Am I Ready?

  • Whew!

    After reading so many posts, I've decided that I too need support! So I am here taking the plunge (& hopefully sucking out all the fat!) and introducing myself!

    Hello everyone! So here goes a li'l bit about me...

    Originally from the desert of Southern California, I now happily reside near the Central Coast of Cali (specifically, the "Salad Bowl", Salinas) with my boyfriend of 2 years, William. We have been in this area for about 8 months now and love it!

    I'm 26, although by many BMI calcs, BMR totals, BMwhatever, I have been told that my "real" age is approx. 35! I don't know what 35 feels like, nor do I plan to dream it (heehee), but I sure do feel a lot older than I am!

    In a nut shell this is me now: I am tired of feeling tired, I am tired of my body aching, I am tired of wearing the same 'comfy' clothes over and over, I am tired of my family jokingly (yet lovingly) call my big booty out, and most of all I am tired of DENIAL.

    That being said, Am I Ready?

    I look forward to meeting new people and hopefully gaining and giving support!
  • Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Welcome to 3fc. You have already taken the first and hardest step - the decision to make a positive change in your life and health.
    This group will give you tremendous support as it has for me when I needed it. Any thoughts on what you are going to change first? Eating habits, excercise, drinking water...........
  • thanks for the welcomings!

    well I have already begun to change my eating habits slightly. My boyfriend and I are working towards a more healthier eating lifestyle. We have started to do meal replacement shakes. I know, it isn't the best way to start, but we're trying it out because we both have a problem of over eating, and over spending. After an evening of grocery calculations, the best route for us now is the shakes and healthy dinners.

    as far as any exercise, I have been doing some light aerobics at home and some yoga poses. we will be checking out a gym this weekend. e

    of course I am totally opn to ideas!!
  • Welcome to 3FC!

    Quote: We have started to do meal replacement shakes. I know, it isn't the best way to start, but we're trying it out because we both have a problem of over eating, and over spending. After an evening of grocery calculations, the best route for us now is the shakes and healthy dinners.
    Don't worry... we've been there! I have a half-empty can of Slimfast in my pantry. I keep looking at it and thinking, "Should I try it again? Will it be my miracle?"
    Whatever works for you. Sometimes we just need a good jumpstart. Best wishes to you and your boyfriend!
  • Glad you found us! I encourage you to re-word your question into a statement?
    Am I ready?
    Hang around at 3FC and you will be saying
    I am READY!