Favorite Healthy Snacks

  • We all need healthy snacks to replace the bad ones--

    Lately my favorite is a 100 calorie flat bread with 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter on top. It's about 290 calories for the snack (high, I know...), but it's full of fiber and protein which my diet could use a little more of! It's filling, salty & sweet.

    What are your favorite healthy snacks?!
  • a banana with 2 T peanut butter. apple and cheese. orange dipped in plain yogurt mixed with unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • I really like the FiberOne bars, they're so good.

    Or wheat crackers and cheese =)
  • celery w/ natural peanut butter (no salt or sugar added)
    red grapefruit
    whole-wheat toast with a little lite cream cheese
    pomegranate applesauce (unsweetened)
    a handful of almonds (i have small hands, so that's only about 1/2 oz)
    plain yogurt with frozen berries
    my "substitute starbucks" coffee:
    black coffee
    about 2/3 as much unsweetened almond milk as coffee
    splash of vanilla extract
    2 tsp honey
  • I found these little round shaped blobs of soft goat cheese with provencal herbs on top, 3 of 'em is 90 cals, with a crisp ambrosia apple, MMM!

    Also, I made muffins with ricotta cheese and applesauce (and all the other ingredients, minus oil!) and they are so satisfying, I calculated about 175 cals.

    You can never go wrong with a big tablespoon of natural pb!!!
  • celery + laughing cow cheese
    apple + PB
    baby carrots + hummus
    string cheese
  • Granola bars
    I have these packets of liquorice where the sweets are very small and don't contain added sugar. It is a 13 gram packet which means it is about 30 calories total, and it contains loads of sweets. I love liquorice so this is a great way of putting something in my mouth when I feel like it.
  • I also love the fiver one bars! YUMMY
  • apples, love them
    fat free cheese with crackers
    vanilla icecream mmmm
  • applesauce
    oatmeal packets
    miso soup packets
    string cheese (even tho I can't eat 'em anymore)
    celery and laughing cow cheese (even tho I can't eat 'em anymore)
  • fresh sliced cucumbers

    they are like, 99% water so they are pretty low-cal
  • Quote: fresh sliced cucumbers

    they are like, 99% water so they are pretty low-cal
    yes! i can eat like half a cucumber in a sitting, and its about 20 calories or something ridiculously low like that