thicker hair after weight loss?

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  • Hey ladies,
    for all of you who have lost weight and have maintained it for some months now, do you find that your hair is thicker than it used to be before the weight loss?

    When I was about 70-80 lbs overweight, I had thin hair. It wasn't extremely noticeable, but my "part" was very visible, especially under bright lighting. It remained that way throughout my weight loss. About two months after I maintained my new weight however, I noticed the part was barely visible and that my hair felt thicker. I thought it was my imagination until some people commented on it.

    Anyone else have that experience? It must be a hormonal thing, but if it is a common side effect it should be listed as one of the benefits of weight loss

    feel free to share your experiences!
  • I wish! My thin, stick straight hair is still the same. It's always been "skinny" and remains so. Lucky you!

    Love your 3FC name - I was that name until the weight came off. Talk about "spot" reducing .

  • Maybe it's better nutrition?

    I have always had thick hair and even at age 55, I have to have it thinned out when I get it cut.
  • Quote: About two months after I maintained my new weight however, I noticed the part was barely visible and that my hair felt thicker. I thought it was my imagination until some people commented on it.
    Oh boy, I sure hope that happens to me.

    I've always had lots of hair. Fine hair, but lots of it. For the last number of years, it's been thinning. A lot. I recently noticed a bunch of short hairs at my temples. It looks *really* funny, but I'm hoping it means I'm growing more hair again.
  • I've always had baby fine hair. And I still have baby fine hair.

    I've never heard of hair getting thicker, in fact I'd always hearht that losing a lot of weight could result in hair thinning. So, I was kind of pleased that that didn't happen to me and that my baby fine hair is still in tact.

    Thicker hair? Lucky girl. I'm envious.
  • I have always had very thick hair, but I noticed when losing weight that I was losing more hair than I ever had before. It never made enough of a difference than anyone could see it, but I saw it on my pillow, in my hairbrush and in the drain. It seemed to stop after the first several months of weight loss, though, and now I still have very thick hair, requiring a pretty massive thinning at each hair cut.
  • Nope, oh how I WISH!
    My hair is extra thin and baby fine too. I can't live without HAIRSPRAY for poofing up my hair!
  • Sounds to me like it might be better nutrition, vs. just losing weight. I already have pretty thick hair, but I know when I'm eating on plan, my hair is much shinier and healthier looking. Getting enough healthy fats is really key for my skin and hair.

  • I'm in agreement with Sheila and PhotoChick on this one.

    Let me also say LUCKY YOU!!!

    I've been doing quite a bit of research on the whole hair loss thing and what you have experienced is somewhat atypical. Loss and regrowth, some full regrowth/others thinner, is more the norm, not hair thickening.

    Wooo hooo for your good nutrition!! What wonderful validation of your self care
  • Like everyone else, I'd say it's probably from good nutrition!

    My hair thinned after weight loss, then started falling out. Turned out I had hypothyroidism. It's finally growing in thicker now that I've been on thyroid meds for a year!
  • Quote: I've never heard of hair getting thicker, in fact I'd always hearht that losing a lot of weight could result in hair thinning.
    Mine stopped being so oily, which is nice, but falls out, which isn't. I eat protein, healthy fats, and lots of vitamin-filled veges, but to no avail.
  • You are doing great to have thicker hair. I had a ton of hair but it has thinned out a lot since I have lost weight. My hairdresser says my hair got skinny too.
  • I Would love some thick hair!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TO REPEAT EVRYONE WHO HAS SAID IT AND SAY "LUCKY YOU."
    ENJOY!You can see in my avatar pic my Balding spots! (thin spots or whatever you wanna call them LOL) Hopefully I get some thick locks when I get to my goal
  • I've always had baby fine hair, and not tons of it, but it always grew pretty fast. I noticed towards the end of my most extreme weight loss period, my hair and nails seemed to stop growing. I was eating pretty healthily, but perhaps lacking in the healthy fats area, and very low cal (1200-1400 cals/day, working out a fair amount). When I went on maintenance and started eating a little more, my hair & nails grew more. My hairdresser even commented - went for a trim about 8 months afterwards, and she said "wow, you've got a lot of new growth back here". Since hair and nails are just dead cells, it sort of makes sense that if there's not a lot of excess, if you're ingesting just enough calories etc. your body won't "give up" those dead cells easily to make hair and nails...

    Honestly it kind of freaked me out - even if I could find the willpower to eat so little again (I don't remember being starving, but when I even think about going so low in cals again now I feel hungry), it was kind of scary that my hair and nails stopped growing. That's an unhealthy place I won't go again, even if it means staying 10 lbs above where I'd like.

    Nutrition can definitely affect hair, nails, skin, etc.'s growth & appearance!
  • When I first lost weight my hair thinned. No bald patches or anything, but it did thin out. It stayed that way when my BF% hovered around 16.5. Now that it's at 20-21% my hair has thickened up quite a bit. With me it wasn't a vitamin issue, but a fat issue.