New, please don't judge

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  • Hello everyone,
    I have been surfing this site for a few months now on a somewhat regular basis. I am on holiday (teacher) and so I thought that this might be a good time to 'sign up'. I am 29 years old, and recently married last summer. In my past years I have bounced from being very fit and active to inactive and eating anything and everything. I have on the past year gained about 10 pounds. I have seen this happen to many of my friends and I am trying to do something about this before it gets too out of control.
    I am not obese but do not feel great about myself. I know that some might feel like I really have no place here but i honestly would like to get healthy again and eat a whole lot better.
    I eat a lot, I think that I may be addicted to food.I have no real boundaries. i can eat a full dinner and then another 2 dinners before bed.
    I hope that i find the strength to get fit and healthy as weight health issues run in my family.
    I am on Vacay for most of August (out of country) so it may be hard to start this now but at least if i make a choice I know that when my routine gets back in order *September) I have a plan.
    Sorry for the rambling, maybe I should just make a blog lol.
    Please don't judge :0
  • hello
    I'm new also, losing these 40lbs. has been a real struggle for me, I think I'm a carb addict lol!!!! I did have great success with WW a few years ago, then I slipped up and gained weight again. Well, good luck on your weight loss journey, nice to meet you.
  • . I am still Trying and Tanya7768. 3FC has a lot to offer both of you, so look around and join in!
  • Welcome!! You can do this! There's lots of support here if you need it! Jump into any conversation you feel like :-)
  • Hello- I am also new. There is a wealth of knowledge and support here, you made a great choice by being proactive with your weight. It does eventually "get out of control" for many. It did for me

  • Welcome!
  • weight trackers
    how and where do you get a weight trracker to add to your profile?
  • Nobody here will judge you we are all for some reason or other in the same boat trying to achieve the same thing and are all very supportive.

    You can only add a tracker to your posts after a certain number of days and posts.
  • , all of you! Don't worry, this is not the type of place where you will be judged. But you will find lots of help, hints and encouragement to boost you along and keep you motivated in your weight loss journey. Please feel free to hop into any board and discussion you wish, we always enjoy having new members join in! After 20 days/20 posts, you'll be eligible for a ticker.
  • You are very wise to get the eating under control before you gain a lot of weight. Best wishes to you!
  • I say for recognizing that you don't feel fit and healthy and taking steps to do something about it.

    Have you tried tracking what you are eating? I find it very helpful in setting boundaries to know where I was. I use - but there are a number of sites online in addition to a simple notebook or excel spreadsheet.

    I don't know if you are exercising - you mentioned being active...if not, it's a good way to burn calories and get more toned.

    Oh - and OF COURSE you have a place here. **I'll scooch over**

  • welcome I'm new too! My honest thoughts are that if you only have 10 lbs to lose....and you feel like you need to do it...there is no reason to wait until you have 40 or more to lose! It's not what anyone else thinks it's how you feel about yourself! I'm sure noone will judge you!
  • I believe that you came to the right place.

    Don't worry nobody will judge you.
  • wow. Thank you to everyone. I am waiting to add my 'ticker' . I can't believe all the amazing people in here. This is a great place. See you in the chats