300+ Weekly Thread #1165

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  • We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

    We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

    Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.

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  • Battle-Thanks for the kind words and my head knows this....my emotions are still trying to catch up with my brain.

    Luan-Sounds like a lot of fun!

    Penny-GREAT JOB!!! On the weight loss!!!

    Tricia-Thanks for the info on contacts....yeah I just saw a commercial for bausch & laum having bifocal contacts......I know right now I can only wear Toric contacts due to astigmatism.....but maybe when I go in today I can find a different one!! I will definitely have to tell my son about 1800contacts because he is officially too old for my insurance after this year......I am having him get 1yrs worth of contacts and a new pair of glasses so he is covered for awhile....but after that seems he should use that way of getting his contacts! Thanks!

    JuliaH-I want some strawberry jam!!! LOL good job on making it!!! I made raspberry jam once......wasn’t SF but was good......and it was gone really quickly! LOL

    Anne-Glad to see you!!! I know what you mean about TBL!!! I have posted my weights only........not going to get over my head in the extras.....but since I’ve been not losing each week feel kinda self concious about my even being in it! Took a freebie week last week with my weight gain.....and will be taking another freebie this week.........if I have to do that again I will drop out as well.....I am hoping I don’t have to do that.....

    Julee-Glad you had a great time in Sacramento.....I grew up in CA and never made it there.....Hope your visit with your mom is twofold! Fun visiting and exercise while you two go shopping and walking together!!!

    Annie-food wise I am watching what I eat till I over eat what I wanted to! LOL I have increased my vegies which makes me feel fuller faster.........as far as water I haven’t drank even my “normal” amount.........Today is a new day though! Glad you had a good time at the theme park even though you didn’t feel good.....DH wants to take youngest DD to the one close to here next month! I went a few years back and wasn’t even at my heaviest and on some of the rides I was STUFFED in them........I never was too big for them....but I’m afraid I might be now! We will wait and see.

    So today is my "NEW" day!!!! I weighed in and didn't lose but didn't gain either!!! so I feel good about that!

    my goals for this week are....
    1. drink more water
    2. eat more vegies than meat on each plate
    3. exercise of some sort every day!
    4. track everything I eat & all exercise

    back to the basics!
  • Good morning all,

    It's not gray or rainy - hooray. That doesn't sound like a big deal but it seems like we're having a overall yucky summer. It's either hot and raining or cool and dry. So it is a little cool this morning, but at least the sun is shining a little bit. I've generally switched off my weight training to the mornings now so I can do a little work in the garden in the afternoons (weather permitting).

    Annie - sounds like you had a good day at the theme park. I really can't remember the last time I've been to one. I suspect it was in my teens though. Good luck with the interview on Thursday.

    Bernice - filling up on veggies is good, but don't skimp on that protein too much. It should keep you from being hungry. The one thing I've dropped almost entirely from my evening meals is potato/rice/pasta. I'll have them maybe once or twice a week (depends on the menu) and even then a small amount. Both the Canadian and American food guide put potatoes and sweet potatoes in the veggie column but I really think they belong with the rice and pasta.

    Anyway, that's me for the moment. I'm off to do a few things before I get the weights out. Hope everyone is having a good Monday morning.
  • In my time of stress this morning (saw a cat get hit by a car... not my cup of tea... was nausiated and cried for two hours) I wanted so badly just to grab a ciggarette (quit for 2 years now) or to get some kind of sugar laden food and just down it, but I didn't. My fiance talked to me for a little while I was still driving... It calmed me down but by the time I got to work I was still an emotional wreck. So far this morning I have only had my protein shake and my fiber lemonade, and I intend to keep it that way.

    < /stress >
  • Naytally - So sorry you had such a disturbing start to your day. I'm an animal lover since childhood and can well understand the stress of having to see such a horrible thing happen. I'm so proud of you for handling the stress and remembering your goal. I usually short-circuit and segway straight to something totally off limits. Try to relax and take a few deep breaths to help clear your mind. I'm learning that this really does help to recenter myself.
  • Hi

    we have a beautiful day here in KY. Its only suppost to hit 80 today. I spent a while this morning in the garden. Squash is growing fast and needs picking daily. I will be having to share with the neighborhood by the end of the week at this rate.I love it and eat it daily but you can only eat so much.No real room to freeze much.
    My youngest just had a friend she graduated with get killed in a car wreck on sat please pray for the family of this young boy. HE was the 1st in her class to die. Its unusual to make it thru high school with everyone still alive in our area. Seems like a wreck takes someone every year.

    dmpls_ glad to see your back at it in full force. Eating veggies will be pretty easy right now with all the fresh ones . I increasaed my water 2 weeks ago up to a gallon a day and I sure love it. It really keeps me full.

    anne- enjoy your day in the garden..and weight training.I have laid off the weights for the summer months but will start back up in the fall.

    mimz-natally- glad you are getting stronger and not turning to food. Its a big accomplishment. sorry you had to witness something so horrible!

    annie_ hope your feeling better today.

    julees _ glad you had a good trip.

    julia_ the jam sounds wonderful!!

