W.O.W Labor Day Challenge~~Week 3~~

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  • Here is our new thread ladies!
  • Welcome Again Lili~ This here is a great group. I am sorry to hear about your DH' s hip replacement, but I am glad he is doing better.

    Mindy, I hope you are feeling better, I hate feeling worn down.

    HolyT I hope you got your finals done. With all your moving, and stuff I forgot about school. I also hope you make buddies with your treadmill today

    Yesterday I had to pop into my old work for a weigh in (march we started a biggest loser type contest, remember?) Well I hate weighing in after a twelve hour shift so I usually skip it on my work weeks, but I got yelled at for missing the last two weigh ins (forgot last sunday) any way Ithought the scale was broken, it showed down 5 pounds from my last weigh in. (3 weeks ago). So I came home and my scale said the same thing I was in complete shock. That weight puts me very close to first place ($600 bucks), I am excited to see this weeks results (we have 2 weeks left until the final weigh in).

    Now my scale this morning (i know don't weigh myself at 2 am) but I was shocked to see 152. I have to go back and check but thats down like 3 pounds in the last week? My body doesn't lose weight that fast so I am curious what the scale will say tomorrow. My official weigh in after my long work week. (What I have done differently lately: make sure my calories are from clean sources, I have been eating a lot of fruits and veggies and Salads only at lunch I don't eat anything heavy or starchy after 5 on workdays, I plan every calorie to make sure I am at 1200 calories. I am no lnger estimating calories. Plus I think running helps a bit

    Okay Workday WEED

    W 64
    E 10 minute abs, extra laps around the plant
    E 1200 Planned calories
    D Eat only what is planned, have a good day.
  • Morning All!
    Welcome Lili! Glad your husband is on the way to being back to good! Sounds like you have a great partner in staying healthy once he gets there!

    Jcat - get this.... pulled off another D-land trip this past Saturday! It was fun. 1st time BF has taken all 3 kids together. Went on buzzlight year for the 1st time. Kicked everyone's butt on lasering Zork! (how dweeby does that sound?)

    Mtiger - yeah on the loss girly! And happy belated to your boy. I may be about to lose 240 lbs as my son is talking to my mom and stepfather about moving to their place in Orange County to go to school there. Fullerton City College. May be the environment change he needs, he's pumped to play baseball again (thank you Lord) and has been good about pulling off his work around here without too much grumbling. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

    Holy- good girl in job land! You will shine, and your moment will come with moving up the ladder. You just keep it up!

    Wish Nchellie safe trip vibes!

    Me - well... my weekend was rough to say the least. BF was/is on high alert crabby mode (this is rare - so its always unsettling). Stressed everybody else out. I hit a weepy insecure moment (HELLO - soooo not me. I am the girl who stayed single 7 years by choice to get a clean head after bad relationships and be the best mom I could until DS turned 18). But its been funky. Last night I was wavering between "why don't you all just move out of my house" and "why won't someone hug me?" Tired of 2 days of emotionally draining nonsense. Hopefully it wont continue through the week and blow the fun outta the Laughlin/Mohave trip this weekend.

    This morning I'm so/so. Gonna go cook up my ground turkey, rice and green beans. Down a pinch this morning since Friday so gotta fight to stay on track.

    Hit o the day
    W-all of it - don't stop, git it, git it
    E- 3oz protien, 1/2 cup carbs, endless veggies or salad - 5 x a day
    E- Urgh!~ 6 hours of walking easy at D-land Sat - isn't that enough for the year?
    D - Get out of the emotional black hole, yours and everyone elses.

    Have a great day weedies!
  • Happy Monday ladies! I'm so not excited to be back to work, I had the most relaxing weekend with BF (minus getting COVERED in mosquito bites!). Unfortunately relaxation+TOM is making the scale read a lb higher than it has been. . hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised with what the scale says when TOM goes away. I feel like I deserve it cuz I've been kicking my butt in the gym!! I've been calorie counting and working out consistently for like a month now and only lost 5 lbs. . I know I need to focus more on WHERE my calories come from, but really I'm good about it during the week, the weekends just are difficult to plan for b/c I always end up going out of town for one reason or another.

    Anyway, here's my WEED for this week's workdays!
    W- 2 liters
    E- >or= 30 min cardio + circuit training m/w/f, >or= 40 min cardio + abs t/th
    E- <or= 1200 calories (from the right foods!)
    D- I can do this. I can. I WILL be in the 130s when classes start on Aug 25!
  • Well Lordie be. The scale actually said 212 this morning. Okay so it was 212.8, but still, 212. Losing weight this summer is like pulling teeth, without novacaine. Hopefully I can under 210 by the time school starts up. I had a NSV yesterday. I went for my walk/jog and jogged a .7/mile stretch. That's good for me. I just kept telling myself, one more driveway. And in the country that's about 1/10 of a mile. Gotta keep on track today.

