~night Owls #42~

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  • Good Morning - Thought all you "Moms" out there would get a kick out of this site......especially with Mothers Day coming up. "See" ya later.

  • I HATE field trips.
    I HATE crowds.
    I HATE crowded field trips.
    I HATE school buses.
    I HATE traffic.
    I HATE being on a school bus in traffic.
    I HATE that Aaron threw his Ritalin out the bus window.
    I HATE the way kids act after field trips.
    I HATE that there are 19 days of school left.

    I LOVE that school dismisses in 20 minutes.
    I LOVE that I will get my nails done after school.
    I LOVE that it's the weekend.
    I LOVE that it's Mother's Day weekend.
    I LOVE that Mikey is coming home from college this weekend.
    I LOVE that I have no plans this weekend except church.
    I LOVE that you gals are here for me.
    I LOVE being a mother.

    And I LOVE that when I saw the Hershey's Chocolate bar sitting on my desk (it's Teacher Appreciation week) that after I realized I was eating it, I stopped and gave the rest of it away!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!
  • Hi There,

    Well, I finally seem to be back on track with my eating. I went to ww on Wed after skipping 2 weeks and stayed the same and I am lucky that I stayed the same believe me. Since then I have done well. I really need to stay on track, my emotions are running wild and I usually overeat under those circumstances. I took the girls to friendly's for lunch today after the game and did pretty good. I had the roast turkey, stuffing and craberry sauce sandwich and ate only 1/2 of it and gave the kids almost all of my fries. They had sundaes and I had a diet coke, not too bad. I really wanted a coffee milkshake but didn't have it.

    Emmy, Thank you are so sweet and I know I can always count on you to be there. You are right, the kids will do what they will do no matter how we brought them up. I have done my best with her. It is just so sad

    Judygal, thanks for the cyberhug, I really needed it. I bet you can't wait for school to be out. Congratulations on giving the candy bar away, you have more willpower than I. Once I got started I probably would have wolfed the whole thing down.

    Candice, The cake was very nice and I am sure your son loved it. It is not such a bad thing that you didn't like the frosting, atleast that way you won't overeat it.

    Happy Mother's Day everyone


  • We are floating away here....4 inches of rain over the weekend and my garden is flooded and so are the fields around our house! The poor farmers will ahve to replant the corn now and it is suposed to rain more this week! My flowers are in the garage and not looking very happy..had to bring afew into the house and use a hair dryer to warm them up liek a green house does!

    Haven't decided on the shoes yet....sometimes they hurt my foot and sometimes it is not to noticeable. I need to wera them our for a full day but then you can't return them so I have to walk around the house in them. It has been two weeks now and they probably will tell me I kep them too long..weoll the man told me to givce them a good long try so I am. I will keep them if I can...just cause it is a real hassel!

    Got my fish tank cleaned finally and the house done too! Also walked on the treadmill but my hips are bothering me. Gotta take tiny steps..can't spread my legs to far!!!!!!!!!

    Had Pizza over the weekend and used up all my banked points and a few exercise ones then ate low for 2 days! (Dh brought it home and it was suposed to be a veggie and it was half cheese and half Hawiian. It was good anyway but it wil be awhile before i waste that many points on it again!

    Hi Bren..Judy, PJ , Gale, Meshelle, Tara, and Emmy!
  • Hi ladies! Don't fall over or anything its ME!!

    I got this email today from Judy and she wanted me to pass it along to you gals:

    On Mother's Day, my gift from my 10 year old son was his appendix. We spend the entire day in a hospital and then the decision was made to transfer him, via ambulance to the children's hospital in St. Louis. Surgery was performed that night and he went home today. He's miserable and sore but they thought he was well enough to go home. I think he'll be okay but
    it will take some time.

    I hope you all had a great Mother's Day!!
  • Wow Judy....... I just posted on the where are you PJ thread before reading this......and I thought MY mother's day was lousy because I was in the hospital too.......you poor Mommy! Please let us know how he's doing soon. It sucks big time when our kids are sick. I think that's when you truly understand just how much you love them........because you can't bare to see anything "hurt" them and just want to take it all away and give it to yourself so they wont have to go through it. I'm sorry.....and I'll say a prayer tonight for a quick recovery. Hang in there my JudyGal!
    Love ya,
  • I guess I better go read up on PJ! Judy you hang in there too!

    This weather stinks.furnace one minute and the airconditoner the next (our windows do not open). Floods, and some snow flurries in the forcast too! I can't get my flowers in yet so they are still sitting in the garage suffering!

    Not much new here..had that bad fatigue for a few days hate that! I ate at the low end of my pts for a few days too.......

    We are trying to get nursing home insurance cause DH does not want our health to take away form the farms the boys will be running. Boy are they picky..today I had to spen 30 min on the phone in an interview and boy did he ask alot of questions and gave me an alzheimers test too! They must think at 50 we fall apart! WE are trying to lcok it in at a low rate due to our ages so if we do need the care we will not have to sell a farm to pay for it.

    Ya all heard of red rice yeast capsules for your cholesterol and triglycerides???????????????????
  • .
  • Tara thanks for putting up that msg for me. Matt's doing better today. Kids sure heal fast.

    Candice, we also are floating away from the rain and flooding.

    Pamela, what is the exact web URL for that picture and quote you just posted?

