"Party Like Its 2009" Red Team Chat

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  • Welcome to your new Red Team! I'm just getting the chat threads started since I don't believe Cakses is on atm.

  • Well, how exciting, I'm looking forward to this challenge. Now that christmas is over and I've moved house I can setlle back into a routine and get shifting some weight!
    It's good to be on the red team so hello to you all team buddies!
  • Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Chellez.

    Hey, Red Team! Let's rock this challenge and see if we can't kick some Blue bootay. They got us, last challenge. We don't want a repeat, do we?

    I have needed this challenge. It is giving me just the kick in the pants I need to get back on track and get rid of my Holiday 10.
  • Okay Red Team! I am so ready to get this going. Are we going to have any mini challenges along the way? Pat
  • Hello everyone!

    This challenge is going to kick butt. The holidays are over, so we have no more excuses.

    With that being said, I have to get off my butt and not let this team down.
  • Hello Team, my first challenge here. I'm so excited. I'm really hoping to lose 20 pounds and reach my finale goal! Will write more later..
  • Quote: Hey, Red Team! Let's rock this challenge and see if we can't kick some Blue bootay. They got us, last challenge. We don't want a repeat, do we?
    We sure don't, Rain!

    Hello to all the returning and all the new REDS.

    And, Cakes, I just want to say thank you for stepping up to be our leader. I think we're gonna make you proud.
  • Hi to all my old Red Team buddies, and to all the new members. You'll like it here, these girls rock!

    And thanks for taking over as team leader, Cakses!

    Come on girls, lets take this one home! I'm pretty excited about this challenge, can you tell?
  • Hi everyone!

    Looking forward to chatting to you all some more as the challenge progresses. Really excited about this and know we can do it!!! GO RED!!

    Dixiemae - I think mini challenges along the way are just what we need. Any suggestions anyone?

    So, how is everyone planning to kick off their first week on the challenge? I went food shopping today and have planned a healthy menu for the week based on 1,500 calories a day and including a minimum of five portions of fruit and veg per day. I also have quite a bit of exercise planned. Tomorrow night, I will be doing a Legs, Bums and Tums class then will go to the gym for an hour and do some work on the treadmill, cross trainer, exercise bike and rowing machine for about an hour in total. Going to go to other fitness classes through the week as well.

    Tomorrow is my first day back at work after a two week break so I think getting back into that routine will help get my healthy eating pattern re-started after the Christmas excess.

    Good Luck everyone!!!

    Speak soon.
  • Hi Red Team. Thanks to Chellez for starting the thread for us. I still have my family in town until Tuesday so I'm sorry I haven't been around a lot.

    So I'm "el capitan" for this challenge and I hope I can keep up with us all. My name is Cat and I live outside Seattle. My DH and I have been married 7 years as of Dec 30th (yay) and DH is active duty Army, home now from tour #2 to Iraq. I have 2 boys ages 6 1/2 and almost 5. I work part time in the aquatics department at our local YMCA and somehow I squeeze in time to work out, cook and clean house.

    I am up a pound or so from ticker - I have the world's worst chest cold and exercising seems like torture right now LOL. I think I might force myself to get moving again tomorrow after another night of sleep. My DH got this and spread it to all of us and it will NOT go away! He has been sick for almost a month now. I hope it passes through me faster!

    I thought that we should post our goal in the weigh in thread - something to keep us mindful of what we are trying to do this challenge. At the bottom of my pre-typed out weigh ins, I put that I am trying to lose 20 pounds, or get to 150 by the end of the challenge. I hope I can. I think it's a good idea for you guys to put something down there too, some sort of goal. Not mandatory of course but every week when you weigh in you'll have to look at it Keeps ya motivated.

    I am going to go familiarize myself with our new team members on the list. Please introduce yourselves here so we can all get to know each other!!!
  • Hey fellow red team! This is my second challenge and I am so excitied to be on the Red Team! My name is Kim and I was recently diagnosed with vitamin D and iodine deficiency...the only thing I know about this is my metabolism is very sluggish. Now, fast forward to the challenge....I am pulling out all stops to get the weight off! My only daughter is getting married on May 9th and I must be in a size 10 dress by then....currently in a size 16. Anyone have any pointers on jump starting my metabolism....bring them on! I will do everything humanly possible to succeed. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Hey Everbody! It's great to see the RED team back in action! I do not want those Blues to win anymore! Come on guys!

    My goal for the challege is 15 pounds. I was trying to decide between 14 and 16, and finally picked 15. I've already lost 2 since I posted my start weight!

    I am stuggling a bit with being able to buy enough good foods to eat. We just found out last week that we have NO financial aid for my husband's tuition for this quarter. Someone messed up our paperwork somewhere along the way, so we have to pay it all ourselves. Needless to say we don't really have much to spend on anything. But I'm doing my best to buy cheap and healthy.

    Looking forward to hearing from you all soon! Make sure to get some exercise today!
  • Hi everyone! Excited to be on the red team!

    I've been doing very well with my journey, so I plan on continuing this during the BL challenge. Last week was tough for me since I had a wisdom tooth pulled and I've been recovering from that, but things are getting better and I've already been back in the gym!
  • Hello Red Team members! This is my third challenge, all with the red team. My goal this time around is to lose 15lbs. I didn't add that to my weighin thread, but it is in my signature, so that should work.

    I am doing Jillian's circuit workouts four days a week, walking 3 miles six times a week, plus doing extra pushups and situps. For my diet, I try to keep around 1400 calories, with an occasional day of 1700 or so, just to shake things up (and give myself an extra treat).

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all the new team members, and reconnect with our Alumni!

    GO RED TEAM!!!!
  • Hello everyone, SO excited to be here GO RED!!! This is my first BL challenge with the board. My name is Mandy, I am a navy wife, and mom to 3. I have been a member of 3FC for about a month now. I don't really have a set goal for this Challenge since setting goals always seem to set me up for failure. I will just do the best i can and see were I am each week. For exercise, i am at the moment doing Couch to 5K program 3 days a week. I will be doing a 5k on the 17th if this month. I will also probably start adding some workouts with Fit TV. Tonight I rode about 7 miles on my bicycle after dinner, that felt really good. On eating, no real diet plan just limiting processed foods and upping my veggie/fruit/whole grain intake. Well thats me in anut shell. I cant wait to see how well everyone does