CC Valentine's Day Challenge!

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  • Sorry, peeps, forgot to add the icon to the first thread, so we can find it easy. Let's try this again...

    Congrats to everyone who participated in the New Year's Challenge!
    Time for a new thread.

    Here's how it works. Valentine's Day is a little over 6 weeks away. Set a goal or goals, whether it's a certain number of pounds/kg/stone you want to lose, fitting into those too-small jeans, staying OP (on plan) with food, water and exercise, miles or minutes of exercise, whatever. You pick your own goal, then come here to report in, chat, get and give support. All are welcome! Let's do this thing!
  • Okay, that worked. Yay!

    First thing, BarbPA made her 80 lbs lost mark today, so she gets herself a Flamey!

    Here's mine:
    GW:179.4 (just to make it an even 4 lbs)
    My weight loss has been really slow, so I think I'll be pushing to even make that one. I'm working the plan every day, though, so who knows?

    Good luck everyone!
  • After working the numbers, it seems like I lose an average of 5 pounds a month. So, I'm going to go for a 6 pound loss and have my Valentine's Day challenge goal be the same as the New Year's challenge goal.

    CW: 205
    GW: 199

    I just really want to get into onederland!!!
  • New Person
    Hi everyone-
    It has been awhile since I have posted on the forum but here I am- brand new year with brand new goals.

    For the challenge I want to make my 5 times a week workout goal. I am also shooting for 10 pound weight loss.

  • Hi Gang!

    I have to think about my goals for Valentine's day...I'll get back to you.

    Hopefully everyone is having a fantastic day and getting 2009 off on the right foot. I hit the gym for my cardio day and now I'm up to my ears in doing some cleaning/organizing. First I tackled the coat/catch all closet in the laundry room.'s amazing how 8 years of junk piles up in a closet. It was fun trying on old coats and realizing most of them had to go in the "donate" bag!

    We are heading to Outback for Linner (late lunch/early dinner). I'm craving steak today...with veggies of course!

  • OH..I nearly forgot....

    Jam - Thank you for my Flamey! I'm honored. I would like to thank all my wonderful friends here for keeping me going...cue music...speech over. (yes, lame attempt at humor)
  • Ooooh I am in for another great CC challenge. I really enjoyed the last one and had great results. For this one I would like to lose 10 pounds to get to 204lb. This is my 50lb total lost mark and my 20% loss so its a double whammy.
  • Yeah for Jammy Jam - a brilliant and fearless challenge leader!

    5 pounds. 5 freaking pounds to losing half of myself. Yep, 5 pounds please.

    Another focus will be working on the weightlifting. Classes 3x per week + solo or trainer another 1-3x. I'll experiment for the next 6 weeks with cutting out cardio only gym time for now because I want to work on my lean body mass and body fat percentages. I'd like to begin taking a rest day once in awhile (although I'll likely end up biking or running the dog to burn off my excess energy) - it's about time!
  • Chele's going to ONEderland, yea!

    Crime girl, welcome to the challenge!

    Barb, that speech was very inspiring. Brought a tear to my eye. Really.
    Just kidding, you EARNED that Flamey!

    Kiwi, that is an awesome goal number! I wish I could think of something good like that, but I'm like all in the middle of nowhere here..."normal" BMI is still out of reach...maybe there's a percentage or something I could go for that would be more motivating than the random number I picked. I reserve the right to edit my goal if I think of something cool to go for!

    FB, OMG, you are so going to make GOAL on this one! How cool is that?! Plus you are going to be a super buff bodybuilder this year! Just remember who knew you when...BFF!
    PS-my sister C sent me this pic, it's at about 40 lbs down, so I will put it up for my avatar. PPS-lol! I'm looking all MIB with the all black theme there!
  • Im in again!! I didnt do as hot last time so this time i am really going to be sure and exercise and make my goal.I am shooting for 10lbs, which would put me at 214.
  • DG, woohoo! Go for it!
  • Hey ladies! I have been a little absent latey but I have been lurking!! I dont have my final weigh in until Saturday but I know that I didnt make it to my New Years goal and thats okay!! I have made huge progress and as long as I make it to ONDerland sometime in January I will be happy!!

    Congrats to everyone for doing so great in 2008 and here is to doing just as great in 2009!!

    I am going to set my Vantines Goal to be in ONEderland but I am hoping for 195!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • I would like to join this challenge.I have 100 lbs to lose and I know it is going to take awhile.I would like to lose 10 pounds by valentime's day
  • Welcome! I'm a pawtawgrapher (as my son likes to say) too - and blame Photoshop, desk time and studio stress on my weight gain.
    You can do it!
  • Jammy! JAMMY! Awesome and awesome. You look FRICK FRACK FREAKING great (and intimidating I might add). Wow! You should post the two avatars side by side so everyone can marvel at you. Me? Your avatar is burned in my head, BFF and all.