  • G'afternoon all,

    The water sprite didn't entirely leave this weekend and I woke up to my potty continually flushing itself (no, my house isn't haunted.. hehe). The ball that floats detached itself and was floating free in the tank. Just another run to Home Depot. All is fixed.

    My parents are coming to visit over July 4th weekend. My house isn't NEAR ready. I wish I could kidnap Annie (btw, I hope you are feeling better) cuz it sounds like she keeps her house ship shape

    Hugs and luv to all!
  • Annie, thanks for telling me about your goal weight. I set mine at 200 because I can actually remember when I was around that weight and felt pretty good. So I'm shooting for that to see how I look and feel and like you, the skin issues, and take it from there. I know I'll want to lose more, but for now, it's just something that I feel is doable for me right now. I'm almost afraid of the 100's
    Hope you feel better soon. The water park sounds like so much fun, but I'm too self concious about my legs so I don't wear shorts except in the house. I carry most of my weight in my hips and legs. One of my legs is even bigger than the other right above the knee, it's like a flap of fat.
    Good luck on your interview. I'm sending waves of good vibes over the mountains to you!

    Penny, 5lb loss!!!! That's really good! Keep it up.

    Battleax, good to see ya!!

    Anne, good to see you too!

    Bernice, try to hang in there on the BLC. I quit and now I sorta regret it. I'm so glad to hear that you've gotten yourself back on track and have set a goal for yourself for the week. I know you can do it!

    Naytally, oooooo so sorry you had to see that. It certainly would of ruined my morning too. Try to get involved in something to occupy your mind and hopefully the vision of that will fade away. Great NSV though with not going overboard on food!

    Debi, that's so great that soon you can share your bounty from the garden. Mine is growing so sloooow. I need to get out there and weed it! I think mine just seems slow because I only got it in the ground over a month ago. It was a late planting this year due to all the rain. I put slug poison around it and I think that is even keeping the bunnies out of there.

    Ratkity, You can't take Annie, I need her here !!

    We went out to weedeat a couple of nights ago, I got eaten alive my mosquitoes. And they bites are all in places I can't reach!! So I'm one itchy lady. Today or tomorrow we are having another load of gravel coming in for the road. All the weeds grow up thru it and it looks awful, so Mom sprayed the road with weedkiller and now we'll just cover them. Hopefully they will stay dead. We also want to get the deck powerwashed and then painted this weekend. All this sprucing up but it sure looks so much better when it's done. I started cleaning the mini blinds too which makes a big improvement. I love it when the house and yards look nice.
    Hope everyone is having a great day. Keep staying OP, drinking that water, and moving those bods!
  • Bernice: Great job on not gaining. You are right, today is a brand new day and you can do better then you did yesterday even a tiny bit and each day do a bit better than the day before. I think your goals are great!

    Anne: I'm glad it is a nice day weather wise. I hope you are able to enjoy it and swim or do something outdoors that you enjoy.

    Nayt: So sorry that you saw a kitty get killed. I know that is such an awful feeling when you are an animal lover. I adore animals and hate to see them die or laying on the road. Hugs to you. Good job not going to smoke or eat something you shouldn't have. You have such a wonderful reason to want to get healthy , getting married next year. Just think of that everytime you want to do anything damaging to your body. Hugs.

    Debi: So sorry about your daughter's friend. I will pray for the family. So sad.

    Rat: LOL. I have a touch of OCD. Seriously. My sisters make fun of me for my cupboards and stuff. They call me "sleeping with the enemy" although I don't think I am that bad. lol. I for sure wouldn't hurt someone for not putting things back where they go. I do have to keep things straight in the cupboards and occasionally I go and pull everything out of the pantry to wipe it down in there and reorganize it. lol. Luckily my DH is pretty used to it and keeps things clean too. I have to say though, if you came into my house today there is enough dog hair floating around the hardwood floors to build a puppy. My dogs are both 1/2 lab and 1/2 golden retrievers and they are shedding like crazy plus they just had a bath on Saturday which loosened up the hair. lol. I need to get the vacuum out and brush the heck out of them. Hope you have fun with your parents.

