Six months of maintaining my *ultimate* goal!

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  • Back in 2007, I lost 40 pounds. (My before and after pictures are located in my sig, if you haven't seen them already/want to see what I looked like when I was fat.) However, I reached my ultimate goal of 125 pounds in January 2008. While my double chin may be gone, I'm sure that to some extent, it's been replaced with a different form of thick-headedness

    I've been asked countless times for advice on maintaining, so here it goes, to the best of my abilities:
    As everyone knows, maintaining is a struggle every day, just like losing. Making health and body-conscious choices in a world full of junk food, obesity, and misinformed people is a challenge, but I'd rather put myself to the test forever than be fat again. I've fallen off plan countless times, and then I tell myself that for some people, maintaining a healthy weight (and keeping a "nice" body ) is just like anything else you really want in life: you work hard for it, perservere through every curve thrown at you, and don't give up just because you mess up... we mess up at things like work and school all the time, but we don't lie in bed all day because of it --these thoughts, of course, are meant to be words of encouragement, NOT words laced with disgruntled undertones and I hope they will be interpreted as such.

    My biggest goal right now is to have an action hero chick type body. I'm 17.5% body fat with a goal of 16% and I eventually want to have nice abs, though the loose skin I now have from losing 50 pounds sort of discourages me. I still keep trying, though, and maybe one day I'll get it.

    Check out my guns:

    And here is the progress on my abs:

  • Hey Shane!

    You look so beautiful. Pretty fierce "guns" and abs. I have to tell you that only one time in my life did I have 17 % body fat (that I know of), and it was when I was a senior in high school and in VERY good shape from both swimming and being an avid varsity field hockey player. My body fat was tested at a college hockey camp. You are in great shape and way to go on maintaining.

    How's your business going? Life? Good to "see" you back at 3FC!
  • You look fabulous!!
  • You look great keep up the good work!
  • Shane! Toooooo HOT!!! Yow! You keep on going, girl, and you know you'll get there. Wow, great number for body fat %!

  • The action hero abs will happen in no time, I am sure of that (by the way, that's my secret dream as well - but as far as body goes, well, let's just say that's a long and curvy road ahead of me).
    You look very happy, and BTW, your haircut ROCKS!
  • you look great
  • Looking fab!
  • Wonderful, you look GREAT!
  • Hey Nite,
    You look Fricken FANTASTIC, capital F! Maintenance certainly is working for us. Nice to see your smile in a pic too, oh happy days we are both maintainers now and holding our own. Your action figure physique "supershane" will be in your near future I am certain! Rock on chickie, rock on.... ~Wendalyn
  • Thanks Nightengaleshane
    I was wondering how you were doing and what you've been up to. I can see now what it was.

    You look great. You look good. And, you did.

    We're so proud of you! I just love this new hairdo of yours.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Wow! Way to go!!
  • I'm glad everyone loves my hair - I'm rather absorbed with it myself

    Claire - the web business is going... well... eeeh, let's just say I am also thankful for my dayjob! Dang recession! BUT I am a certified personal trainer now. I freelance at the YMCA and have two separate clients. I'm finishing up an eBook and then will advertise further. Life is going pretty well... I can't really complain right now; I'm content. And thank you for saying I look beautiful

    Tomato - I bet you are further along than you think... and anyway, you have to start somewhere. Look at my "before" pictures; I was FAR from looking like an action hero once (heck, I was FAR from looking the way I do NOW, let alone my ideal body!)

    Tyler Durden - I have always meant to tell you that I love your avatar and caption. It cracks me up every time... especially since I LOVE Fight Club and can almost quote it word for word.

    Wendalyn - you should one day post pictures of yourself since you've maintained your loss for a year... I bet you look amazing, too.

    pamatga - awww...compliments in bold... well... thank you
  • WOWZER!!! You're looking smokin'. FIRE HOT!!!

    Great job Shane. Really. You're just doing amazingly well and I'm so incredibly proud of you. I think you are phenomenal for taking charge of your health/weight at such a young age. Keep up the great work. I know for sure that you will, though. For sure.
  • I am a sort of conservative senior citizen, but I have to say that I really like your "look". Very striking, very interesting. I would like to get my hair done like that. My DH would probably have heart failure.

    Big congratulations on having the sense to get a grip at such a young age, and even more congratulations on your maintenance!!!