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  • Welcome to one of the most popular threads here at the 100lb club!

    For those of you unfamiliar with the term, NSV stands for Non Scale Victory. This is where we share our progress on matters that don't necessarily relate to the actual number on the scale. Such as making a healthier choice, resisting temptation, receiving a compliment (we're big on those), fitting into clothing better, something in the fitness area and so on and so on. So let's start filling it up!
  • I fit into a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in 5 years, and they are big on me
  • I rode a bike and it was fun! We took our son out who is autistic to try to teach him to ride his bike again. We've tried many times and he just panics so we never get far with it. I decided to try it to maybe show him that if old mom can do it so can he. He's a big guy now, way taller than me so I had to adjust his seat down. I hopped on and just took off. I haven't tried to ride in quite some time. Last time I was eighty pounds heavier and it was so uncomfortable. It felt really good. Maybe we'll get our son riding since I can do it.
  • I - LOVE - this thread! Hehe.

    Technically this happened in October, but since I haven't been on 3FC in a while, I suppose I'll have to post it on here. It's a bit of a long story but it made me feel sooo great. WELL, this week was a bit of a downer (or, should I say, upper) scalewise... I had extreme school-related stress, so I was much more relaxed with my eating habits than usual. Nothing too extreme, but I did gain a little bit. So, I was generally feeling a bit down about having gained, and then on Thursday I had one of the the worst days ever, and I was complaining to a really close friend. I was telling him that I was really stressed and feeling like s***, so I made plans to have dinner with him at one of my favorite restaurants in order to unwind a bit. Then I was immediately like, **RED FLAG** emotional eating alert!! And because I was already in such a bad mood, I couldn't stop thinking, ugh, why do I do this to myself?! I randomly mentioned something like "Yep, clearly I'm an emotional eater, and that is why I look like this..." Normally I'm never the type to put myself down like that, but again, I was having an AWFUL day. But my friend, who is so incredibly sweet, replied (something like) "Actually, I was thinking earlier that you look really thin today. I didn't want to be weird and ask [weird voice:] 'What have you been doing?!?!?' but yeah... That shirt looks really good on you."

    I can't even tell you how much that brightened my day. Even on those days where you just feel like a big disgusting slob, it helps so much just to remember how far you've come. And since that friend is pretty overweight, too, I know it couldn't have been easy for him to say that. That definitely helped me look forward to getting back on track!
  • My today's NSV was that I washed all of my floors, ran up and down the stairs about 30 times for various things, vacuumed the whole house and did MULTIPLE other things. And for the first time? My legs are NOT killing me, I'm NOT exhausted and I feel very energized YAYYYYY!!!!!!
  • My boyfriend and I got a little frisky while he was here did some things that we don't normally do. The last time we did them it hurt joints and just in general were not comfortable. Well this time they were doable and only this morning were feeling slight after effects.

    Oh and he was able to wrap his arms around my waist and hold his hands. It was a tight fight and my boobs got in the way a bit but OMG he was able to do it. 40lbs ago it just wasn't possible.
  • I haven't eaten chocolate, icecream, crisps(or chips! in american terminology!) or drank fizzy drinks in 12 days! Huge accomplishment for me!! I haven't gone more then a day in about 2 years!
  • I bought a pair of really cute jeans at Kohls this evening (great sale this weekend) for motivation. Size 10.

    I tried them on once I got home to see how much further I had to go and TADA! They fit perfect, perfection. I am in total disbelief. Wow is all.

    Another was going to a party with my husband to see his work friends. I've never met them in our 8 years of marriage. I was embarrassed of my size and would find reasons to avoid them. When he introduced me as his wife, his friends' jaws dropped, they asked him how he ended up with a hot wife. I've never been the hot wife! Girlfriend, yes - but wife? Never until tonite.
  • I had to tighten my belt to the next notch! And, my favorite workout pants now need to be retired - I look like a baggy clown in them. How sweet.
  • I have done really well this week. I have watched my eating. I have finished week one of the couch to 5K program. I have not had a diet drink all week - only drinking black coffee, black tea and water. And the scale has been good to me (sorry that one slipped out...) I am proud of me
  • The other day I ran into a friend of a friend I hadn't seen in a while (since I was at my high weight), one of those intimidatingly beautiful women, and when she saw me she didn't even say hello, she just looked me up and down and said, "You look amazing!" Bit of an overstatement on her part, but I'll take it! She's the first person who's commented on my loss who didn't know I was dieting. Woohoo!
  • We are allowed to wear Jeans to work on Friday...Well...this past Friday...I wore my size 12 "inspiration" jeans to work!

    I need new inspiration Jeans. Size 10 here I come!
  • I bought a pair of size 14 jeans last night. They are snug, but hubby thought they looked great. I haven't worn a size 14 jean in twenty years. I need to take measurements again, I must be shrinking even though the scale is stuck.
  • I bought size 14/16 tops at Lane Bryant yesterday. Very cute, and they fit perfectly. Then I wore one with my size 18 jean skirt last night, to go out to a concert with my mom. My husband was completely drooling over me, and pouting at the fact that (according to him) I looked so "hot" and was going out without him.

    That's down from where I was at an 18/20 in tops and a 24 in bottoms.

    I think I probably look better right now (not just my body, but also my hair and skin and whole vibe, due to my awesome dietary habits) than I have in like...8 or 9 years at least.
  • Today I took a 4 hour hike filled with very steep grades. It felt great , though I think I pulled a muscle in my leg.