    Lili- Welcome. Congrats on helping your husband through those surgeries. I know it can be tough. My ex-hubbie/roomie (long story) hurt his back a year ago. Had a disc removed, more pain, just had his nerves severed to his legs. Not fun. He was off work for about 6 months, but he also is doing better. We are the strong women who will take up the slack.

    Jeni- Thanks for the new thread. And you almost have $600 in your grasp. You go for it. Great job on the loss. I know you're excited about it.

    Nix- 240 pounds of boy. How do you feed it? Mine is only about 170 and 6 foot. He just rolled in this morning at 7:00. He is sleeping a few hours before work and rehearsal. He's been gone most of the weekend. Since Friday's BD lunch I haven't seen him. He might as well live with his grandparents. Keep up the good work and get out of that funk.

    Luna- I am the queen of slow losing, so I know how you feel. A few days ago I figured out that since Jan. I have averaged 5 pounds a month. It doesn't sound like much and it's certainly not as fast as I'd like, but it is adding up. Hang in there.

    W- 3 bottle, yep I've upped the ante.
    E- Yard work and some video later tonight
    E- 1400 seems to be working
    D- Possibilities always outnumber limitations.

    See ya later.
  • dang had the worst time getting to the thread this morning! hopefully this will be ok....just maintained this week But i guess it could be worse so i'm just gonna keep some water going and healthy foods. gotta get my treadmill going though, i need to do this for me!
  • I just found this challenge this morning and posted on the original thread so I'll copy and paste it here. I'm following South Beach with a slight modification. I went right to the second phase so as not to get the headache, had too many things going on and just couldn't risk it. I lost 2 lbs last week, I'm happy with that.

    Here is my post from the week 1 thread:

    Good afternoon,
    I've also been looking for an active board with a challenge focus, something to help me muster up my Umph. I just found this through the shift workers forum. I'd like to jump in as well. I have my annual physical at the end of September and really would like to have lost at least 10% of my start weight by then, it is doable if I really set my sights on it. I think tending to my WEEDS will really be an incentive.

    My goals for today
    W- Fill my blue rubbermaid jug at least 3 times (60 oz.)
    E- Complete my "8 pieces of brocade" (fundamental Tai Chi stretches that work the entire body and should be done daily for optimal effect). And do Tai Chi forms for 30 minutes (really good leg workout if you hold low postures).
    E- Plan my meals for the next week. Follow week one of P2.
    D-oh-oh forgot what the D is for I'll have to go back to the first post and commit this to memory.

    The D is hard. I'm having a tough day today after a not so good weekend at work. I guess my goal for today is to just be kind to myself and not dwell on what is behind me. I will work on finding my Umph.
  • Hey i got an extra half day off with pay for my efforts on friday. This makes my paid time off days to 20. I'm taking a week off Aug 11-15 but i'm not making any major plans for holiday leave since the rest of my coworkers scheduled it all off a year plus in advance. So that means by the time January comes around (end of january when school is done) I'll have another 9 days off to use. I'm all about vacation when school is done, and I'd like to be in better shape by then. I'd like to be in better shape now, my clothes make me look awful, but it's all i've got for now. i don't need to go buy clothes that aren't gonna fit me after a month because they're too big. I just gotta put my butt in gear for my other clothes that don't fit cuz I'm too big.
  • Hi everyone Well work was lousy today, but at least I have tommorrow off! I am completely and utterly exhausted. I barely stayed awake for the 20 minute drive home. Now I am cooking dinner, then shower and to bed. DH wants me to stay up til 8 but he isnt getting that, not tonight.

    Welcome to the group Barb!

    Luna 5 pounds in a month is really good! Weekends are tough for me too.

    HolyT~ I am glad you were rewarded! At least your responsibility didn't go unnoticed.

    Mindy congrats for getting to 212! Great job on the jogging!!!

    Nixie~ I hate those insecure moments. I have them every once in a while too. and I am definately not an insecure woman. Never have been. I cant wait til I get to Dland! A month tomorrow till I go DH and I have so much planned and so little time. (I am worried about missing my kids too much though, I have never spent a night without Tommy.)