    I'm going to go home from scool in an hour and do what I had hoped to do last weekend... NOTHING! Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
  • It is so cold here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this cold damp weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks to all of you for thinking of me

    Just a quickie.......Judy....I don't remember but I'll check my "bookmarks/favorites" and I should be able to find it. I'll be back soon.
  • * Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
    * Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 min
    * Mayonnaise will KILL LICE , it will also condition your hair
    * Spike your hair (with Close-up tooth paste, it will also give it a
    * Elmers Glue-paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see
    the dead skin and blackheads if any.
    * Shiny Hair-use brewed Lipton Tea
    * Sunburn -empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water
    * Minor burn-Colgate or Crest toothpaste
    * Burn your tongue? put sugar on it!
    * Arthritis? WD-40 Spray and rub in, kill insect stings too
    * Bee stings - meat tenderizer
    * Chigger bite - Preparation H
    * Puffy eyes - Preparation H
    * Paper cut - crazy glue or chap stick (glue is used instead of
    sutures at most hospitals)
    * Sore nipples - (Nursing Mothers) chap stick - or a wet Lipton tea
    * Stinky feet - Jello!!
    * Athletes feet - cornstarch
    * Fungus on toenails or fingernails - Vicks vapor rub
    * Kool aid to clean dishwasher pipes. Just put in the detergent
    section and run a cycle, it will also clean a toilet.
    * Kool Aid can be used as a dye in paint also
    * Kool aid in Dannon plain yogurt as a finger paint, your kids will
    love it and it won't hurt them if they eat it!
    * Peanut butter - will get scratches out of CD's! Wipe off with a
    coffee filter paper
    * Sticking bicycle chain - Pam no-stick cooking spray
    * Pam will also remove paint, and grease from your hands! Keep a can in your garage for your hubby
    * Peanut butter will remove ink from the face of dolls
    * When the doll clothes are hard to put on, sprinkle with corn
    starch and watch them slide on
    * Heavy dandruff - pour on the vinegar!
    * Body paint - Crisco mixed with food coloring. Heat the Crisco in
    the microwave, pour into a empty film container and mix with the food color of your choice!
    * Tie Dye T-Shirt - mix a solution of Kool Aid in a container, tie a
    rubber band around a section of the t-shirt and soak
    * Preserving a newspaper clipping - large bottle of club soda and
    1/2 cup of milk of magnesia, soak for 20 min. and let dry, will last for many years!
    * A Slinky will hold toast and CD's!
    * To keep goggles and glasses from fogging, coat with Colgate
    * Stay-Free Maxi Pads- clean window, floors, just stick to the palm of your hands and work! Can also be used as a knee pad.
    * Pampers as an absorbent! Remove stains from the carpet with club soda, and a pamper to absorb. Wine stains, pour on the Morton salt and watch it absorb into the salt.
    * To remove wax - Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain, it will absorb into the towel.
    * Remove labels off glassware etc. rub with peanut butter!
    * Baked on food -fill container with water, get a Bounce paper
    softener and the static from the Bounce towel will cause the baked on food to adhere to it. Soak overnight. Also; you can use 2 Efferdent tablets, soak overnight!
    * Crayon on the wall - Colgate toothpaste and brush it!
    * Dirty grout - Listerine
    * Stains on clothes - Colgate
    * Grass stains - Karo Syrup
    * Grease Stains- Coca Cola, it will also remove grease stains from
    the driveway overnight. We know it will take corrosion from batteries!
    * Sweat Stains - Efferdent, or vinegar
    * Use a Maxi-Pad in your cap as a sweat band (Of course I think I
    would staple this or pin it in.... you wouldn't want this to drop on the ground) Ha!
    *Fleas in your carpet? 20 Mule Team Borax- sprinkle and let stand
    for 24 hours. Maybe this will work if you get them back again.
    *To keep FRESH FLOWERS longer Add a little Clorox, or 2 Bayer
    aspirin, or just use 7-up instead of water
  • Hi Night Owls - I know I've been popping in and out lately but time is not on my side and I'm happy just to get here for this short while to say hello and share something that really affected me. Below is a quote from Nelson Mandela....it is probably one of the most powerful statements I have heard yet it is so true and so obvious.......we never really allow ourselves to reach our full potential. It really stuck with me and I want to share it with you......also.....at the very end of this post is the link to the picture page of our "new" house. I still can't believe I'm putting these pictures on the net for you all to see because the house is NOWHERE near finished but Judy....I can always blame YOU and Candice since you were the ones pushing for it. Heh-heh.....isn't it nice to blame others for our mistakes!!??!!?? <sly grin> Oh well....here goes. Hope you like the quote.

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest
    fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
    not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
    who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
    Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
    Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing
    enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel
    insecure around you."

    *Nelson Mandela {South African Leader}


  • We had a hard freeze and even though the tomatoe plants were covered we lost them so now we have to get some more and replant! Some of the smaller nurserys lost theirs too! (they were inside those plastic buildings). Put some annuals in and they better not freeze or I'm not doing anymore this year! It has been a great year for annuals though, they like the cool and rain. (the ones in my yard anyway). Lilacs are done and the iris are just starting and they look so pretty and smell so good!

    Shoes have not gone back yet... will decide tomorrow. They want me to come in but I can't get there and they have to be returned by Friday so I might just have to send them back with my son. I really wanted them to work for me so I didn't hav ethe hassel of trying more on in the fall. They don't understand about the Fibro and that my feet are super sensitive and I can't always get out of the house.

