Five Pound Challenge #24

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  • Whoop!!! A new challenge! Let's make this a good and fast one chicks!

    Everyone is

    Just post your starting weight (SW) and your goal weight (GW)
    Log in as often as you like and post your current weight (CW)!

    First person to reach their 5 lb loss goal weight wins and gets to start the next thread for the next 5 lb challenge!

    Good luck to everyone!

    I will kick it off.

    SW: 233.5
    GW: 228.5
  • Congratulations Quilie!!

    After all the ups & downs, mostly ups, I ended up losing just over 2 pounds last challenge, 1 pound from ticker!

    s/c 148.8
    g 143.8
  • oo oo, may I join in, please? I can get my head round 5lbs! - plus, it would get me into wonderland!

    SW 204
    CW 204 (+1.2 - just climing the high diving board. honest!)
    GW 199
  • Way to go, Quillie!! Glad to see someone fially kicked the last challenge's butt! hehe
    I am at a hostel right now.. no scale... but I will be continuing to post even though i can weigh in cause i miss you guys when im gone!! hehe
    im headed from montreal o NY tomorrow.. I got my marriage visa!! I can't finally marry my fiance! waahoo.. Anyway.. let you know as soon as I find a scale where I stand.
    I havn't been eating like I should.. but I also havn't been eating horrible and I have been walking like crazy. I hope it all willbalance out and suprise me ( in a good way) when i find a scale!! hhe

    good luck all!!
  • Congratulations on losing!


    I just keeping thinking... one more challenge like this one and I will be out of the 80's - ha, my kids always say that I am "stuck in the 70's" - who woulda thought I was actually looking forward to them! :-)
  • Congrats Quillie!!!

    SW: 212
    CW: 212
    GW: 207

    Good Luck everyone!!
  • Yay! Congrats Quillie.

    I haven't weighed today. This past week was a disaster. I'll post mine here shortly though. Gotta get my act together.

  • Thanks all for the congratulations, let's hope this challenge brings less gaining and more loss! I hope we can start 25th challenge soon.

    *Ailidth* you are more then welcome to join us! I can't wait to get to onederland myself, but I'm afraid it's going to take a lot of patience.

    *fauxtini* great that you have the visa! Does every foreigner need one to marry an american. I didn't know it was such a privilege.

    *Beth* hopefully soon we can sing 'welcome to the sixties'. from hairspray!
  • Yup, patience is the problem, isn't it? but look at you, down 20lbs already!
  • Congrats Quillie!

    Faux- Congrats on getting your Visa so you can marry your man.

    Im ready to get this challenge started.


    Yeah, I havent managed to lose ANY weight yet.:
  • SW: 142.6
    CW: 142.6
    GW: 137.6 <-- OMG, look at that!! Five pounds down from now would see me in the 130s - thought I would NEVER see the day!!!!
  • Hi All, Congrats on all of your successes!
    I'd like to join!

    SW: 181
    CW: 181
    GW: 176 (this will also be a 31# loss from my starting weight--woohoo!)
  • OOOH! I'm game on this train.

    Start: 248.1
    Current: 248.1
    Goal: 243.1
  • I'm in. I want to get over that 200# psychological barrier...for the last time.
  • SW 197
    CW 197
    GW 176

    I will probably amend my goal weight when I get there. After looking at the challenges: I feel this is the main one that will motivate me the most. I was thinking of going to a buffet for our evening meal today, where there is nice seafood and a divine desert bar but this won't support me in the challenge..

    Best to all from Jenny