    Time for Dinner and bed.
  • Thanks for the nice welcome. I/we managed to get to the gym this morning, he biked and I ran, oh how I hate running! Actually I love running when its OVER. I ran 3 miles this morning and had salad for lunch with only half the dressing. For me this is huge as I hate veggies and the taste of lettuce, but I did it and I even gave half the salad to hubby as I was full and pushed the plate away, yeah me! I work midnights so I finally got to bed at 2:30pm, I actually fell asleep at 4pm. I got to work at 10 pm, had dinner, a 3 inch sub (turkey mustard and lettuce) at 11pm. Not bad for my first day back at it.
    WEED for today....
    W-64 and counting
    E- ran 3 miles and abs
    E-WW points, 24 allowed...17 consumed
    D- One foot in front of the other gets you there every time.

    Weed for the week 7/21-7/27
    W-72+ everyday
    E-run 3 miles Mon/tues/Thurs/Fri/Sat,
    weights Wed/Fri/Sun
    E-WW 24 points
    D- Live for today as tomorrow is not guaranteed

  • Happy o'dark thirty everyone.

    Knitt - welcome aboard!

    Lili - good girl sticking with the run! I hate it too. My knees hate me for doing it. Therefore, I haven't in a looooong time. Gotta get back to it myself.

    Mtiger - 240 is no fun to feed. But he's 6'4" so he can reach the fridge himself

    Jcat - thanks for the . I can't ya how much I need one. Things blew up last night. There were harsh words. Something I haven't had to deal with in 9 years. Not sure where I stand and trying to not over react are both at me right now. Just a rough life moment. Guess it all cant be sweetness and light , huh?

    HolyT - I knew you would see some reward. I just knew it! Fooey on those what are you doing here people. They will be the same ones who gripe when you take your well earned time off. Let them eat cake!

    Made a white turkey bean chili from a recipe off the internet last night - trying to be a good girlfriend in the mist of emotional chaos. It was laughable at best. I was not born with the cooking gene. My mom gave that one to my sister. But it kept me from eating a boat load of it. So... in a way the crappy chili was the bright spot of my night.

    Weed today - same as yesterday. Need to do better on the Wawa though!

    Have a good day girls.
  • Last night was not good for me, and i turned to food to try and make it better. As usual it didn't work. Today my eyes are all nice and swollen from spending half the night crying. I got to bed, DH got up and went to watch tv and stayed there. Not the best night for me.

    ok i gotta find something to eat this morning for lunch. I'll try to post again later on from the office.
  • AHHHH, My Beloved WEED'ies!!!

    Soooo good to find you all here still WEED'ing along . . . and there's new WEED'ers too!

    My PC got infected with something called "Anti-Virus 2009" . . . . . . but all is well now tx to my Big Bro late Sunday nite . . . I'm up early and somewhat incoherent - still on O.T. 2nd shift . . . just couldn't wait to say hi and catch up, I think!

    I'll be back after more reading & mooooorrreee cofffeee!
  • Hi ladies, HolyT and Nixie sorry about your troubles I wish I could say something to make it all better.

    Lili~I started running in May, I am amazed at how it has shaped my body. I work 4am~4pm I work six days and have one off one week, Then I have 6 off with one on the next. So I try to make sure I run on my days off. Weekends are tough for me though.


    I got up and went to the gym. ran my 5k in 39:05 best time yet. I also spent 25 on the elliptical. Well I guess my body is ready to give up some of its pounds. I was down today to the 152 I saw yesterday I guess I found something that my body likes. After having a plateau that lasted for what a year (well losing a pound here and there, then gaining it back) Its weird that I am posting a loss of 3 pounds this week. Weird.

    Todays WEED
    W 64 oz
    E 45 minutes treadmill/25 minutes elliptical/ abs are in my future.
    E 1200 planned calories
    D eat only what I plan (so hard on my days off) housework, take the kids to the park (maybe we will walk)

    AUD!! Glad to see you, you posted at the same time as me! Cant wait to catch up!
  • Good afternoon, off to a good start today. Thanks for the welcome Nixmom.

    Todays WEEDS:
    W- 1/3 of my 60 oz goal-done
    E- 1 hour tai chi class-done
    E- P2 1 carb serving/day-on track
    D- Heading into work for 3p, I am not going to let myself get sucked up into the negativity or hold on to those things I have no control over. I will not let the stress lead me to binge eating, it won't help anything and will only make me feel worse in the end. I will maintain my UMPH!!

    Have a few things to get done before I head in, just wanted to pop in, say hello and post my Weeds Have a great OP day everyone!