Hi! Lurker speaking up..

  • Hi. I've been lurking for awhile.. just thought I would say hello

    I had a quick question.. does anyone have some pointers to information on what your "correct" weight should be. I'm just trying to get a ballpark idea of what I should be aiming for. I'd rather not have to go to some place to get the fat percentage and what not.

    Of course my mind tells me I should weight something insane like 135, but when I look at my legs/thighs/buttock.. it just doesnt seem physically possible.

    I'm probably about 5' 7.75" and weigh like 185.

    I'm just in the begining stages of weight loss. I went to India for a month and lost like 10 pounds.. it was awesome! But now I have gained it slowly back and I really want to feel good about myself. So last week I started working out 20 minutes a day on the treadmill, and now I am up to 40 (walking and running)! And I am also lifting weights.

    Next.. I gotta figure out if what I am eating and how much is ok or not.. but one step at a time!


    P.S. Sorry if thats a bit scatterbrained.. a bit nervous about posting to the world that I think I am fat.
  • Hi Tanya!

    The weight range for someone that is 5'8" is 131-158, so it's not as bad as you think! Just work on getting into your range and see where your body is the most comfortable. It sounds like you have a decent exercise plan in place, and that is a great start!!

    Good luck!

    (I went to school in Urbana!)