which puts him at 152. I called him a fatty and he laughed at me. It was pretty funny because he is in good shape and rarely ever gains weight. Then this morning I saw him doing squats and then later on today he had carrots instead of his usual snack which is chips and salsa. I said what has gotten in to you. he told me he needed to drop those 2 lbs he gained.

    My mind was boggled. I never thought to stay on top of it. I guess when normal people gain weight they keep it in check and drop the unwanted pounds right away. I on the other hand have gained over 125 lbs before I decide to get my weight in check. And I have made a mountain out of a mole hill. It just goes to show you how our minds work differently than theirs when it comes to food.
  • My husband was slim, trim, and racy when I met him. (I was, too!) He's pretty short (5'7"-ish) and when I met him, he weighed around 170. Now he weighs around 270. He gained all his weight as soon as he retired from the military. I wish he'd lose it because he has other health problems (pre-diabetes, sleep apnea) as a result. Me? I'm really healthy despite the fact that I'm 100+ lbs. overweight. (Seriously. My doctor can't understand how my blood pressure and cholestorol can be so good! )

    What about kids? Our son is 6'1" and weighs about 180. He was a bit chubby when he was a young teen, but then he grew a foot overnight and it all evened out. Our daughter struggles with her weight. She was athletic in high school and kept around 170 lbs. (she's 5'6"), but she messed up her knees so badly that she finally had to quit the middle of her senior year. That coupled with her part time job at an ice cream shop put about 30 lbs. on her in just a few months. She managed to not gain the "freshman 15" in college, though, because she walks about five miles a day just getting to places around campus.
  • My Husband is overweight as well as me,we are birds of a feather for sure in more ways than one,lol He is 6'1 245 and he is trying to lose weight with me which helps ALOT!
  • My boyfriend is 5'11" & weights between 125-130. Nothing but raw muscle! Not a ounce of fat anywhere! He's very in shape! But boarderline underweight accourding to BMI standards... I think its just normal for him. He's very healthy.
  • I can say we are 2 peas in a pod. I am still more overweight than he is, however now I only have him by about 30lbs. I hope showing him that it is not impossible to lose weight he will find it in himself that he can do it too.
  • mine is getting bigger. she's 5'3 and yesterday she weighed in at 161, and shes been in bed ill and barely eating all week so i'd guess she is usually about 168.

    when we got to gether she was about 128
  • My Dh was 150 when we met. I used to be 130. He could fit into my jeans. He was always thinner than me but after a few years he crept up to almost 200lbs and looked 10 months pregnant. He started walking on my treadmill and did p90x a few times and got in the best shape of his life. He stopped doing that about 3 months ago and is getting back into his old ways. So he's starting to look a little pudgy in the middle. But still nice to look at. lol. His problem is that he loves the junk food and take out. Makes me nutts.