    Debbie: I thought I would be so uncomfortable showing my arms especially. My shorts when almost to my knees so that was okay but my arms really look awful if I lift them up at all. I just tried to focus on that fact that I deserve to have fun too. I deserve to be there just as much as some of them. So, I was okay and always enjoy the water. I want to do my deck like that too and paint it. My dogs are sliding on it a lot because the paint is kind of warn away. lol.

    Well, I am so excited guys. I weighed this morning for the "Biggest Winner" Challenge and low and behold, I am down to 255! I have lost 1/2 of my fomer self exactly. 50% of me is gone forever! I can barely fathom that I have lost 255 pounds. I think I am so excited because once I get out of the 250's I will be closer finally to the 100's than the 300's.

    Thanks for all of your support and pushes along the way.

    Blessings all,
  • Thank you to everyone for your support... It means a lot to me. I have been finding things to get it out of my mind, and right now I'm planning out my menu for the week (which can be tedious because I have to have exact ammounts of fiber/protein, haha)

    I appreciate all of the support!
  • Annie -- 1/2 of you GONE!!!!!!! How awesome is THAT!!!!!!
  • Good afternoon all,

    Just sneaking a few minutes before lunch to drop in and catch up on the morning's posts. It's actually a sunny day here today (although not too hot) so I'm going to spend most of it outside after I'd had my lunch.

    Naytally - I'd probably have a huge problem with what you saw this morning. It's great that you didn't turn to food or cigarettes to deal with your emotions. This is something I've never really done (emotional eating) however, I do know that if that's a problem for you it has to be dealt with. Life always throws things at us, so congrats on finding a better way of dealing with it. Oh, and on the planning, it's sitting down each night and planning what I'm going to eat the next day that I believe is the biggest part of my success.

    Debi - you're just a couple of weeks ahead of us I think. We'll see how long the zucchini takes to grow to picking size. I picked a fair number of cherries on Sunday, mainly to keep them from the birds and squirrels. I was going to leave them for another week until I found two squirrels trying to break off one of the branches over the weekend. I'm sorry for your daughter's loss. I know even when I was in school we had a few deaths (although nobody I was close to). I suspect it's because as teenagers we think we're invincible.

    Ratkitten - I'm not a housework person myself. In fact, I really quite hate it. I can ignore dust.

    Debbie - funny how we all forget about the mosquitos and bugs when we're longing for summer, isn't it? Sounds like you have lots of projects though keeping you busy.

    Annie - wow, that's an amazing milestone. And just think, having lost 255 pounds you have such a small amount to go!

    Well ladies, it's almost 2pm so I should go off and make my lunch. Then there's my chores and such to do. Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • Anne - love your new avatar - what a difference.

    Annie - another milestone - I'm so proud of you.

    Hugs to all,
  • Carol - thanks - it's the only place I really see much of a change. I added it to my blog's picture page and I do see the changes. I finally see a little bit of change on the body shots (not posted) but mainly from the highest weight shots I took (368), not from the ones I took at 322 or even 300. I know that they are there, I just don't see them.
  • Hi all!

    Annie~Not sure about hot tamales, but I know you can fry an egg on the sidewalk. You can also fry bugs with a magnifying glass! (lol..don't do either one of those anymore, but it is possible! ) The themepark sounds like a blast..I love that kind of stuff! And the dog hair...lol...I used to actually vacuum my German Shepherd...just skipped the brushing altogether..lol!

    Julia~Sounds sooo yummy! I loooove strawberry-rhubarb pie, but it's pretty hard to find here! YUM!

    Bernice~Glad to help...and by the way, I'm going back to basics with you! So, let's get movin'!

    Naytally~So sad for kitty...glad you hung on!

    Debi~Prayers for the boys' family. Very sad. My 1st experience was in the 1st grade-Tom Fite got hit by a car right in front of the fire station. (I can't believe I still remember his name..wow) Then, we had at least one practically every yr from 6th to 12th grade. It never got any easier. Prayers for the kids too...having to deal with death and loss.

    Debbie~Hey, I have one leg bigger too...my left leg. I thought I was the only one! I don't remember it being so prominent when I was younger, so I think mine is cuz of a sprain like 12 yrs ago...you know, those suckers never get any better...almost better off breaking the darn thing!! lol

    Anne~I hate to dust too! Especially since it's usually back the next day..lol! I too just ignore it and hope it goes away on its own (he he)!

    Ratkity~Don't like to dust, but I do vacuum...

    Well, had salad for breakfast...it was almost 11am. Got a late start today. Going to ride the bike now. Have a great day all!
    Take care