Weighing in, how often?

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  • How often do you weigh yourself? Everyday or once a week? I just started on the road and I have to say I dread getting on the scale. It's like getting ready for a big final exam and it's either pass or fail.
  • Hi i usu to weight every day , but this week i going to satar doing it two times a week, At the begining it was help, but now is geting me craizy.
  • I weigh everyday. While it can be frustrating at times, it's also enlightening- you learn a lot about the way your body works.

    Also, it can be a lot less frustrating than weighing every week or month. You never know when you choose your weigh date whether you're going to be holding water, extra food, anything that could up your weight. If you weigh yourself on the wrong day, it might look like you didn't lose any weight that week, or less weight that month (while if you weigh yourself daily, you see the patterns and know you're losing, even if you're holding water some days).
  • In 2006, I lost about 80 pounds. I have since located it. In 2006, I weighed every day and drove myself crazy. I would obsess about everything. This time around (this will be the last time), I am trying to go about it in a much calmer manner. I am trying to only weigh once a week. I have been successful so far. You have to do what works for you, and you have to figure that out by trial and error.
  • I try to weigh every day just so I know what is going on. It can be a pain when the scale doesn't move for several days but it sure is nice to see it go down when it does. I skip days here and there but for the most part do it daily.
  • At least once a day - sadly - and sometimes more - eg after I've been to the toilet - esp if I was expecting a weight loss and didn't see one, I will weigh again if I go to the toilet after to see if it makes a difference (which it often does).
    You'd think by my age I'd be less obsessed wouldn't you ????? :-)
  • Some people weigh every day, then average over the week. Like Kelly said, this makes sense to find out how our bodies work (whether certain foods make us retain water, etc.), but it's easy to get obsessed (been there, done that!).

    I usually weigh on Wednesday morning after using the bathroom, right before breakfast. I figure, that's as close to my "normal" routine I'll get (sometimes weekends get off-schedule), so it's pretty accurate. If the weight varies more than I expect, it's usually balanced out the week after.
  • my "officall change my ticker" weigh in is Friday, but I usually weigh every other day or so just to see if things are going the way I want. I just started BistroMD so I'm eager to see if that is working.
  • I'm trying every day...but do recognize the mental trap that's out there...so maybe I'll just try for Wednesdays.
  • I weigh in if I feel that my rings are loose and can come off easily. If they cannot come off-no weighing. Less of a shock if you don't lose.
  • I hop on the scale each morning.. Sometimes at night also. I guess I am driven by the # on the scale..If its bad it pushes me and if its good it pushes me.
    Too bad when I lost 100lbs in 2006/2007 I did not keep doing that! I am going to win this battle this time..lol
  • As Little As Possible
    I am required to weigh in twice weekly at my program center. I do not weigh myself any other time, I actually threw away my scales. I feel I am required to be good all the time if I don't know what my weight is doing. I only change my ticker on my Saturday weigh in though. The Wednesday weigh in is just a little perk if I am doing good and a kick in the pants if I am straying. Everyone has their own technique, so try it several ways and pick the one that works best for you! Good luck and huggers!!!
  • I have done everyday for a week, okay 260 for the first 5 days no problem, it's not going to drop off just like that and then...........today GAINED 2 LBS. What the heck is that? Where's my pepsi? I am easily discouraged. But, to give myself credit (and why not) I did not pop open a pepsi, I drank my water and ate my salad. So maybe I will try weighing in twice a week.
  • I only weigh in once a week and on Sunday mornings. This is usually my day off so I weigh in after I wake up (not with the alarm) and that way my body is relaxed. This seems to be good for me I would be to obsessed the other way and very *****y if the scale said I gained every day.
  • i weigh every morning, clothes off, right after i wake up / use the bathroom. on another thread, someone posted a link to the site, physicsdiet.com. it's cool because you can log your weight each day, and, as the site owner says, "see through all the noise to your actual progress." (i'm paraphrasing a bit...) it helps to see the average instead of the spikes here and there.

    i didn't step on a scale or put on my jeans in 9 months and managed to put on 75 pounds. i honestly believe this has a little bit to do with not getting that reality check (omg, my jeans won't zip!) and as long as you treat it like brushing your teeth and don't obsess over it, a scale can be a helpful tool.