Really Want to Succeed at Weight Loss

  • Hello!

    I've just started TOPS and want to get excited about weight-loss. I've been overweight since I discovered the mental health benefits of ice cream at age 12. I can clearly remember, in fact, being over 200 pounds my freshman year of high school. Anyways, I digress, I guess I'm here to find a support group and possibly to learn how to be a support to someone else.

  • I'm new here, too. I'm doing Weight Watcher's At Work. I really really want to lose weight and would love a support group/buddy. I find so much motivation in just reading people's posts here, especially the ones where people have lost 50, 60, 70, 100+ lbs!! Good luck to you.
  • You have found a WONDERFUL resource. Come back and post often so we can get to know you!
  • Welcome ladies!
    I truly believe this place is the best!
    I have been trying to lose weight for about a year with no success, mostly because i would give up after a few days or a week.
    Since I have found 3FC, i have been motivated by reading other people's stories, being supportive to others, getting support and posting my blog.
    Good Luck!
  • I'd love a support buddy

    I'd love to have a support buddy. And I'd love even more (for once in my life) to shop in a normal store for clothes. So - if you hold me to my goal - by gosh I'll help you with yours. Now, I just have to get my tush in gear and start moving (easier said than done - I love being a couch potato and eating potato chips)!!!!

  • Thanks for the welcome!
    Hi CountingDown and Billies Pottery -

    Thanks so much for the welcome! I look forward to finding the motivation I need to get healthy....Thanks again for your enthusiasm

  • Nik,
    Welcome! I have found this website to be a great source of advice and inspiration. Wishing you much success!

  • Nik,

    Welcome and you've come to the right site!

  • Hi ...

    I've just joined today too ....and looking forwardto havng support and weight loss buddies .... good luck on your goals ... what is TOPS ??